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  • Aug 31, 2021

    Meanwhile b****es are having Dr. Luke the rapist produce hits for them and getting passes.

    It is what it is.

    Word. I don't know what people need to realise that all the outrage is performative. The hypocrisy is on display 24/7.

  • Aug 31, 2021
    1 reply

    That wasn't really my point. I was saying that Lady Gaga is accusing a producer of raping her and getting her pregnant yet no one's tryng to get her cancelled her not naming this individual for the sake of protecting women.

    If Gaga can keep an alleged rapist from getting exposed, she should get the same criticism as Kanye for the Marilyn schick.

    You really think these two situations are comparable?

    Gaga didn’t ask to get raped and impregnated, so talking about this, even if she doesn’t name the dude is already hard for her. If she named him that would escalate s*** and maybe she didn’t want to spend years dealing with that? Idk. Nobody gonna cancel her for choice.

    KanYe literally just asked a man publically accused of multiple assaults to get on his highly anticipated album and front and center on his big event. Especially being on a song about going to jail which a lot of people are taking as mocking his victims.

  • Aug 31, 2021

    Not even trynna sound rude but we really comparing Ye to a rape victim

  • Aug 31, 2021
    1 reply

    Honestly this tweet sums my views up better than I could lol

  • Aug 31, 2021

    Meanwhile b****es are having Dr. Luke the rapist produce hits for them and getting passes.

    It is what it is.

    This is worthy of an article too

  • Aug 31, 2021
    1 reply

    That wasn't really my point. I was saying that Lady Gaga is accusing a producer of raping her and getting her pregnant yet no one's tryng to get her cancelled her not naming this individual for the sake of protecting women.

    If Gaga can keep an alleged rapist from getting exposed, she should get the same criticism as Kanye for the Marilyn schick.

    you are the whole circus

  • Aug 31, 2021
    babylon sherm

    Man did you read the rest of the post? That’s not at all what I’m saying. The “both sides” refers to the wringing, as in hand-wringing, that both fans of an artist and non-professional critics of an artist engage in when they (the artist) publicly f*** up or do something just wrong. The fans and critics are both groups of average people on twitter responding. I think you know my posts enough to know I don’t cape for the concept of a celebrity like that

    True, I didn't read it right.

    I think you're correct, but also, we have no clue when "critics" are serious anymore. They are rewarded for driving clicks, not for saying correct things. KTT2 has talked way more about Pitchfork, Independent, and a few random women on Twitter than the very good StereoGum review. I would argue the Pitchfork review is actually very fair as well even if you disagree with the number which is an average of many different people's opinion anyway.

    We say we want them to do better, but if we only engage with the controversy, expect more of it.
    It's kind of hilarious for Kanye West fans not to understand that.

  • Ktt at its finest

  • math fifty

  • Aug 31, 2021

    U a hoe bro get off Kanye nuts for once if u don’t wanna hear no criticism against him grow the f*** up and realize the real world

    the real world is that these journalists made a fool of themselves and proved the exact point Kanye was trying to make

    this is just facts

  • Aug 31, 2021
    Mandolin Man

    you are the whole circus

    Yup. I'm the circus but I can make a whole list of people who collabed with R Kelly when those allegations and accusations were going on for many years.

    And yes...he wasn't convicted yet but those same people had thousands of excuses for why they "succumbed" to collabing with him when he was convicted later on which means that they did feel guilt when they worked with him.

    Music industry is a demonic circus in general. Just appreciate the music and leave it at that.

  • Aug 31, 2021

    Reviews in 2021

  • Aug 31, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    he literally only got away with that bc he claimed he’s not a public figure, which was later proven to be a flat out lie (as if that even had to be proven about mega producer Dr. Luke)

  • Aug 31, 2021

    he literally only got away with that bc he claimed he’s not a public figure, which was later proven to be a flat out lie (as if that even had to be proven about mega producer Dr. Luke)

    Wasn't really my point. Just pointing out that her claims are kinda sus. She got caught lying about dude claiming he raped Katy Perry n Katy Perry denied it.

