I hope that dreams come when I die
So we can talk, I won't wake up
I'll ask you how your life worked out
I'll never know that I'm just dreaming
Think allot about giving Zoloft another try, but the sexual side effects are holding me back.
But I have been having allot of thoughts these last months and it’s hard to deal with.
Maybe I will call my doctor and hear if we can try a pill that is not known for sexual side effects
My aunt suggested therapy would be very beneficial to help me sort through the trauma in my childhood and teenage years but I feel like it’s overwhelming seeing all the s*** I’m to attempting to pull together in my life currently, let alone the past
emailed over to a therapist hopefully they respond and hopefully they are a good fit for me
I've been getting panic attacks in high volume lately so I've been forced to spend 80% of my time in silence with no lights on smoking cigarettes
I tried meds....benzos work but I've built a tolerance
alcohol and weed are not even options cause I have a history of abuse
so I dont know what to do....I'm tired of feeling like I'm about to suffocate
I'm so tired of the anxiety that's been on my shoulders for almost 20 years.
I've always been quiet and shy but I remember when puberty hit me at like 9/10 s*** just changed everything
Yesterday it beat my ass so bad. And a crazy ass day happened. I feel like I'm on a comedown. There was like 2 minutes when I had the most powerful rush of nervous adrenaline I ever had. Literally thought I was dying That feeling of your stomach turning in shock but just running through my whole body. S*** brought me to my knees. and it's my fault for just letting it build up and gnaw away at me this year. I gotta do a much better job at taking care of myself when it comes to that
Feeling like I bit off more than I can chew in my current situation. But I also realise it's probably normal to feel that.
It won’t get better
emailed over to a therapist hopefully they respond and hopefully they are a good fit for me
finally got in contact with them, can’t even meet until the 27th f*** man
it’s stressful enough trying to find someone to work with i don’t even want to look anywhere else i just gotta wait it out i guess