I relapsed into my s***ty issues and everything that comes with it.
I tried to deal with, but today …
I have begun talking to ChatGBT about my problems…
It kinda helps …
I told it my mental situation and about my relationship with my brother and him asking for help.
It gave me some advice and I then got it to write a short story about it
It felt good reading the story about the situation in my life
all that matters is surviving. never forget that and don’t be too hard on yourself! you can make it another day gang ❤️
I'm in such a weird limbo state. I don't want to be alive and have basically zero willpower to do anything "enjoyable", much less take steps to improve my life, but I can't kill myself it because of my family and girlfriend. It's just left me stuck in this state where I've been doing the absolute bare minimum at work and really every area of my life to keep things somewhat stable. Hard to believe this will ever get better when it's been like this for years.
last 2 days have been hard to bear, had anxiety attacks both days in the morning. Everything has been getting to me whether it's something small or large. I've been waking up with so much anxiety and stress
Things are going 'good'. I get the things I want, I met my goals, I'm performing well in college.
Just don't feel happy.
last 2 days have been hard to bear, had anxiety attacks both days in the morning. Everything has been getting to me whether it's something small or large. I've been waking up with so much anxiety and stress
I couldn't even eat a meal last night because that sickly nauseous feeling was hitting me and made me feel like I was going to throw up, i'm so pathetic
I have zero clue how my mental health got this bad these last few years
slowly losing all my friends/relationships because im too depressed/tired to go out and hang/keep up with texting
also becoming envious of things happening in their lives which is making me resent them
My sleep schedule has been horrific lately. My work schedule allowing for that is both a blessing and a curse.
Things are going 'good'. I get the things I want, I met my goals, I'm performing well in college.
Just don't feel happy.
Itll hit at the perfect time, u got a bright future
I couldn't even eat a meal last night because that sickly nauseous feeling was hitting me and made me feel like I was going to throw up, i'm so pathetic
I have zero clue how my mental health got this bad these last few years
U strong for being realistic about it tho. U not being selfpitying or anything like that, ur going thru a rough time, its ok to deal with that however u want as long as ur not actively hurting urself or others