  • Sep 20, 2023
    2 replies

    I'm so sorry to hear bro, but you should be proud 10 weeks sober is an absolute terrific and unprecedented achievement.👏

    What do you do to occupy yourself now that you're sober? It's one thing that stops me rn... like i got trauma but I wouldn't know what to do if i wasn't getting lit all the time

    Thank you:)

    It’s kinda hard to keep myself occupied because I don’t have a job, don’t really have friends, I used to work out but I have gotten injuries so I have to go easy on that.
    I used to make music but I get so much back pain from sitting down that it’s hard to make music.

    I used to go to the beach when the weather was good. Now I hang out with my partner and watch TV/Movies.

    Kinda thing I’m gonna relapse if I’m honest

  • Sep 20, 2023

    Thank you:)

    It’s kinda hard to keep myself occupied because I don’t have a job, don’t really have friends, I used to work out but I have gotten injuries so I have to go easy on that.
    I used to make music but I get so much back pain from sitting down that it’s hard to make music.

    I used to go to the beach when the weather was good. Now I hang out with my partner and watch TV/Movies.

    Kinda thing I’m gonna relapse if I’m honest

    it's good that u have a partner to help you through this

    i started having back issues too and some minor injuries.. it's easy to ignore mentally but it definitely affected the way i operated day to day. Try and get some time exercising in the sun though, i find it makes the days more tolerable but that might be because I lack Vitamin D

  • Sep 22, 2023

    In som nia sucks

  • Sep 22, 2023
    3 replies

    Anybody think about doing one good deed per day? I notice people on this site tend to live very hyper individualistic lifestyles and sometimes complain about loneliness and depression.

    I think one good deed a day as a guideline could help people still live life on their own terms while feeling like they’ve given back to the community in some way.

  • Sep 22, 2023
    1 reply

    Thank you:)

    It’s kinda hard to keep myself occupied because I don’t have a job, don’t really have friends, I used to work out but I have gotten injuries so I have to go easy on that.
    I used to make music but I get so much back pain from sitting down that it’s hard to make music.

    I used to go to the beach when the weather was good. Now I hang out with my partner and watch TV/Movies.

    Kinda thing I’m gonna relapse if I’m honest

    Damn.. dude like if you ever wanna chop it up when you feel lonely you can DM me on here, or hit me up on instagram. I think that lack of priorities, company, goals, and sometimes even a job can be a detriment in trying to keep clean.

    It's really cool you got a partner and i pressume they are supportive of you too in that endeavour. For me man I know I'm gonna have to seek some sort of treatment avenue rn cause i rely on d**** to maintain my sanity on times cause I'm such a sensitive soul.

    I hope you have a good weekend b

  • Sep 22, 2023

    Anybody think about doing one good deed per day? I notice people on this site tend to live very hyper individualistic lifestyles and sometimes complain about loneliness and depression.

    I think one good deed a day as a guideline could help people still live life on their own terms while feeling like they’ve given back to the community in some way.

    Yep.. this is a good suggestion. I do volunteering on the weekends and focusing outside of myself and contributing to a worthwhile cause feels good. I don't pat myself on the back for it
    I ain't that type. Just giving back as you mentioned is dope

  • Sep 23, 2023

    Feeling numb is my favorite feeling unfortunately.

  • Sep 23, 2023

    Nowadays there's a good amount of times I'm feeling happy and then there's just a few moments up late at night where I need a f***ing hug ya feel me.

  • Sep 23, 2023

    Anther sleepless nite

  • Sep 23, 2023

    Another instance of an all round enjoyable day only to settle into a feeling of melancholy in the evening, ugh

  • Sep 23, 2023

    Damn.. dude like if you ever wanna chop it up when you feel lonely you can DM me on here, or hit me up on instagram. I think that lack of priorities, company, goals, and sometimes even a job can be a detriment in trying to keep clean.

    It's really cool you got a partner and i pressume they are supportive of you too in that endeavour. For me man I know I'm gonna have to seek some sort of treatment avenue rn cause i rely on d**** to maintain my sanity on times cause I'm such a sensitive soul.

    I hope you have a good weekend b

    Thank you for the response, I also hope you have a good weekend and find a treatment avenue.

  • Sep 23, 2023
    1 reply

    Thnking of cats today alot for some reason. Rip

  • Sep 24, 2023

    Thnking of cats today alot for some reason. Rip

    rip cats

    His loss had a big impact on the community.

    It was such a sad situation all round 😪

  • Sep 24, 2023

    I want to become a mental health support worker if I ever get well

  • Sep 24, 2023

    I been struggling with OCD since I was bout 14 years old. I didn't know what it was back then but I'd just go on these obsessive thought loops. Just obsessing about dumb ass s*** and always having to check myself or test myself to see if these thoughts are real. I now understand that these are called "compulsions". It was pretty manageable but after the COVID lockdowns, being stuck in the house with my thoughts just worsened it. Now I've been fighting hard to beat this s*** for the past 3 years but it feels like I'm running in circles and it's only getting worse. It's getting in the way of my career goals because now I'm stuck in these thought loops everyday. Anytime I get freedom from OCD, it's just a calm before the storm. It's like my mind can't just be quiet. I just want peace of mind again. Is it possible to defeat this without medication or therapy? I really don't wanna go down that route...Anyone have advice for me?

  • Truly hurt when you realize a friend doesn't love you as much as you think
    It hurts when you don't have that many friends

  • Sep 24, 2023
    2 replies

    Emotional scars take way longer to fade than physical ones, if ever.

  • Sep 25, 2023

    I will never heal

  • Sep 25, 2023

    There really is no point in it anymore

  • Sep 25, 2023

    Yeah uhh, floating through the day today and it’s not fun at all. I’m just on autopilot at work but feel pretty

    I really don’t want to speak to anyone and just stay in bed & rot

  • Sep 25, 2023

    tryna get my life together part 4061

  • Sep 26, 2023

    i hate that there are so many happy well regulated couples out there and im just doomed to catastrophize self sabotage and freak out over the smallest things

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Feel lik i got a cricket in my brain that hold up pictures and films of things i dont want to think about every time i try to close my eyes and sleep.