I'd say after Drogas Wave, Lupe's kinda trailed off on his ambition musically and is fine with just having fun with his lyrical concepts while not caring as much about the production and the songwriting.
This, much like DMIZ, is solid but kinda got nothing to offer beyond great raps over decent production. The immediate songs that grab me are Samurai, No. 1 Headband, and Palaces but I don't think I'd return to anything else.
TY (best production, most cohesive)
The cool/food and liquor
Drogas wave ( I probably replay tracks off this the most though tbh)
Drogas light
good ranking
I'd go
The Cool
Drogas Wave
Drogas Light
Drogas Wave
Tetsuo & Youth
The Cool
Food & Liquor
Samurai/Drill Music in Zion
F&L 2/Lasers
Drogas Light
good ranking
I'd go
The Cool
Drogas Wave
Drogas Light
Kindve wild how low FL2 is in retrospect 🥲
Just caught this bar from Cake
Well, did he do it or didn't she? Who are you mentioning?
Lu will do a dual identity, dueling enemies
The switching of the pronoun in the middle of that sentence and dual identity thing is a reference to Lupe playing as himself and Amy I think
I'd say after Drogas Wave, Lupe's kinda trailed off on his ambition musically and is fine with just having fun with his lyrical concepts while not caring as much about the production and the songwriting.
This, much like DMIZ, is solid but kinda got nothing to offer beyond great raps over decent production. The immediate songs that grab me are Samurai, No. 1 Headband, and Palaces but I don't think I'd return to anything else.
Wrong. Musically this is miles above DMIZ and has more sonic identity
Kindve wild how low FL2 is in retrospect 🥲
Nah it’s my last place you made a solid ranking tbh
Wrong. Musically this is miles above DMIZ and has more sonic identity
I honestly think DMIZ had better production because atleast on first listen I enjoyed that front to back. I was immediately bored with every song here besides the 3 I mentioned and even then none of them really stand up to anything I consider top tier Lu
I honestly think DMIZ had better production because atleast on first listen I enjoyed that front to back. I was immediately bored with every song here besides the 3 I mentioned and even then none of them really stand up to anything I consider top tier Lu
This is a more chill jazzy sound I guess some could call that boring but I prefer it to poppy beats personally. Special Things or whatever that song from DMIZ was called was wack musically
Just caught this bar from Cake
Well, did he do it or didn't she? Who are you mentioning?
Lu will do a dual identity, dueling enemies
The switching of the pronoun in the middle of that sentence and dual identity thing is a reference to Lupe playing as himself and Amy I think
Lupe Fiasco (they/them)
When Lupe says the word “Cake” on Outside, an iPhone text notification sound is made
Is this related to the phone ringing right before the song Cake starts?
I agree, and for some reason, I still don't think "Drogas Wave" gets talked about enough like it should. That album was brilliant.
Easily top 3 Lupe album in his entire catalog, to me anyways.
i totally agree. but when album like that gets made with that less of money and industry support behind it and DOESNT get the support and appreciation it deserves u start to think - is it even worth it ? why even try so hard ?
drogas wave is an anomaly in the rap scene and will never get the claim we want it to get . its sad but true
I hate how most of the songs are of a similar tempo and vibe. The whole project lacks sonic variety. Def not one of my fav Lu projects.
I hate how most of the songs are of a similar tempo and vibe. The whole project lacks sonic variety. Def not one of my fav Lu projects.
its only 8 tracks (30min) but u talk like its 15 tracks with no switch ups in the sound lol
what did u wanted ? one half bangers other melancholic raps? lmao
Is this really about Amy whinehouse being a battle rapper
Yep, listen to 1:27 in Palaces
"This album is about Amy Winehouse being a battle rapper
I f*** with the game but I'll never write a verse from the crapper"
Yep, listen to 1:27 in Palaces
"This album is about Amy Winehouse being a battle rapper
I f*** with the game but I'll never write a verse from the crapper"
I just listened to Palaces
its only 8 tracks (30min) but u talk like its 15 tracks with no switch ups in the sound lol
what did u wanted ? one half bangers other melancholic raps? lmao
No you are putting words in my mouth cuz someone doesn't love the album as you
Dmiz had two more songs but felt more diverse sonically.
Tetsuo & Youth
The Cool
Food & Liquor
Drogas Wave
Drill Music In Zion
Food & Liquor 2
Drogas Light
Hard for me to pick between The Cool and Tetsuo & Youth as his best.
Drill Music In Zion is more diverse than Samurai production wise even though he’s lyrically better on Samurai.
Still believe Lupe hasn’t reached his full potential making an album yet though independent or not.