Began taking Dopa Mucuna and l-tryptophan again, it helped.
I spoke too soon:(
Going to take a break from here, I’m really on here too much, since I’ve stopped smoking and lost my jobs feel angrier and more resentful of things
I need to step away
anxiety going crazy today. I hate when I can feel the physical symptoms alongside my mental.
I think the thing about health anxiety is I have to remember 1 thing. For a serious disease or condition, 1 symptom isn’t enough. I keep flying off the rail cause of one symptom. My new rule of thumb is if it doesn’t get better in a week, see someone. If I can’t breathe, or something is so unbearable it’s interfering with my daily life, hospital. If I keep remembering this, then hopefully it’ll subside
I think the thing about health anxiety is I have to remember 1 thing. For a serious disease or condition, 1 symptom isn’t enough. I keep flying off the rail cause of one symptom. My new rule of thumb is if it doesn’t get better in a week, see someone. If I can’t breathe, or something is so unbearable it’s interfering with my daily life, hospital. If I keep remembering this, then hopefully it’ll subside
I wrote this with my anxiety telling me I have colon cancer but I had no lump, blood in stool, just abdominal pain that’s nothing too crazy but noticeable for about 26 hours
It’s killing me knowing I’ve been left one way or another by the people in my life i dedicated my whole being to
I desire to love and be loved but I’ve accepted i f*** things up too much to ever want to have that again
I think the thing about health anxiety is I have to remember 1 thing. For a serious disease or condition, 1 symptom isn’t enough. I keep flying off the rail cause of one symptom. My new rule of thumb is if it doesn’t get better in a week, see someone. If I can’t breathe, or something is so unbearable it’s interfering with my daily life, hospital. If I keep remembering this, then hopefully it’ll subside
I used to think that when i was in the midst of a panic attack that is was the onset of a heart issues the first couple of times it happened.
Health anxiety is truly debilitating
I wrote this with my anxiety telling me I have colon cancer but I had no lump, blood in stool, just abdominal pain that’s nothing too crazy but noticeable for about 26 hours
If you aren’t already. I suggest looking into a good therapist / psychologist who specializes in DBT
It’s a type of therapy that helps you deal with intrusive and unwanted “sticky” thoughts
I used to have debilitating health anxiety (missed work, school, 1000s on medical bills, countless doctor and specialist visits, etc)
And it has largely helped me. I still have my days, but I’m nowhere near as bad as I was
Probably gonna be let go from my job since this is the 3rd time in the last 3 weeks I’ve had to take time off
I feel like I'm healing rn. But at the same time on the precipice of making the biggest mistake I can make. I also just want to open up.
Cant f***ing wait to get home today and just shut off mentally while doing nothing productive
5 days of socialising in a row got me walking around like a zombie