Whose name would make no sense if Doom is a Tony variant, idk anymore
It also looks like she has this 60s era hair style
Just do Blade vs Dracula 💀 this s*** isn’t that hard. They’re fumbling big time
Just do Blade vs Dracula 💀 this s*** isn’t that hard. They’re fumbling big time
Remember in blade trinity where they hyped up Dracula as the strongest of all vampires and in his first encounter with Blade he ran away like a b**** and hid behind a baby? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wtf was David goyer on when he wrote that one?
Apparently he's in Cap 4, and someone who "supposedly saw it" posted the whole plot on reddit, saying he was bad. Saw a scooper saying the leak isn't real though
What the f*** are they doing with Spidey?
What the f*** are they doing with Spidey?
Something they have to do unfortunately if it’s between Doomsday and Secret Wars.
All this would be fixed if they just pushed both of those films back and actually started a real build
Something they have to do unfortunately if it’s between Doomsday and Secret Wars.
All this would be fixed if they just pushed both of those films back and actually started a real build
Damn we’ll get standalone Spidey with Miles atp
Tom Holland Spidey literally can't escape RDJ.
They’re gonna have doomsday & secret wars revolve around spidey & doom because doom is a stark variant
lol @ChiraqPalestine