yea he had his stupid ass sign that document giving him all the money if something happened to him LOL
Dude my crowd all went “dont do that s***” when that scene came up lol
it’s such a compelling dynamic in the most f\*\*\*ed up way possible. My ass didn’t know Leo was the bad guy going in. So I’m thinking nah he’s bout to do right by her, I can see the twinkle in his eye until, Oop, he done killed her sister SMH.
That one scene with him gambling made it clear to me that he loved money more than anything including his wife and even if he didn’t like doing what he did he was still going about it which is why is still lied about the shots he was given to her when he was confronted about it
got tickets for a 630 pm showing tonight
skipped dolby/imax in favor of a theater that had those nice ass recliners for a time that wasn't like 2pm. gotta be comfy for 3.5 hours (probably gonna catch it in imax later this week lol)
Same with me, it was really disturbing realising just how much absence of good there is in the narrative, the marketing made me thing Earnest would be a naive guy making a horrible realisation, but until the FBI come in you're just bearing witness to acts of unpunished evil for hours
even after what went down they didn’t even stay in jail long and Mollie dying at just the age of 50 was heartbreaking for me
I think a lot of it goes back to him being convinced that the natives are lesser than whites, even with Mollie he has his uncle hammering into him that shes gonna get sick and die anyways
And that argument they had over the medicine and he’s mocking the Osages in general kinda presented how he felt about them overall. They’re pretty and have money but besides that they’re just savages to them.
That one scene with him gambling made it clear to me that he loved money more than anything including his wife and even if he didn’t like doing what he did he was still going about it which is why is still lied about the shots he was given to her when he was confronted about it
i dont think they showed it much but in moments where he defends his uncle you can see he does idolize him a bit, so he blindly assumes he knows best for a lot of the movie
i dont think they showed it much but in moments where he defends his uncle you can see he does idolize him a bit, so he blindly assumes he knows best for a lot of the movie
And the one part where the Osage tribe was trusting Unc still cause he’s been their “friend” for decades really showed how much he had a grip over everyone in that area mentally. Very easily he could snake around the whole town and everyone thinking s\*\*\* was sweet
Fire right?
OD, was worried about falling asleep but i couldve watched an extra hour if needed. crazy how captivating it was without there being much action
My mom who I saw it with was like "I didn't get why she stayed with him or was even interested to begin with considering she already had her doubts about the white ppls intentions" so yeah some of that could have been made more clear but back then finding a match was kind of just normalized vs being an independent woman I mean they said she got married at 15 too so I look at it more of a "that's how it was then women weren't in a place where they had much of a choice and it was just expected that they marry and provide children even if the man was questionable"
Do y’all think she was really married at 15? I got the impression that Hale was making that up in order to manipulate Ernest.
Do y’all think she was really married at 15? I got the impression that Hale was making that up in order to manipulate Ernest.
I don't know enough about indigenous culture to speculate whether she was married at 15 but even if she was I don't think it was in a normal husband/wife way but like a traditional thing and they probably went their separate ways once they were of age
Could have very well been Hale manipulating Ernest more bc his demeanor does change to one more of jealousy and becomes more willing to do what he does as a result
OD, was worried about falling asleep but i couldve watched an extra hour if needed. crazy how captivating it was without there being much action
Bro facts!!! S*** didn’t drag at all and felt shorter than it actually was
I don't know enough about indigenous culture to speculate whether she was married at 15 but even if she was I don't think it was in a normal husband/wife way but like a traditional thing and they probably went their separate ways once they were of age
Could have very well been Hale manipulating Ernest more bc his demeanor does change to one more of jealousy and becomes more willing to do what he does as a result
When it got to the courtroom scene I was expecting it to end just like Goodfellas but I'm glad it didn't
Ppl criticizing Brendan's performance like he wasn't supposed to be an over the top, bombastic lawyer lmao he's clearly a bit more subdued in the later scene talking with Ernest but you got ppl saying he should give his Oscar back for The Whale bc his performance in this is apparently so awful smh
That one scene with him gambling made it clear to me that he loved money more than anything including his wife and even if he didn’t like doing what he did he was still going about it which is why is still lied about the shots he was given to her when he was confronted about it
Yeah when he says "I love money almost as much as I love my wife" I'm pretty sure he mixed the two up
Honestly had trouble believing he loved his wife at all after a certain point dude was both horribly ignorant and just horrible in general
Harkins cancelled my showtime and refunded me my ticket. All the showtimes for today are sold out now. I'm just trying to watch the film, man.
Second watch done, I won’t write another long post, but I’ll do some more thoughts at some point this week.
Second watch done, I won’t write another long post, but I’ll do some more thoughts at some point this week.
Do another long post we gotta know what new thoughts you have on 2nd rewatch
@Elric ?
Yeah when he says "I love money almost as much as I love my wife" I'm pretty sure he mixed the two up
Honestly had trouble believing he loved his wife at all after a certain point dude was both horribly ignorant and just horrible in general
Lol y’all gotta spoiler bro
really was not checking for this but my friend had a spare ticket so i saw it on a whim ... borderline masterpiece imo the more i've thought about it the more its clicking how dialed in marty was on this def one of his great achievements imo