  • the jessica biel interludes are ridiculous

  • Jan 9, 2024

    I'm gonna tell y'all that Sanctified beat is brazyyy. Song isn't my vibe though

    wait you heard the whole thing?

  • Jan 9, 2024
    1 reply

    Hopefully this good, because as a P Stan. Man of the Woods wasn't it.

    MOTW overhated

  • Jan 9, 2024
    paradise valley

    I’m listening to MOTW right now, and why is it hitting??

    Fam, it was always over hated. The internet just told y'all it wasn't good and people ran with that.

    Midnight Summer Jam
    Higher Higher
    Morning Light
    Say Something
    Breeze Off The Pond
    Living Off The Land

  • Jan 9, 2024
    paradise valley

    Dope banger

  • Nort 💫
    Jan 9, 2024

    MOTW overhated

  • Nort 💫
    Jan 9, 2024
    paradise valley

    cant lie this is my least fav JT song ever but generally speaking this album is good

  • Jan 9, 2024
    1 reply

    Supplies > Chop Me Up

  • Jan 9, 2024
    3 replies

    Nobody's gonna read this but the way Justin fell from grace is one of a kind. 1m debut in 2013, big celebrated comeback. Then everything after Mirrors went completely under the radar. Tunnel Vison? TKO?
    Then he had the radio on his side with that MJ collaboration and Can't Stop the Feeling but suddenly only 2 years later everyone collectively decided he was a mysogyistic hasbeen? And after that album BOMBED, he has like 5 fans left on this site
    the industry is cruel, Idk why anyone would want to work in it

  • Jan 9, 2024

    Nobody's gonna read this but the way Justin fell from grace is one of a kind. 1m debut in 2013, big celebrated comeback. Then everything after Mirrors went completely under the radar. Tunnel Vison? TKO?
    Then he had the radio on his side with that MJ collaboration and Can't Stop the Feeling but suddenly only 2 years later everyone collectively decided he was a mysogyistic hasbeen? And after that album BOMBED, he has like 5 fans left on this site
    the industry is cruel, Idk why anyone would want to work in it

    Yes but the man still got a classic discography and he isn’t exactly R. Kelly so what? He fell just for mainstream audience but I’m pretty sure if someone put up FutureSex it’s glory FRONT TO BACK

  • I love how some ppl on here constantly talk about a fall off. Hating in disguise by pretending to be a fan lmao.

    A pop legend who's been in music for over 20 years and some ppl on here still want him to be at a peak mainstream wise

  • Letting y'all know this is a dope one too 😉 beat translates nicely in CDQ

  • Jan 9, 2024
    3 replies

    There are many reasons

    First, I think the 20/20 era started well. S&T first single (hit), Mirrors second single (smash hit) + Holy Grail

    Then, Tunnel Vision, which was the obvious choice for 3rd single (or maybe LTGGI) had a bad release. No promo, explicit video (YouTube was still king). This song could’ve easily been a hit… but they fumbled

    Then he started the 2 of 2 era which was A MASSIVE MISTAKE. It all starts HERE.

    I love that album, but it shouldn’t have been released as a sequel to 20/20 which was already a perfect project. And also, not so soon. 20/20 could’ve easily had more singles. That Girl could’ve been big in the fall… Maybe Spaceship Coupe

    The GP didn’t really feel the 2 of 2 singles. Take Back The Night, TKO… they are good songs but not as good as the first album. Also, I think some people were kinda over the long songs (True Blood, OWIWA) at this point.

    However, that album is GOOD but got a ~bad~ reception because it felt like b-sides. In a sense, the same could be said about Dawn FM. It came when After Hours was still big and the GP didn’t really “want” a new album yet.

    2 of 2 should’ve been released in 2014 with another name and aesthetic. Should’ve been it’s own thing. It’s truly a great album that was cannibalized by its precedor

    Ok, then there was Trolls, Can’t Stop The Feeling…

    Then, I don’t know what happened exactly, but around 2017 a lot of discussions started about the Janet Jackson thing, which was part of a lot of other discussions relating to other subjects like race, gender (which was already going on for years) Around this time, Bruno Mars also had a backlash

    [Actually, I just remembered that this all started in 2016 when Jesse Williams made a speech on BET Awards and Justin praised him on twitter, then some people started replying and quoting talking about the Janet thing, cultural appropriation, etc. I really think Justin was truly taken aback by the reactions, because I feel like this was the first time he publicly dealt with this backlash. That same night, he said something like “there’s only one race: human race” 💀]

    He starts the MOTW era in January 2018… but the rollout was a mess. I think the whole concept of the album is kinda bad. Man vs machine? Montana? Woods?

