  • Jan 12, 2021

    U good bro as far as I know my hometown friend still hasn’t learned and has to rely on Ubers and rides

  • Jan 12, 2021

    Got my permit at 17 and license at 18.
    Confidence is key. I s*** you not. If you drive like you're scared, you will get into trouble. Don't speed, and do NOT try to text while driving. That s*** is never worth it and pointless. Stay focused on the road.

  • Jan 12, 2021

    S*** with Uber and Lyft booming you aren't the only one bro lol

    Tons of peeps are in their 20s and don't know how to drive

  • Jan 12, 2021

    I didn’t get my license until I was 21, it’s all good bro.

    Better now then never

  • Jan 12, 2021

    if anything, your brain is a lot more developed now than it would've been when you would start learning to drive. you'll make less mistakes starting out now.

    you'll be fine, don't sweat it.

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    if you can drive well on gta you can drive well irl

  • A Mad Ass Nigga

    I didn’t learn until after 21. I was in a crash when I was a kid and it had me kinda paranoid to drive even years after. Even being in the car with someone speeding use to have me shook. It’s really not as bad as expected when you get some good practice in. Every now and then I have a moment when I see a car tweaking but it’s never to the level it was at before. We all got different paths and life experiences that push back some things. That’s why I never clown someone for being 21+ with no car or L’s.

    that’s real

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply


    This thread reminds of you 😂😂

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    This thread reminds of you 😂😂

    is it cus i made that thread abt not understanding why dudes get h**** over car related stuff one time?

  • Jan 12, 2021

    is it cus i made that thread abt not understanding why dudes get h**** over car related stuff one time?


  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm in Toronto, licenses are prob different, I just got my G1 (I can get my G2 but COVID has the centres closed) and I'm 27. I grew up really poor and only got a good job at like 25. It's never too late.

  • Jan 12, 2021

    same started late it's not hard and cause of the pandemic its the best time to do it. if your in your 20's its fine. shouldn't be 30+ with no license

  • Jan 12, 2021

    didnt get mine til age 20, was scared of driving for no reason now it is one of my favorite things to do

  • Jan 12, 2021
    3 replies


    did you not learn in high school? we had drivers ed that was required to graduate.

  • Jan 12, 2021

    Always remember age does not indicate how good of a driver you are it only comes with experience. Drive defensively and maintain the rules of the road. Good luck OP

  • Jan 12, 2021

    I didn't start driving till I bought my first car at 23. Bought it cash, never drove a day in my life. It was easier than I thought.

  • Jan 12, 2021
    the end


    did you not learn in high school? we had drivers ed that was required to graduate.

    A lot of schools took that out years ago. Atleast mine did

  • Jan 12, 2021
    the end


    did you not learn in high school? we had drivers ed that was required to graduate.

    that being said. i didnt get my license until my first week of college

  • Jan 12, 2021

    i'm 23 and still learning too. i got my license at 18 right before going off to college, which prevented me from taking the time to actually get better under the right supervision (because the written and driving tests don't really prepare you for the road).

    i've practiced a lot with my older sister since graduating in june and moving back in. i'm comfortable as long as i know how to get somewhere. driving in unfamiliar areas exposes me to situations that i don't always know how to handle correctly in a split second.

    i get frustrated because i feel restricted for sure. i walk and take the bus whenever i gotta run an errand and i always wonder how much time i would save by hopping in a car. i also feel behind because all my friends have driven for years and are competent drivers.

    my parents said they would give me a car (or let me borrow my sister's on my own) once i get a full-time job that requires me to work on site regularly. i'm currently focused on finding remote internships, so driving isn't urgent right now.

    learning how to drive takes time and patience. just always be mindful and vigilant when you're behind the wheel.

  • Jan 12, 2021

    if you can drive well on gta you can drive well irl

    It's literally the same thing

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Dude 23 is just okay I guess lmaooo

    Got my license at 16 but never clowned my boys for getting it later.

    They are some reckless ass drivers though

  • Jan 12, 2021
    the end


    did you not learn in high school? we had drivers ed that was required to graduate.

    Nope, my high school was a s***hole. Drivers ed you had to pay for at a private location.

    I actually took the classroom portion back when I was 18 and was meant to follow up with road lessons but couldn’t afford them at the time. After that I just blew it off

  • Jan 12, 2021

    In may? You’re a grown man of course you can do that. Got my s*** late too( right before my 19th birthday in July years ago ) and only “practiced” throughout June of that year.

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Dude 23 is just okay I guess lmaooo

    Got my license at 16 but never clowned my boys for getting it later.

    They are some reckless ass drivers though

    crazy, all my homies and pretty much my whole highschool got it at 17(age is 17 in jersey) and clowned tf outta me for not getting that s*** till I was 19. Over here you a bum if you don’t have it like a month after your 17th. Everyone scheduled their test day of the 17th or latest some time that week and if they failed they would reschedule ASAP

  • Jan 12, 2021

    some of yall different

    i took drivers ed in hs my sophomore year. the school offered it in the summer and the class was lit af. we clowning the entire time and got to drive a brand new car.

    got my license at age 16. i love driving.