    That dude knows he's a public figure. His legal team probably just tried to say he not so they could sue her for defamation, cus legal bullshit aside, we all know that was defamation.

  • Sep 2, 2021
    2 replies

    Again, stuff like this is only gonna make for awkward contortionism for a lot of people. Griselda are already darlings for a lot of people in the music biz so interesting to see them reconcile this with what is largely similar to what Kanye did (and tbh it's not like everybody else on the album isn't tacitly supporting marilyn manson appearing anyway)

    Maybe they'll all pivot to saying wsg is the worst member of griselda which I guess is true lol

  • Sep 2, 2021
    2 replies

    Wonder if he would've released after the second event..if the media reaction would be this bad. Manson and Da Baby appearances really rubbed media members the wrong way lol

  • Sep 2, 2021
    El Nigga

    Wonder if he would've released after the second event..if the media reaction would be this bad. Manson and Da Baby appearances really rubbed media members the wrong way lol

    at least fantano had a fair critique of their inclusion on the album

  • Bobby_96

    Meanwhile b****es are having Dr. Luke the rapist produce hits for them and getting passes.

    It is what it is.

    who’s this?

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    it's weird that kanye's public persona has become more 'toxic' to liberal opinion (MAGA, slavery, Manson) as his music has become more sanitized

    yes, the album is mostly all men, but - not a single outright misogynistic lyric on the album to be found from ye

    It’s funny cause even during Wyoming sessions his lyrical input came from a liberal standpoint with songs like Cops Shot The Kid, Pro mental health themes, etc

  • Sep 2, 2021

    It’s funny cause even during Wyoming sessions his lyrical input came from a liberal standpoint with songs like Cops Shot The Kid, Pro mental health themes, etc

    yeah and tbh most of his praise of Trump never went beyond 'I like his energy'

    in light of how fragmented political discourse is now, it looks pretty benign

    I can sympathize with the need for an energetic, charismatic leader and so can a lot of people

  • class wario

    Again, stuff like this is only gonna make for awkward contortionism for a lot of people. Griselda are already darlings for a lot of people in the music biz so interesting to see them reconcile this with what is largely similar to what Kanye did (and tbh it's not like everybody else on the album isn't tacitly supporting marilyn manson appearing anyway)

    Maybe they'll all pivot to saying wsg is the worst member of griselda which I guess is true lol

    people who cancel people don’t know who Griselda are so this will be brushed to the side lol

  • Sep 2, 2021

    good thread

  • Sep 2, 2021
    class wario

    Again, stuff like this is only gonna make for awkward contortionism for a lot of people. Griselda are already darlings for a lot of people in the music biz so interesting to see them reconcile this with what is largely similar to what Kanye did (and tbh it's not like everybody else on the album isn't tacitly supporting marilyn manson appearing anyway)

    Maybe they'll all pivot to saying wsg is the worst member of griselda which I guess is true lol

    Idk I saw this pic last night and maybe it’s because of the barbaric abortion ban in Texas and the floods in nyc where I live both making me feel pretty hopeless, I was pissed.

    Part of me is like, we have no outlet for political organization at the very moment when it’s most needed, and so we critique celebrities and ‘favs.’ It’s the only form of political expression people have left. It’s an index of our impotence.

  • Sep 2, 2021
    El Nigga

    Wonder if he would've released after the second event..if the media reaction would be this bad. Manson and Da Baby appearances really rubbed media members the wrong way lol

    They will just go back to bashing him about Trump, "slavery was a choice" , pro-life position and his other Conservative Christian ideals. Manson and Baby were just fresh targets.

  • May 14, 2022
    1 reply

    As I see outlets who gave Kanye zero stars for featuring Marilyn Manson give out 5 star reviews to Kendrick (whose politics are generally seen as good) without so much as a mention of Kodak Black, i am reminded of this

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