    People thought the album would be mixing country with pop. It wasn’t very clear what he was trying to do.

    Filthy, the first single, was… a lot. I think Supplies slaps but that video with the MeToo thing was ???

    But it doesn’t matter, the backlash had started. So, as it always happen, a lot of old stuff comes back. People started talking about his relationship with Britney, the Prince diss, the Janet thing again, etc

    Super Bowl: Prince homage. Another bad decision.

    At this point, the era was over.

    Then in 2019, there was the cheating scandal. And then, the Britney thing which repeaked again last year with her book coming out.

    So it’s a mix of many different things which has caused this. Not gonna lie, Justin might really be a kinda of a****** in real life, especially when he was on the top of the world. But who cares honestly? I just like his music, it’s not like he committed a crime. Lots of celebs are like this

    But the way some people started hating him online is so forced. I realized that it’s a very specific demographic: older millennial women and gay men that stan pop girls. The type that would read subreddits like Fauxmoi or popculturechat. This crowd essentially crowned Justin as a villain 🫠

    The younger generation doesn’t know his music. He doesn’t appeal to them. He just looks from “a different generation”… he’s not “cool”

    Remember that viral video of him dancing? An example of him not appealing to people nowadays. I really think he should leave that type of dancing behind. It’s too dated. No one dances like this anymore.

    But let’s see what’s planned for this next era. His audience is +35 at this point. The focus should be introducing him to a new generation.

  • Jan 9, 2024
    paradise valley

    Supplies > Chop Me Up

    Ehhhh...this is a close one

    Chop me up is a 10/10

    Supplies is a 9.5/10

  • Jan 9, 2024

    Nobody's gonna read this but the way Justin fell from grace is one of a kind. 1m debut in 2013, big celebrated comeback. Then everything after Mirrors went completely under the radar. Tunnel Vison? TKO?
    Then he had the radio on his side with that MJ collaboration and Can't Stop the Feeling but suddenly only 2 years later everyone collectively decided he was a mysogyistic hasbeen? And after that album BOMBED, he has like 5 fans left on this site
    the industry is cruel, Idk why anyone would want to work in it

    The fake outrage towards him was so annoying

  • Jan 9, 2024
    paradise valley

    There are many reasons

    First, I think the 20/20 era started well. S&T first single (hit), Mirrors second single (smash hit) + Holy Grail

    Then, Tunnel Vision, which was the obvious choice for 3rd single (or maybe LTGGI) had a bad release. No promo, explicit video (YouTube was still king). This song could’ve easily been a hit… but they fumbled

    Then he started the 2 of 2 era which was A MASSIVE MISTAKE. It all starts HERE.

    I love that album, but it shouldn’t have been released as a sequel to 20/20 which was already a perfect project. And also, not so soon. 20/20 could’ve easily had more singles. That Girl could’ve been big in the fall… Maybe Spaceship Coupe

    The GP didn’t really feel the 2 of 2 singles. Take Back The Night, TKO… they are good songs but not as good as the first album. Also, I think some people were kinda over the long songs (True Blood, OWIWA) at this point.

    However, that album is GOOD but got a ~bad~ reception because it felt like b-sides. In a sense, the same could be said about Dawn FM. It came when After Hours was still big and the GP didn’t really “want” a new album yet.

    2 of 2 should’ve been released in 2014 with another name and aesthetic. Should’ve been it’s own thing. It’s truly a great album that was cannibalized by its precedor

    Ok, then there was Trolls, Can’t Stop The Feeling…

    Then, I don’t know what happened exactly, but around 2017 a lot of discussions started about the Janet Jackson thing, which was part of a lot of other discussions relating to other subjects like race, gender (which was already going on for years) Around this time, Bruno Mars also had a backlash

    [Actually, I just remembered that this all started in 2016 when Jesse Williams made a speech on BET Awards and Justin praised him on twitter, then some people started replying and quoting talking about the Janet thing, cultural appropriation, etc. I really think Justin was truly taken aback by the reactions, because I feel like this was the first time he publicly dealt with this backlash. That same night, he said something like “there’s only one race: human race” 💀]

    He starts the MOTW era in January 2018… but the rollout was a mess. I think the whole concept of the album is kinda bad. Man vs machine? Montana? Woods?

    People thought the album would be mixing country with pop. It wasn’t very clear what he was trying to do.

    Filthy, the first single, was… a lot. I think Supplies slaps but that video with the MeToo thing was ???

