Stay strong brother
im not in a hospital im doing group therapy rn and i guess i should use the word social workers but when i was in the hospital they were fine too
i cared too much about every little my entire life and all it just gave me was an dumb anxiety disorder i dont give a f*** anymore im doing whatever the hell i want now
Does talk therapy help you guys? Feel like I’m just hearing the same things I’ve heard before
just got prescribed trazodone for my insomnia and I think I just had the best sleep ever
Does talk therapy help you guys? Feel like I’m just hearing the same things I’ve heard before
for me it comes down to how well you suit the therapist, but I totally can relate when you say it's like going in circles
If you have a job that's mentally killing you, do everything you can to get a different one.
Thought I had a heart attack a few months ago and I was diagnosed with severe anxiety because I was working like 7 days straight for months on end.
Almost puked in class today taking a final. Had to leave to puke in the bathroom holy f*** I feel like s***
calling a therapist or psychologist tomorrow man i can’t deal with this s*** anymore
but why does it have to be so hard to find someone to talk to. mental health services f***ing suck
Does talk therapy help you guys? Feel like I’m just hearing the same things I’ve heard before
i’ve had good ones and bad ones
depends on who it is and the type of treatment you need
someone are more simple in that they regurgitate the same old s*** you can find on google. others are more trained and better.
depending on the severity of your issues, i heard CBT works wonders. i’m currently looking for someone who specializes is CBT/DBT