Good point. This time around he needs to start doing more podcasts and shows for rollouts.
Drink Champs and Breakfast Club, Sway, maybe even Joe Budden would be a start. Going on Kelly Clarkson and Fallon is good but that's just the general audience
I see him doing SNL again too with a performance
Drink Champs would be amazing¤tTweetUser=jayteeforme
idk if cheap stock drums going into that guitar solo is doin it for me
I thought Timbo involved meant it was gonna lean back into R&B/rap bag
idk if cheap stock drums going into that guitar solo is doin it for me
I thought Timbo involved meant it was gonna lean back into R&B/rap bag
It's a very poor choice for lead single (if it's more than ESPN) but I can tell you the CDQ beat is kinda fire. Once the guitar comes in it ruins it for me though. Drums are hard¤tTweetUser=jayteeforme
Looks like it was deleted
White women getting ready to lie about JT making bad music because of Brittney
Aye! It's good to see KTT rooting for Justin again. After MOTW, I thought KTT wasn't feeling Justin anymore because nobody talked about him at all. I remember my first time on KTT, reading a 300-page thread about the release of 20/20. That was a blast!
Going into JT6, I don't know what to expect. The past few years have been ROUGH on Justin, musically. I have been rocking with Justin for a long time, but I don't have the faith that he will be able to bounce back to his Suit&Tie ish. MOTW was a huge disappointment. Even the tour was lackluster.
Aye! It's good to see KTT rooting for Justin again. After MOTW, I thought KTT wasn't feeling Justin anymore because nobody talked about him at all. I remember my first time on KTT, reading a 300-page thread about the release of 20/20. That was a blast!
Going into JT6, I don't know what to expect. The past few years have been ROUGH on Justin, musically. I have been rocking with Justin for a long time, but I don't have the faith that he will be able to bounce back to his Suit&Tie ish. MOTW was a huge disappointment. Even the tour was lackluster.
Ay bruh are you the one that hit me up on OG KTT with that Sequel livestream?
Ay bruh are you the one that hit me up on OG KTT with that Sequel livestream?
Was the stream from iTunes? It might have been me. I don't remember lol.
Was the stream from iTunes? It might have been me. I don't remember lol.
No lol it was on some streaming site where Timbaland played it and someone on OG KTT hit me up and said they had a longer version of it
Some of these beats sound BEAUTIFUL
Some of these beats sound BEAUTIFUL
The one that starts at 3:12 🔥🔥🔥
This joint must have 400 different sounds, i just hear a new snippet and it sounded nowhere near the rock s***
This joint must have 400 different sounds, i just hear a new snippet and it sounded nowhere near the rock s***
Yeah I just heard this too… I think it’s leaking soon if fan accounts have random snippets leaking now
Yeah I just heard this too… I think it’s leaking soon if fan accounts have random snippets leaking now
I really thought it would drop today considering it's wild card weekend
Yeah I just heard this too… I think it’s leaking soon if fan accounts have random snippets leaking now
I feel like Timbaland’s productions are dated a bit. He’s a legend, but yeah.. I’d like to see over other production a bit more. Snippet of new song sound like what we’ve heard before.
Nobody's gonna read this but the way Justin fell from grace is one of a kind. 1m debut in 2013, big celebrated comeback. Then everything after Mirrors went completely under the radar. Tunnel Vison? TKO?
Then he had the radio on his side with that MJ collaboration and Can't Stop the Feeling but suddenly only 2 years later everyone collectively decided he was a mysogyistic hasbeen? And after that album BOMBED, he has like 5 fans left on this site
the industry is cruel, Idk why anyone would want to work in it
imma be real that outrage is def amplified online cause i've never heard anyone IRL give af about that stuff
White women getting ready to lie about JT making bad music because of Brittney
They know that's bullshit, deep down.