  • Dec 22, 2022
    shin thread jpeg

    fr lol especially with Bohemian Rhapsody. one moment, youre chilling and then suddenly a painting of Saturn shows up saying "Hey, son, remember me?". hell, if the user was actually smart, he could thought up a "story" on the spot with a hero that killed Pucci's enemies and it wouldve worked

    Man pulled up with Van Gogh incredibly effective stand if used right.

  • Dec 22, 2022

    Jojolion’s ending beyond just being a pile of arse, it also makes 90% of the build up absolutely worthless

    Jobin shouldve been the main villain

    this would’ve been much, much worse than what we got but go off

  • Dec 22, 2022
    1 reply

    f***ing Jobin dude wasn’t handled like a main villain at all and has nothing that would make him a good main villain lmfao

  • Dec 24, 2022

    f***ing Jobin dude wasn’t handled like a main villain at all and has nothing that would make him a good main villain lmfao

    What was the purpose Jobin?

  • Dec 24, 2022

    If not as main villain

  • Dec 24, 2022
    HURRY UP sab

    you should update that list in OP with Stone Ocean tho

    You are right but I am lazy

  • Dec 24, 2022

    I agree with what you guys said about JoJolions ending. Which is f***ing sad cause the entire part was really good untill the last arcs

    Also the lack of use of the family members.... Wasted

  • Dec 29, 2022

    Listen closely, my stand. In order to turn them inside out, you must only hit them one time. I'll say it again: only hit them one time. Don't waste time targeting places like her arms or legs--only deal one punch, without exception.

  • Dec 31, 2022
    1 reply

    Palm trees? The Graphic design aesthetic


    Ngl this giving me oceans movies type of vibe.

    A HEIST?

  • JoJo Rabbit
    Watiti influenced

  • Jan 1, 2023

    Palm trees? The Graphic design aesthetic


    Ngl this giving me oceans movies type of vibe.

    A HEIST?

    If thats the main character

    Dude is fabulous

  • Jan 1, 2023

    I hope we see two JoJos though

    Need a girl

  • Jan 7, 2023

    Bohemian Rhapsody is my least favorite Part 6 stand and episode

    Invincible stand that makes no sense. I'm watching the Part 2 episode now, all I want it to do is end. Only positive part is the Van Goh guy

    Even how they beat the stand was ass as f*** and made no sense

    Definitely think there was too many invincible stands in Part 6 (Bohemian Rhapsody, Jailhouse Lock, Heavy Weather... Made in Heaven). While Jojo's stand explanations are usually cool, a lot of the time they weren't in Part 6. Like the subliminal messaging explanation of Heavy Weather's snail ability. S*** was ass...

  • Jan 11, 2023
  • Part 7: “This story is the tale of me starting to walk.”

    Part 8: “This story is about breaking a curse…”

    Part 9: “This is the story of a boy who, in the subtropical islands, comes into a great wealth..."

  • Jan 12, 2023

    Only 37 days till the first chapter?

  • Jan 12, 2023

    Looks like tropical Giorno lol

  • Jan 12, 2023

    Formed a crackpot theory while falling asleep that the new jojo is Joseph’s illegitimate son and also the father of josefumi kujo named after his grandpa

  • Jan 21, 2023

    picked sbr back up and just read through the tusk arc. it's definitely picking up but i'm still mixed on it. i absolutely love gyro, such an amazing character design and it might be my favorite design out all the jojo parts i've read/watched so far. i'm a little confused on his backstory though. so his reason for entering the race is to win it in hopes that the king will basically give him whatever he wants and he'll request an amnesty for marco? i'm pretty sure in earlier chapters it was said that the prize money was needed for marco to get a retrial though? is this a case of araki forgot or ? i'm sure it will be expanded upon more later though, so no spoilers pls

    johnny is ok, i'm interested in seeing how he develops now that he has his stand. not a whole lot to say about him rn honestly. i'm super excited to see more of dio cause i also love his redesign.

    as far as the story goes, i really like the way araki went much deeper into the mystery aspect of jojo. it feels like its much harder for both the reader and the characters to get a grasp on whats happening and even when you do, it's not all of it. but i also feel like its a bit of a detriment to the story cause sometimes i just don't understand what i'm reading and i need to reread the previous few pages a couple times to get a grasp on things and that kinda ends up hurting the pacing.

    one of my favorite choices araki made is how stands are being handled so far. now they seem to be more passive abilities rather than actual physical beings that need to be called upon by the user to do something. i really like how we just get glimpses of peoples stands just for a panel or two before they disappear. the stands seem to just be there to aid the user instead of fighting for the user and the designs of stands have added to that mysterious/creepy feeling the story has had so far. it's an awesome way to keep the same power system but refresh it and build upon it.

  • Jan 21, 2023

    johnny joestar vs wired, 1890, colorized

  • Jan 21, 2023
    2 replies

    I wanna get a JJBA inspired tattoo on my arm. Like I want my face drawn in JJBA style, with a Stand coming out behind me or mixed in with my face somehow

  • Jan 21, 2023
    Mr Motion

    I wanna get a JJBA inspired tattoo on my arm. Like I want my face drawn in JJBA style, with a Stand coming out behind me or mixed in with my face somehow


    Need to see a drawing

  • Jan 21, 2023
    1 reply

    got dude blocked already but that’s the worst idea for a tattoo I’ve ever seen ngl, hope he gets it

  • Jan 21, 2023

    got dude blocked already but that’s the worst idea for a tattoo I’ve ever seen ngl, hope he gets it

    Why do you always have to make sure everyone knows you got half of KTT blocked. Keep that negativity out of this GOATed thread man

  • Jan 21, 2023

    still need to start part 6 anime and finish part 9 manga
