  • Sep 16, 2023

    Just developed a crippling fear of leaving the house

  • You know in football practice when you gotta hydrate. How Many seconds of drinking water does everyone usually take? . I’m too high cotton mouth

  • Sep 16, 2023
  • Sep 16, 2023


  • Sep 16, 2023

    Some people just never had to deal with this s*** bro I envy them so much

  • Sep 16, 2023

    I wish I wasn’t me truthfully

  • Sep 17, 2023
    1 reply

    I feel like I'm too stuck in my ways to change now...

  • Sep 17, 2023

    Made my day a little better.

  • Sep 17, 2023

    I really broke down earlier man f***

  • Sep 17, 2023

    Wish you never had to write and leave that note mannn. I listen to our favorite song almost daily

  • Sep 17, 2023

    It’s kind of ironic that people who don’t trust the field of psychiatry are also most likely to rely on outdated concepts from within that field and over diagnose themselves with random things including trauma

    Also they’ll swear they’ll never take meds but be like an alcoholic or something

  • Sep 17, 2023

    I feel like I'm too stuck in my ways to change now...

    i feel the same but consider it i get stuck in my routine a lot and like it, it makes me focused like going to the gym but sometimes you need to change it up because sometimes always doing the same thing always all the time could put you in a rut and have an effect on your mental health too

  • Sep 18, 2023

    im so tired of feeling alone, i wanna feel numb

  • Sep 18, 2023

    idk how to fake being functional, i just want to be away from everyone

  • Sep 18, 2023

    im gonna try to be happy for myself

  • Sep 18, 2023

    Anybody else feel like life kick you in the balls at the most inopportune moments? It’s like s***s rigged or something

    Imagine when your actual anxieties all come to life before your eyes

  • Sep 18, 2023

    My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone. My soul is gone.

  • Sep 18, 2023

    Eh who cares

  • Sep 19, 2023
    1 reply

    I think I'm in the midst of full blown relapse i'm embarrassed to say how much percs I've taken in the past 24hrs

  • Sep 19, 2023

    Lonliness really sucks

  • Sep 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I think I'm in the midst of full blown relapse i'm embarrassed to say how much percs I've taken in the past 24hrs

    Hope ur all good man! Its normal to relapse but just push forward

  • Sep 20, 2023
    1 reply

    Been sober for some weeks now.
    So much pain has come to light, and there has been good times and hard times.

    I feel so exhausted. I just wanna sleep.
    I have lingering feeling of pain that I need to do something to resolve, it’s the void, addiction and trauma talking.

    Don’t know what to do with myself and my mind.

    Eternal comfort in the wordless mind

  • Sep 20, 2023

    Hope ur all good man! Its normal to relapse but just push forward

    thank you b. it's a tough gig.. any addiction is a mountain to clear.

    I got so much respect for recovering addicts they are admirable

  • Sep 20, 2023
    1 reply

    Been sober for some weeks now.
    So much pain has come to light, and there has been good times and hard times.

    I feel so exhausted. I just wanna sleep.
    I have lingering feeling of pain that I need to do something to resolve, it’s the void, addiction and trauma talking.

    Don’t know what to do with myself and my mind.

    Eternal comfort in the wordless mind

    I'm so sorry to hear bro, but you should be proud 10 weeks sober is an absolute terrific and unprecedented achievement.👏

    What do you do to occupy yourself now that you're sober? It's one thing that stops me rn... like i got trauma but I wouldn't know what to do if i wasn't getting lit all the time