Giorno's dubbed voice is growing on me, but them cutting out the "I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream" line is unforgivable
Is there any chance we'll get to see any updated visuals from other parts in the OVA about Rohan? Looking at the publishing dates for the manga it was in circulation during part 5 up til 8.
To the manga right? Thoughts
I'm assuming that there's some blood relation between both halves of Gappy (Kira and Josefumi considering they both have the birthmark), I'm waiting for Karera's eventual return to add more layers to this Gappy-Yasuho-Tooru love triangle, and this kid Tsurugi....gotta keep an eye on that one...
Saw #StoneOceanAnime trending on Twitter and thought there was an announcement already
Saw #StoneOceanAnime trending on Twitter and thought there was an announcement already
Went on a retweet spree.
Saw #StoneOceanAnime trending on Twitter and thought there was an announcement already
The one who translated mentioned that it has some mistranslation as english is her second language so don’t take everything as facts.
The one who translated mentioned that it has some mistranslation as english is her second language so don’t take everything as facts.
Yea, I saw that when I was trying to figure out why it was trending