    But it doesn’t matter, the backlash had started. So, as it always happen, a lot of old stuff comes back. People started talking about his relationship with Britney, the Prince diss, the Janet thing again, etc

    Super Bowl: Prince homage. Another bad decision.

    At this point, the era was over.

    Then in 2019, there was the cheating scandal. And then, the Britney thing which repeaked again last year with her book coming out.

    So it’s a mix of many different things which has caused this. Not gonna lie, Justin might really be a kinda of a****** in real life, especially when he was on the top of the world. But who cares honestly? I just like his music, it’s not like he committed a crime. Lots of celebs are like this

    But the way some people started hating him online is so forced. I realized that it’s a very specific demographic: older millennial women and gay men that stan pop girls. The type that would read subreddits like Fauxmoi or popculturechat. This crowd essentially crowned Justin as a villain 🫠

    The younger generation doesn’t know his music. He doesn’t appeal to them. He just looks from “a different generation”… he’s not “cool”

    Remember that viral video of him dancing? An example of him not appealing to people nowadays. I really think he should leave that type of dancing behind. It’s too dated. No one dances like this anymore.

    But let’s see what’s planned for this next era. His audience is +35 at this point. The focus should be introducing him to a new generation.

    Good read

    20/20 era was such a good time. Amazing album.

    While Tunnel Vision is a perfect song, I don't think it should've been chosen as a single. Instead, I think "Don't Hold The Wall" would've been a much better choice. More upbeat, accessible, and easy to dance to.

    I agree that 20/20 pt2 was cannibalized by pt1. To your point, the album was good, but it did kind of sound like 20/20 b-sides. Songs like True Blood, Amnesia, Only When I Walk Away, TKO, Gimme What I Don't Know are all great. In fact, Amnesia is one of his best songs ever.

    When it comes to MOTW - totally underrated album. People were expecting another Justified/FSLS/2020, and JT went totally left field lol. People weren't ready for that hard of a shift. But again - Not a bad album. Songs like MSJ, Sauce, HigherHigher, Wave, Supplies, Morning light, Say Something, Montana, Breeze, and Livin Off The Land are top tier songs. It's a shame that people didn't give them a chance.

    Regarding the backlash - like you said, it was forced. People didn't even know why they were really mad at JT. They saw Twitter was mad, and felt like they were "supposed" to be mad at him as well. Whenever I asked people, "What did JT do TO Janet?", it was always met with, "He should've done more to help her." Ok.

    I'm hoping for a major bounce back with this new album. I know Tim has some fire and I'm hoping they're able to channel all the time they've been away into something amazing.

  • Jan 9, 2024

    I still think it’s likely Selfish is the lead single and Sanctified is a later single or album cut, especially if the rumors are true of it being 7 minutes. Regardless, I’m excited that we’re finally almost here.

  • Jan 9, 2024

    Love hearing that Sanctified is 7 mins, love the longer JT songs and the interludes. Let's goooo

  • we only got four minutes to save the world

  • Jan 11, 2024
    1 reply
  • Jan 11, 2024
    1 reply

    I didn't know Kelly Clarkson show was a thing lmao why is he going on here

    Would love to see JT on Drink Champs

  • Jan 11, 2024
    1 reply

    I didn't know Kelly Clarkson show was a thing lmao why is he going on here

    Would love to see JT on Drink Champs

    Her show has been on for a while. Remember he used to be on Ellen a lot but her Show is done. He definitely going on Jimmy Fallon though. I had mentioned Drink Champs to fans a while back and that didn't go well lmao

  • Jan 11, 2024
    1 reply

    Her show has been on for a while. Remember he used to be on Ellen a lot but her Show is done. He definitely going on Jimmy Fallon though. I had mentioned Drink Champs to fans a while back and that didn't go well lmao

    I really thought Fallon would be his first choice and not Kelly Clarkson.

    Drink Champs would be amazing. I do see him bringing Timbo with him though if he goes

  • Jan 11, 2024
    1 reply

    I really thought Fallon would be his first choice and not Kelly Clarkson.

    Drink Champs would be amazing. I do see him bringing Timbo with him though if he goes

    He could be on Fallon that week too and it hasn’t been announced yet maybe? I feel like a musical performance would make a lot of sense

  • Jan 11, 2024
    1 reply

    He could be on Fallon that week too and it hasn’t been announced yet maybe? I feel like a musical performance would make a lot of sense

    Good point. This time around he needs to start doing more podcasts and shows for rollouts.

    Drink Champs and Breakfast Club, Sway, maybe even Joe Budden would be a start. Going on Kelly Clarkson and Fallon is good but that's just the general audience

    I see him doing SNL again too with a performance
