  • Feb 8






  • Feb 8

    Very interesting premise, love how the show is all about people searching for answers/reasons for the tragedies of life. But sometimes there just isn't any

    Did not feel this season. Got very over the top towards the end. Plot doesn't have the same "up to interpretation" vibe of the first season, it has to be supernatural/mysticism or a lot of things that happened just don't make sense. And I know the show's entire premise is an unexplained supernatural event but there's some things that's just ridiculous. Watched the finale last night and I was actually yelling at the TV when a baby is on the ground with hundred of people stampeding around her and she didn't get crushed :what: Also Nora throwing herself over the baby and just laying there :mjshock: Mike Epps killed it though, didn't know he had this kind of role in him jk

  • Feb 8


  • 9/10. my brain is still trying to comprehend what I just watched but it was insane lmao


    9/10. my brain is still trying to comprehend what I just watched but it was insane lmao

    hell ms cobel

  • fly high superman ❤️

  • Feb 12

    Just finished s2 of Bloodline
    It’s a rewatch but I’m pretty sure I never finished it. I’m just vaguely remebering certain scenes

  • Great Doc on Sly, not as strong as Questloves last doc Summer of Soul but still worth watching

  • One of Them Days (2025)

    Captain America: Brave New World (2025)

  • Feb 16


  • Feb 17

    binge watched all 7 of these.

    noir version, 9/10



    9/10 (best one?)




    best sci-fi franchise?

  • Feb 17
    1 reply

    Giving Blade Runner a fifth try lol

    Like it a lot so far


    Giving Blade Runner a fifth try lol

    Like it a lot so far

    this ain't Trancers

  • Prez 💎
    Feb 19
    1 reply

    I watched The Big Year. It was this cool movie about how counting birds is more important than having a family

  • Druski’s Coulda Been Love is f***ing hilarious

  • Feb 19
    1 reply

    I watched The Big Year. It was this cool movie about how counting birds is more important than having a family

    lol I watched this last week and was shocked at how good it was. more comedies with wholesome subject matter plz.

  • Prez 💎
    Feb 19

    lol I watched this last week and was shocked at how good it was. more comedies with wholesome subject matter plz.

    yea its a good one. i really like steve martin in roles that are down to earth and not overly zaney.

    i liked the part when jack black left his sickly dad behind in the woods but then 5 minutes later he was like "oh s*** i shouldnt have done that, he's gonna die" and then he was frantically running around the woods looking for him and we thought he'd be dead but he was just locking eyes with the very owl they had come to see!

  • Conclave

    The shots of cardinals smoking at the compound was pretty funny. Love Fiennes performance. 5/10


    Sometimes we need movies like this in our life. 7/10


    I'm so late but here I am. 10/10

    The Royal Tenenbaums

    Doesn't engage me at all and feels like I'm trying in the first 40 mins. Weird feeling cause I love some of the other Wes Anderson titles and decided it's time for a deep dive. I'll just continue with the other titles for now

  • Nort 💫
    Feb 20

    @BurnTheWitch @Ava_Yeezy @smokingrules @ryder

    Mr. Tom Movies has taste!!

  • Saturday


    wish they made more seasons

  • Feb 21

    The ice Storm (1997)

    Adaptation (2002)