As I said earlier. If you raised your kid right in the first place 9/10 they aren’t going to do anything warranting a beating
And if it does “warrant a beating” there are other ways to discipline your child
You keep saying "If people raised their kids right" like it's so easy. As if there is one end all be all effective parenting method...children are complex. They react differently to everything. What works for some children does not work on others.
What does it even mean to "Raise a kid right"? To you, what makes a kid "right"? Because I guarantee you've met many people who are "right" and "fine" by your definition and it's a very high chance they possibly received physical discipline as a child
Dont tell people how to raise their kids especially if you dont have them
I said 9/10
You’re clearly the 1/10 of kids who always did bad things
It's not 9/10. You're pulling that number straight out of your a****** man stop that.
Man shut up already. This is why when you little morons do have kids, they’re gonna grow up to be spoiled rotten little brats who think they can do whatever they want
And then my kid will feel unstoppable. Ok cool
Niggas talking trauma lmfao hahaha man get the f*** outta here
Fr if my kid f*** up the vibes you already know what time it is
Nobody itt is saying “yes it’s okay to literally beat the s*** out of your child” y’all are genuinely f***ing illiterate and plain stupid
You keep saying "If people raised their kids right" like it's so easy. As if there is one end all be all effective parenting method...children are complex. They react differently to everything. What works for some children does not work on others.
What does it even mean to "Raise a kid right"? To you, what makes a kid "right"? Because I guarantee you've met many people who are "right" and "fine" by your definition and it's a very high chance they possibly received physical discipline as a child
Man with no kids goes on tirade about how easy it is to raise a kid not to do bad s*** and says that if your kid does bad s*** it's all on the parents.
Man with no kids goes on tirade about how easy it is to raise a kid not to do bad s*** and says that if your kid does bad s*** it's all on the parents.
My mom hit me in every way possible and I promise u I gained nothing positive from any of it
yeh cus you got hit in everyway possible tf . that doesnt sound like discipline
If y’all don’t have kids/helped raised a child you literally cannot speak on how to discipline them.
Damn, lemme apologize to Casey Anthony real quick
And then my kid will feel unstoppable. Ok cool
How is this a good thing at all? F***ing moron
The only time I ever started to physically fear a parent is when I would get straight up beat for legitimately no reason by my pops because he lost another job and would take it out on me.
I didn't fear or hate my mother for beating my ass for stealing s*** from stores or getting into fights at school.
Again, if y'all do not understand the difference between child abuse and child rearing please just say that and stop wasting my time here
Ok fine whatever but your personal experience doesn't invalidate or disprove others. Also what does that have to do with the subject when laurens daughter said she was beaten solely out of her mother's frustration which is common for parents that do it.
Speaking for myslef I wasn't a bad or a frequently misbehaving child at all and my mother still frequently beat me. She would slap me for getting a homework question wrong. And that definitely negatively effected how I view relationships and people with power later in life. Theirs no logical reason to assault an undeveloped child who is still learning how to behave in this world
And then my kid will feel unstoppable. Ok cool
If by unstoppable you mean an undisciplined brat, then yeah he'll rule the world.
Yeah in this case it's obviously wrong
But if you're applying harmless force to a child to discipline them I see nothing wrong
— someone with no kids
If by unstoppable you mean an undisciplined brat, then yeah he'll rule the world.
Kids are human too. With ears, kids only know what you teach them. Teach them right
Anyway, as someone who was physically disciplined AND physically abused as a child. I don't see myself beating my child if and when I have one. That just ain't my thing.
But I'm not gonna disparage other parents from physically disciplining their child, and I'm not gonna talk down on them if they do it because I understand that sometimes...them lil niggas ain't learn when they were given peaceful and non physical punishments. Also, simply put, it ain't my business
Man shut up already. This is why when you little morons do have kids, they’re gonna grow up to be spoiled rotten little brats who think they can do whatever they want
I GUESS the only option is to beat my kids then! I lack NO skills to talk to my kid so I must resort to them fearing me!
Damn, lemme apologize to Casey Anthony real quick
Oh I’m sorry is Casey Anthony in the thread telling me how to discipline my child? Did I miss that?