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This Week: Darren Aronofsky
Darren Aronofsky, award winning writer and director, has quite the filmography. With Requiem for a Dream, Black Swan and The Wrestler he had critical and financial success. Aronofskys films tend to be often disturbing and experimental, while diving into psychologically unsettling themes.
What does KTT think?
idk why but i was so surprised when I found out this dude is just from brooklyn lmao
I like him tho genuinely interesting choice in projects. I feel mother is overhated and wrestler overrated
pi is his best film hands down, such a strong debut.
this entire scene alone is one of his best
mother! Is so overhated
He came off as a little pretentious during the press run, and the movie is very heavy handed with the messaging
But the overall film is great
Think he is overrated or at least I personally don't find his films all that interesting. I do enjoy Pi tho, fantastic soundtrack
One of the best to come out in the 90's
It's hard to beat a run that has Requiem, The Fountain and Black Swan.
The Fountain is one of the 2000s most beautiful movies.
Great filmmaker but somehow has never made a film that really is a 10/10 for me (haven’t seen Requiem since like 10 years ago and have yet to see the Wrestler)
Also idk why but Black Swan is one of my least fav Aronofsky films (still great) even though for most people its their favorite
I like his style, and he always seems to come up with an interesting idea.. but he also sometimes either goes overboard with his concept or underdevelops it
PI is my favorite thing he’s done and it’s very underrated imo. The score is masterful and this film is a perfect case of the low budget helping the picture. Just keeping it simple, experimenting here and there while still being engaging
Hasn’t dropped a stinker ever imo
pi is his best film hands down, such a strong debut.
! entire scene alone is one of his best
Not a lot of ppl share this opinion but i do, one of the finest soundtracks ever
Love The Wrestler, Pi is one of my most memorable first watches of a movie those are his standouts imo, I’m waiting on his next film, plot sounds nuts, i appreciate what he does very very interesting style
mother! Is so overhated
He came off as a little pretentious during the press run, and the movie is very heavy handed with the messaging
But the overall film is great
There’s a new film that’s pretty good called “catch the fair one” that he’s the executive producer of
@iCarly_Japan where's the new thread at?
@iCarly_Japan where's the new thread at?
was thinking about putting the series on hold for awhile
was thinking about putting the series on hold for awhile
Ah i gotcha. Be good fam