  • hey y'all,

    i'm making this thread just to
    get some outside opinions

    i just moved to LA but while i was making the move i had the opportunity to apply for a role in Portland that would include occasional travel to Seattle and Oakland

    i didn't end up getting it and i'm not upset because i have some cool things going in LA

    but i truly am not sure how they could have picked anybody over me after the conversation we had

    thankfully, they relayed exactly why they didn't

    and i certainly understand their reasoning

    i just don't feel like it's the right mindset for the role

    if you get some time

    poke around their website
    and get a vibe of what they are about

    i applied for this role:

    (Community Recruiter)

    and this is the response i received:

    Hi Philo,
    My sincere apologies for our lack of response. We've decided to move forward with another candidate.
    I know the interview process can be grueling, so just a few thoughts on our end that might be helpful for you along the way:
    It would have been great to hear more tangible, grounded specifics of your past work history. You kept it so high level that what we got from you was more personal philosophy, and less evidence of what your background is and what kinds of skills and aptitudes you can demonstrate through explaining the mundane details of past work. You essentially didn't answer our questions directly but chose your own path and spoke about something else.
    We know you're still early in your career, so if you don't have a ton of work history, that's ok- you don't need to gloss over it or go abstract- you can just share the plain facts of what you've done in the past so that employers can tell that your head is in the game and that you're grounded in the realities and details of day-to-day work.

    Obviously take or leave any of that feedback, but just wanted to offer some insight as to why we won't be moving the conversation forward.
    We think you're an awesome person and very insightful and creative and I definitely remember how it was being early on in my career so doing you!


    like i said, it's not like their points aren't sound

    i just feel like

    if i'm able to break down my
    philosophy on why i'm the right fit

    combined with my experience

    how does speaking about the
    mundane "tell me about a time when s***"

    help you understand if i'm the right guy?

    here are some excerpts from my resume:

    Sales Consultant

    Million Dollar Club — I was the first salesman in my location’s history to record one million
    dollars in sales in one year.

    Lead Program — I earned a spot in the leadership development program.

    Onboarding Think Tank — I created the chapter structure for the sales onboarding handbook.

    Stretch & Flex Program — I led the team that rolled out the stretching program to our corporate

    Reputation Management — The Executives and the Customer Experience Manager planned to
    partner with a reputation management company. I researched the options and provided the
    best solutions based on our needs. Once we signed the contract with the company, I took the
    lead in training our call center representatives.

    Most Inspiring — I would use my down time to craft emails to share amongst my team. I would
    often cover stress management, the importance of keeping the customer experience in front of
    our minds, and any other points that I felt would elevate and inspire the team to be at our best. I
    observed a measurable impact with my emails / articles, and I quickly became known as the
    store’s philosopher!

    like fam

    what they on?

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    they wanted metrics

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    they wanted metrics

    i told them a story about me selling a million dollars in one year after meeting the CEO of the company on my first day

    i'd say that's a good metric

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    i told them a story about me selling a million dollars in one year after meeting the CEO of the company on my first day

    i'd say that's a good metric

    thats a story not metrics tho

  • Apr 12, 2021
    2 replies

    thats a story not metrics tho

    but you don't get the
    result without metrics

    i explained how i did it

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    i had to hit 700 dollars per hour

    and sell 20,000 a week to do that

    i said that specifically

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    but you don't get the
    result without metrics

    i explained how i did it

    huh? even then thats only one thing

    its p obvious they wanted more metrics and a more tangible idea of what you do day to day

    maybe a list of skills like some resumes sometimes have would have helped too

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    i had to hit 700 dollars per hour

    and sell 20,000 a week to do that

    i said that specifically

    i mean it sounds like you get results and do a good job of selling yourself

    But you might want to practice framing that in more of a a***ytics/tangible numbers way vs a story since some jobs might want tht

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    huh? even then thats only one thing

    its p obvious they wanted more metrics and a more tangible idea of what you do day to day

    maybe a list of skills like some resumes sometimes have would have helped too

    i know that's what they wanted

    my question is why

    i don't feel like that's what's important for the role

    and that isn't the vibe i got in the interview either because that's what i was focusing on at first

    my tone was extremely professional

    and they were like

    we wanna know you as a person because this role is about connecting people

    so i focused on telling them stories about what i've done because if you can tell a story that means you understand

