planning to take on loads of credit card debt not paying it off and moving to a different country
b-b-but then it will affect your credit score and you wont be able to buy a house.. 😹😹😹
I'm physically dependent on seroquel
Went off it 2 days felt like I was having withdrawals. S*** was intensely ass. Wouldn't ever wanna go thru that again but I'm kinda guaranteed to
I'm physically dependent on seroquel
Went off it 2 days felt like I was having withdrawals. S*** was intensely ass. Wouldn't ever wanna go thru that again but I'm kinda guaranteed to
Doctor tried to get me on ths one time while i was going thru a bad psychosis and i absolutely said no bcause of the horror stories iv seen with it
Doctor tried to get me on ths one time while i was going thru a bad psychosis and i absolutely said no bcause of the horror stories iv seen with it
Damn u smart for avoiding this one. Very easy to become dependent on it and it can turn u into a zombie. But it works for me cus I have an insane manic streak, so it helps me calm down
Has anyone here experienced mania?
Someone i was close with is in it right now and asked to meet up after almost a year of not seeing each other
Im just not sure how much weight to put onto their words/actions when we talked all night.. it wasnt actually anything negative though, overwhelmingly positive
Also im worried they will crash hard from it because theyre getting like 5 hours sleep for the past two weeks but seemingly full of energy and clarity
Damn I take it all back, tried helping her but she’s just getting worse by the day. Gotta put her down tomorrow hold your cats close, they can go quicker than you realize
Has anyone here experienced mania?
Someone i was close with is in it right now and asked to meet up after almost a year of not seeing each other
Im just not sure how much weight to put onto their words/actions when we talked all night.. it wasnt actually anything negative though, overwhelmingly positive
Also im worried they will crash hard from it because theyre getting like 5 hours sleep for the past two weeks but seemingly full of energy and clarity
im bipolar type 1, usually i am manic
tbh, they need medication. if they dont have a psychiatrist yea they probably will crash. ideally u take ur meds never go manic and avoid anything that will make u manic. but people have to learn the hard way, so just try to be supportive, this person will have to realize that being manic isnt worth it
i do want to try therapy again but i dont wanna spend the time or money
i need my old therapist back. she would cook me. i loved it
i need to stop feeling sorry for myself. there are people who have nothing and its not their fault. i have people who love me. sure life is boring and im lonely but im probably better off than 50% of people. im not ugly. im talented af. im smart af. im just lonely right now because idk anyone who understands me
im bipolar type 1, usually i am manic
tbh, they need medication. if they dont have a psychiatrist yea they probably will crash. ideally u take ur meds never go manic and avoid anything that will make u manic. but people have to learn the hard way, so just try to be supportive, this person will have to realize that being manic isnt worth it
Thanks man, ill bring it up next time
Thanks man, ill bring it up next time
most young bipolar people dont believe theyre bipolar. they think theyre normal and occasionally depressed. but theres nothing normal about having more energy the less sleep u get. theres nothing normal about doing dangerous s*** and acting like everything is fine. theres nothing normal about being suicidal. its very hard to live with this disease. youre a great person for trying to be supportive, its a beautiful thing
god putting me on the right path. i thought i wanted love but im not ready. i need to figure out my own life first