Think I'm ever gonna let my future kids tell me to f*** off etc like some caucasians do and not beat them? Hell no
esp if it's a boy, he gon catch these hands! Next thing you know he thinks he can talk to every elderly person like that unprovoked
Think I'm ever gonna let my future kids tell me to f*** off etc like some caucasians do and not beat them? Hell no
Exactly, I honestly feel black people everywhere experienced this when we were kids. For some people it did them good for others it did more damage but I feel like it taught to respect our parents.
esp if it's a boy, he gon catch these hands! Next thing you know he thinks he can talk to every elderly person like that unprovoked
Nothing but facts.
Exactly, I honestly feel black people everywhere experienced this when we were kids. For some people it did them good for others it did more damage but I feel like it taught to respect our parents.
It's literally that, you can tell someone not do something however many times but if they know they'll get spanked because of it then a lot of the times it won't happen again.
Idk. A lot has changed in the last 20-30 years. I got spanked and I dont think it negatively affected me. Prob won't do it if I have kids tho s*** is frowned upon these days.
Think I'm ever gonna let my future kids tell me to f*** off etc like some caucasians do and not beat them? Hell no
Do you find violence is only educational in promoting violence? Your parents hit you, so you're going to hit your kids and so on. And do you respect your parents or are you scared of them? Did that blur in adolescence?
Yeah I truly get that. I get Lauryn, being a single Mother of 4 with a lot of aggression towards her circumstance, turning to this form of punishment. But Lauryn got way too creative with it, as most Black Mothers do, it's inventive punishment and borders psychological ("go pick which item I should discipline you with")
I could not do that to my child. I'd probably end up crying with them
To be fair, Lauryn hill didn't make that up, maybe she was thought that way even by her peers... Here era was def more open to physical punishment as even stand up comedians joked about it/promoted it... I don't think Lauryn hill was trying to damage her child psychologically.
Think I'm ever gonna let my future kids tell me to f*** off etc like some caucasians do and not beat them? Hell no
Go to your room Jimmy!!!
It's literally that, you can tell someone not do something however many times but if they know they'll get spanked because of it then a lot of the times it won't happen again.
Exactly, for me I appreciate my parents beatings because it taught respect and discipline, also to know what I shouldn't do and what's at stake if I disobey my parents. It did also help my relationship with them to be respectful because there was a time when I was young were I was very disrespectful and their beatings did shape me to be better.
Would you hypothetically physically discipline your children by the way?
I don't think I'm gonna have kids so I haven't deeply thought about it.
I don't like the idea though, I feel like there are better ways of disciplining children that should hit the mainstream.... parents need to stop being narcissistic and pick up a book about parenting or something lol
To be fair, Lauryn hill didn't make that up, maybe she was thought that way even by her peers... Here era was def more open to physical punishment as even stand up comedians joked about it/promoted it... I don't think Lauryn hill was trying to damage her child psychologically.
Yo nah I agree. That phrase is older than the folk music of Nigeria, I'm sure of it. My Mum said the same to me + "I'll give you something to cry about"
Do you not think this style of rhetoric, while commonplace, is lowkey psychologically damaging, whether intended or not?
Does Selah's account border "bullying"?
I know we both got our ass whooped, but now we're grown and have to look retrospectively. Was it too much?
Do you find violence is only educational in promoting violence? Your parents hit you, so you're going to hit your kids and so on. And do you respect your parents or are you scared of them? Did that blur in adolescence?
I'm not actively like yeah I'm gonna hit them, I'll try other methods but I won't be afraid to. I never got hit unless I deserved it, they done it out of love so I wouldn't end up in a terrible position later on in life.
I was never scared of them, they were loving but I knew if I stepped out of line there would be consequences.
Go to your room Jimmy!!!
Every parent got their own parenting methods. Some beat their kids, some don't. Some kids are fine with their punishment just being grounded and/or having things taken from them. Some kids don't learn from that and continue to act up. Some kids learn immediately from getting their ass beat and they correct their behavior.
S***, I already know it's alot of people who weren't beat by their parents growing up and they still went on to act like little a******s but be tryna say "I never beat my kids and I turned out fine!" Vice versa for people who were beat growing up.
The bottom line is every child is different and different forms of punishment are required. All imma say there's an extremely clear difference between physical abuse and physical discipline. And I think lotta y'all need to learn the difference and stop tryna act like parents are just out here man handling their kids whenever however, and shut the f*** up and mind your business. Stop tryna tell people how to raise kids that aren't yours.
Not every child who is beat by their parents grows up to beat their kids once they are parents.
Idk. A lot has changed in the last 20-30 years. I got spanked and I dont think it negatively affected me. Prob won't do it if I have kids tho s*** is frowned upon these days.
Yeah, I feel like more discussions about child discipline should be had more by our generation because it seems like kids growing up now are more out of pocket because of lack of alternative methods of discipline
Exactly, for me I appreciate my parents beatings because it taught respect and discipline, also to know what I shouldn't do and what's at stake if I disobey my parents. It did also help my relationship with them to be respectful because there was a time when I was young were I was very disrespectful and their beatings did shape me to be better.
Spot on
I don't think I'm gonna have kids so I haven't deeply thought about it.
I don't like the idea though, I feel like there are better ways of disciplining children that should hit the mainstream.... parents need to stop being narcissistic and pick up a book about parenting or something lol
I agree, there are other methods, probably as or more effective, our parents simply didn't try. They did what they know. So I guess we, as a generation, will be the ones to stop the cycle of hitting our kids. I think that's what Selah is promoting
In an increasingly digital world, taking your kid's phone or network privilege must be so effective. I dunno
Yo nah I agree. That phrase is older than the folk music of Nigeria, I'm sure of it. My Mum said the same to me + "I'll give you something to cry about"
Do you not think this style of rhetoric, while commonplace, is lowkey psychologically damaging, whether intended or not?
Does Selah's account border "bullying"?
I know we both got our ass whooped, but now we're grown and have to look retrospectively. Was it too much?
Fam. I have no idea, I'm not invested in child ass whoopings because a lot of people I've heard of came out fine...
Child abuse is different imo and usely those victims sort things out with or without their abusers, as adults.... I have no agency over what happens to them but I hope they it works out and doesn't hinder them from living a fruitful and healthy life.
I'm not actively like yeah I'm gonna hit them, I'll try other methods but I won't be afraid to. I never got hit unless I deserved it, they done it out of love so I wouldn't end up in a terrible position later on in life.
I was never scared of them, they were loving but I knew if I stepped out of line there would be consequences.
That's fair enough. I've heard more stories on the benefits of beatings than the negatives, but I fear our reaction to Selah's account is the reason why: people are too scared to say this was traumatic for them