  • Apr 12, 2021

    i mean it sounds like you get results and do a good job of selling yourself

    But you might want to practice framing that in more of a a***ytics/tangible numbers way vs a story since some jobs might want tht

    i get that

    i guess i just misread the room

  • Apr 12, 2021
    2 replies

    they wanted to hear that you can do the boring admin day to day s*** that life and work entails

    having a vision is great but you gotta remember a lot of these places believe their vision is already set. They’re hiring for people to fulfill their vision not to come in with their own vision. By all means it’s a great skill to have but they wanna know that you’re gonna do the boring s*** for them first and foremost

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    i know that's what they wanted

    my question is why

    i don't feel like that's what's important for the role

    and that isn't the vibe i got in the interview either because that's what i was focusing on at first

    my tone was extremely professional

    and they were like

    we wanna know you as a person because this role is about connecting people

    so i focused on telling them stories about what i've done because if you can tell a story that means you understand

    ya that’s frustrating

    i mean obviously they thought it was important.

    I wouldn’t get to down on it tho, you seem like a pretty bright guy 😌

    best of luck with your job search 🤝

  • Apr 12, 2021

    ya that’s frustrating

    i mean obviously they thought it was important.

    I wouldn’t get to down on it tho, you seem like a pretty bright guy 😌

    best of luck with your job search 🤝

    appreciate your insight

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    but you don't get the
    result without metrics

    i explained how i did it

    my guy are you dumb?

    they want to know how you used your skills to make those successes to make those targets

    they wanted to know how you used your skills to get out of a terrible situation at work; they want you to be able to connect this with how you would work in their company

  • Apr 12, 2021

    they wanted to hear that you can do the boring admin day to day s*** that life and work entails

    having a vision is great but you gotta remember a lot of these places believe their vision is already set. They’re hiring for people to fulfill their vision not to come in with their own vision. By all means it’s a great skill to have but they wanna know that you’re gonna do the boring s*** for them first and foremost

  • Apr 12, 2021
    2 replies

    When God allows someone to close the door on you, it's because He wants you to walk down the hall and discover that there's another door that will take you somewhere far better than you could've anticipated

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    they wanted to hear that you can do the boring admin day to day s*** that life and work entails

    having a vision is great but you gotta remember a lot of these places believe their vision is already set. They’re hiring for people to fulfill their vision not to come in with their own vision. By all means it’s a great skill to have but they wanna know that you’re gonna do the boring s*** for them first and foremost

    but isn't that obvious

  • Apr 12, 2021
    2 replies

    boss’s nephew got the job sorry bro

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah man im tryna get a job too it really is hard out there

  • Apr 12, 2021

    why wouldn't i do that stuff

  • Apr 12, 2021

    When God allows someone to close the door on you, it's because He wants you to walk down the hall and discover that there's another door that will take you somewhere far better than you could've anticipated

    for sure

    it happened for a reason

    i just am curious about other people's experiences in the workforce

    so i shared my story in this instance

  • Apr 12, 2021
    2 replies

    they did the most with that email. They should have said your lack of experience kept you from getting the job and kept it moving

  • Apr 12, 2021

    boss’s nephew got the job sorry bro

  • Apr 12, 2021

    boss’s nephew got the job sorry bro

  • Apr 12, 2021
    3 replies

    my guy are you dumb?

    they want to know how you used your skills to make those successes to make those targets

    they wanted to know how you used your skills to get out of a terrible situation at work; they want you to be able to connect this with how you would work in their company

    my point is

    if i give you clear examples
    and stories of things i've done

    and what i believe

    how does that not achieve the same goal

    i have my metrics and results listed on my resume

    i work in sales

    i know how to sell myself

    but that wasn't what this role was about

    did you read the job description?

    i'm not saying the boring day to day stuff isn't important

    but fam

    i'm grown

    if you can't tell that i'm a good employee just based on what i am even talking about

    idk what to tell you

    that's just how i feel

    and i thought they understood that