Engagement party this weekend and I’m starting to experience some anxiety in regards to it. 2 of my friends couldn’t make it and 3 of em will be arriving late cutting it really close to the main even which is timed and they can’t miss the start of
can't explain how some lil things can affect you when you're depressed bc it sounds like you're being dramatic
Worst part of depression is fatigue. I just don't wanna do s*** n its been this way for weeks. Even coffee barely helps
Engagement party this weekend and I’m starting to experience some anxiety in regards to it. 2 of my friends couldn’t make it and 3 of em will be arriving late cutting it really close to the main even which is timed and they can’t miss the start of
Hope it went well
can't explain how some lil things can affect you when you're depressed bc it sounds like you're being dramatic
Hope it went well
Thanks fam it did! glad for it to be over though, was fun but stressful to plan and execute lol
I’m so miserable. I’m tired of being with a married woman that barely talks me. I don’t care if you got a husband f*** that. I need to get it together.
i like being made fun of when im suicidal
Had a breakdown today over taking a new job
Then took the new job. Who knew mental health was so chaotic
Really don’t care about anything anymore. Haven’t been on anti depressants for over a year, stopped taking ashwagandha which helped a lot but made me lose 13lbs. I’m just fed up
Pet randomly got extremely sick and all of a sudden I’m looking at 8k bill
Had to apply for care credit cause I have a wedding to pay for as well and can’t do all of that at once feasibly with all my other expenses
And it’s like…. It’s on old pet anyway, but not too old where it doesn’t make sense, they’d probably have like 5-6 years left if they get better so putting em down would be cruel
But also there’s a chance they don’t get better either
Credit gonna take a hit
Shoulda had my finance put it on hers since it was her pet first but she makes far less and has more debt
Coulda spent the money on something else like wedding s***
Sounds selfish but just how I feel at the moment
Life man