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  • Aug 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Reading spy family on chap 7, this is so good

    Absolute banger. The daughter is the best character by far.

  • Haven’t read a good manhwa/korean webtoons other than The Breaker and maybe Noblesse. Watched Season 1 of TOG and literally nothing happened. God of Highschool was pretty cool too but never really finished it

  • Aug 5, 2021

    Absolute banger. The daughter is the best character by far.

    anya is 2 cute

  • Aug 6, 2021


  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Imagine a boruto that isn’t s***. This is it boys

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Imagine a boruto that isn’t s***. This is it boys

    boruto manga is great in my opinion, it would be even better weekly tho

    but im a huge naruto fan so my opinion is kinda expected

    the way i see it ppl treat boruto in 3 ways...1. they s*** on it and stick to naruto like a religion 2. the swallow it cause f*** it its kishimoto or 3. they filter the good and bad and accept the evolution of naruto

    your post was about bleach tho so sorry if i went off the rails...speaking of bleach, i really liked the thousand year blood war...the only bleach arc i disliked was the lost agent arc

    on another note i hope kubo will expand on burn the witch after the bleach hype puts him back on the map of goated creators

  • Aug 6, 2021

    the only thing about the last bleach arc i did not like was the zombie stuff

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    unohana forever my favorite bleach character

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    boruto manga is great in my opinion, it would be even better weekly tho

    but im a huge naruto fan so my opinion is kinda expected

    the way i see it ppl treat boruto in 3 ways...1. they s*** on it and stick to naruto like a religion 2. the swallow it cause f*** it its kishimoto or 3. they filter the good and bad and accept the evolution of naruto

    your post was about bleach tho so sorry if i went off the rails...speaking of bleach, i really liked the thousand year blood war...the only bleach arc i disliked was the lost agent arc

    on another note i hope kubo will expand on burn the witch after the bleach hype puts him back on the map of goated creators

    Nah boruto caught a stray so I get you defending it. I just can’t, it’s unneeded in the same way db super was unneeded. I don’t think either makes the franchise better.

    Ima reread bleach. I found the fullbring arc to drag as well as the espada arcs, but ultimately I enjoyed the espada arcs outside of the pendulum flashback arc which at the time of weekly releases also felt dragged.

  • Aug 6, 2021
    2 replies

    unohana forever my favorite bleach character

    He really fleshed her out. On one hand I felt bleach spent too much time fleshing out literally every character in the series, but most of them really paid off.

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Nah boruto caught a stray so I get you defending it. I just can’t, it’s unneeded in the same way db super was unneeded. I don’t think either makes the franchise better.

    Ima reread bleach. I found the fullbring arc to drag as well as the espada arcs, but ultimately I enjoyed the espada arcs outside of the pendulum flashback arc which at the time of weekly releases also felt dragged.

    i felt the opposite about turn back the pendulum personally, i thought it was a really refreshing change of pace in contrast to wherever the arrancar arc was at which was actually dragging bad in its last stretch

  • Aug 6, 2021

    i felt the opposite about turn back the pendulum personally, i thought it was a really refreshing change of pace in contrast to wherever the arrancar arc was at which was actually dragging bad in its last stretch

    I felt the same way at the beginning but sometime towards the middle of the flashback I jus wanted to get back to the action. Gotta see how I feel on the reread

  • Aug 6, 2021

    He really fleshed her out. On one hand I felt bleach spent too much time fleshing out literally every character in the series, but most of them really paid off.

    when i read the first bleach arcs for the first time i was like this is full of asspulls why do the captains keep getting aces up their sleeves when they were struggling 3 seconds ago

    but the last arc laid these thoughts to rest and really fleshed out what it means to be a shinigami captain

    a lot of manga readers s***ted on how yacht was brought down but in my opinion i dont think someone of his status could be defeated like aizen or ulquiorra

  • Aug 6, 2021

    i think turn back the pendulum is one of those ''oh so thats how...'' arcs/moments that can only be appreciated in retrospect or in a re-read

  • Aug 7, 2021
    2 replies

    Also, Berserk 364 announced. Perhaps the final chapter of berserk.

  • Flosh

    Also, Berserk 364 announced. Perhaps the final chapter of berserk.

    holy f***

  • Aug 7, 2021
    2 replies

    Also, Berserk 364 announced. Perhaps the final chapter of berserk.

    whaaat!! when

  • Aug 7, 2021
    1 reply

    whaaat!! when


  • Aug 7, 2021

    whaaat!! when

    September 10

  • Aug 7, 2021
    1 reply

    @Flosh @DMWR OMG this made my day

    maybe it's time for a re-read

    I just hope whatever happens is part of what miura wanted for the series

  • Aug 7, 2021

    @Flosh @DMWR OMG this made my day

    maybe it's time for a re-read

    I just hope whatever happens is part of what miura wanted for the series

    Considering there was no way for there to be a happy ending, where the story currently is can salvage for something of an open ended ending since Griffith may not even be able to be killed by Guts anyway. Idk so much to think about.

  • Aug 7, 2021

    got the first 2 books from the new Shaman King omnibus edition, so it’s the first 6 volumes. cant wait to dive into this series after i finish Ito’s Tomie

  • Aug 10, 2021

    Shaman King on chapter 11 rn, got them classic shounen vibes going crazy

  • Aug 10, 2021



    Love this channel

  • Aug 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Bruh wtf this manga looks insane. Not even gonna post panels s***s too gruesome
