I like how in Part 7 they say Dio has terrible eyesight which is why he was sniffing around all over the place, but he can see across a cliff and pick out the non moving stand holding the eyeballs perfectly fine lol
I like how in Part 7 they say Dio has terrible eyesight which is why he was sniffing around all over the place, but he can see across a cliff and pick out the non moving stand holding the eyeballs perfectly fine lol
Never noticed that
I couldnt get through part 1 bro
Maybe just not for me
part 1 is considered one of the worst ones. not bad but a little generic is all. maybe give Stardust Crusaders a try?
Finished Pt 5. I don't know how to feel about it. It felt like it was everywhere
Finished Pt 5. I don't know how to feel about it. It felt like it was everywhere
Stone Oceannnnn
Finished Pt 5. I don't know how to feel about it. It felt like it was everywhere
it’s probably my least favorite but still dope as f*** imo
how do y’all rank the 5 animated acts? imo
1. Diamond is Unbreakable
2. Stardust Crusaders
3. Phantom Blood
4. Battle Tendency
5. Golden Wind
just started reading Stone Ocean, should be sick when they finally get around to animating it
Just came to post, disco ballad with another classic
Another incredible chapter of Jojolion even if I dont like what happens in it :cryfam: , pretty sure Yasuho was the one in the body bag Tsurugi was dragging in the flash forward too :tears: please have mercy Araki