This Oscar shut thing makes no sense? lol
“Hey Netflix let’s do a movie together”
Movie gets 10 nominations, including best director, best picture, etc
“Yeah let’s not work together again”
Noooo, no more DiNero.. he is so washed now. Yes he was a goat back in the day but that time has come and gone.
Down for any new Scorsese though and really in because Scorsese first western.
Guy truly loves making films.
nothing to see here, just 3 goats and an OP update
Nobody gonna comment on Leo's Target level shoes.
Noooo, no more DiNero.. he is so washed now. Yes he was a goat back in the day but that time has come and gone.
Down for any new Scorsese though and really in because Scorsese first western.
Guy truly loves making films.
the least your hating ass could do is get my mans name right
the least your hating ass could do is get my mans name right
Did you see the Irishman? He was downright hard to watch man.
Did you see the Irishman? He was downright hard to watch man.
He had great performances in both Joker and The Irishman. It's what it is bro
He had great performances in both Joker and The Irishman. It's what it is bro
soup right
Oscar shut out won’t dissuade Marty from returning to Netflix. He doesn’t care about the recognition , he genuinely just wants to make films.
Man got a standing ovation in another director's speech, you can't buy that kind of love and respect from your peers, GOAT status.
Uh oh...
here we go again
Uh oh...
oh marty
Uh oh...
Uh oh...
dam. dam. dam.
I just want to see a Marty film in theaters is that too much to ask? Just hope Apple don't get this and make it exclusive and s***
f*** these studios, just give Marty the f***ing money. "bUt HoW aRe ThEy GoNnA mAke MonEY?? Who gives a s***? So many studios produce garbage ass films that make nothing, while with Scorsese and Leo u know you gonna have an audience (even tho it might not be the biggest one) AND gonna get awards.
would like to see marty on a smaller budget tbh. would love a raw feel similar to taxi driver and mean streets.