I was ready for the brother to be asked to do it lol but he kinda disappeared for a good chunk of that last hour
Missed opportunity imo this character was kind of nothing
And the one part where the Osage tribe was trusting Unc still cause he’s been their “friend” for decades really showed how much he had a grip over everyone in that area mentally. Very easily he could snake around the whole town and everyone thinking s\*\*\* was sweet
Many such cases in the modern day on a larger scale...
I feel I have prejudged this movie so looking into a matinee lol. But waiting til I get glasses cause I am tired of watching movies with blurry vision
i need to rewatch the movie & pay more attention to the soundtrack cause it’s actually pretty damn good throughout
why tf are we hiding spoilers on this thread, catering to the dumb motherfuckers reading a thread on a film they haven’t seen???
Beyond dismal. Really really great movie, that felt fairly flawed in some ways. It just felt like Marty was never 100% confident in the direction they decided to adapt it. I think all criticisms of the perspective they chose for the movie are completely fair, but i think ernest burkhart was the best vehicle for what Marty wanted.
Burkhart's story allowed for them to highlight the dehumanization and calculation, where if they followed agent white it would've probably played out as a whodunnit/crime syndicate type of thing, but ultimately would've felt like a white savior story (which seems like something Marty was extremely cognizant of). And molly/the Osage being the perspective would've been terrifying and would've told a story even more crushing than this, i think the goal of this movie wasn't just to show the tragedy of the story but to highlight the horror of it.
Feels like a real Scorsese American Tale tho. The winners in American history were the men who cheated, killed, and destroyed. Also Marty's best ending yet whew
I feel I have prejudged this movie so looking into a matinee lol. But waiting til I get glasses cause I am tired of watching movies with blurry vision
Nerd out or wear contacts
Nerd out or wear contacts
yeah going to optometrist friday. Currently I have neither glasses nor contacts lol
Would have benefited greatly from using classical pieces
Yeah that song at the beginning when Leo’s exiting the train I wasn’t a fan of. But I didn’t have much of an issue with the rest of the soundtrack, the diegetic music from s*** like record players naturally worked well.
Yeah that song at the beginning when Leo’s exiting the train I wasn’t a fan of. But I didn’t have much of an issue with the rest of the soundtrack, the diegetic music from s*** like record players naturally worked well.
Agreed that first song really threw me off
You're right actually the diegetic stuff was good
But in a film like this I feel you need a really emotional score to accentuate those moments between Ernest and Mollie
movie could have benefited from one or two time stamps i think. everything happened in such quick and short succession that it kinda left me, the viewer, wondering why certain characters weren’t questioning things and being a bit more passionate
movie could have benefited from one or two time stamps i think. everything happened in such quick and short succession that it kinda left me, the viewer, wondering why certain characters weren’t questioning things and being a bit more passionate
not arguing your point about timestamps, but I did enjoy how they let the progression of time be shown with just words or with babies or people looking slightly older.