  • Dec 29, 2021
    fashion killa

    yea he shouldnt be some super chad or whatever

    but like I said

    Pete davidson vibes. pete davidson would lowkey be a perfect Scott pilgrim. A guy who looks like he lives in a basement, but it still makes sense when he pulls chicks.

    A guy who looks like he lives in a basement, but it still makes sense when he pulls chicks.


  • Dec 29, 2021
    2 replies

    If you disagree you haven’t read the comics. Michael Cera being Michael Cera is the opposite of Scott in temperament and personality

    Part of that is Michael being cast, another part is the lack of flashbacks like the comics. Honestly someone like Evan Peters should’ve played Scott but they wanted to bank on a trendy name

    Evan Peters as Scott and Riley Keough as Ramona

  • Dec 29, 2021
    internet buddy

    Evan Peters as Scott and Riley Keough as Ramona

    I see this. She has that dry charm to her that’s actually convincing rather than MEW acting sorta blah

  • Dec 29, 2021
    fashion killa

    u obvi never read da comics...

    Think that's kinda the point with the Michael cera casting. They just went "nerd who gets b****es" on the other side of the dial

    If movie Scott looked/acted like more of a "dude" type of 2010 nerd (I'd imagine he'd look more like mark Webber if that was the case, who was the front man for s***bob-omb) the different character elements wouldn't coalesce in the same way

  • Dec 29, 2021
    internet buddy

    Evan Peters as Scott and Riley Keough as Ramona

    good picks

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Never seen this movie

  • BVL

    Never seen this movie

    Super fun and charmful movie but the source material was definitely better.

    The movie and its ending in particular suffer a looot from glossing over the fact everyone in the source material is a different shade of horrible lol. The stuff that got cut from the adaptation continuously establishes how insufferable these characters get with every storyline. I feel like a lot of that was lost in translation.

  • Dec 30, 2021

    good thread
    people itt criticizing ops reading comprehension who didnt read his original post properly

  • Dec 30, 2021

    i remember when i first saw this i wanted jesse eisenberg but idk if he would fit ops criteria better, probably would have the same issues as cera

  • Dec 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah I agree if Edgar was trying to be as faithful to the comic as possible

    But I think he wanted to make something more comedic, and Cera’s wimpyness worked for that

  • Dec 30, 2021

    Tom Hardy should have been cast as Scott

  • Dec 30, 2021

    Like even if a super attractive heart throb was casted, Edgar would have probably still made him a wimpy and awkward character

  • Dec 30, 2021

    Yeah I agree if Edgar was trying to be as faithful to the comic as possible

    But I think he wanted to make something more comedic, and Cera’s wimpyness worked for that

    that's fair yea

    i mean the movie's more comedic than the comics that's true

    but i think chasing laughs cost it some of the heart the original had

  • Dec 30, 2021

    i agree w/ u

    the graphic novels >>>>

    the movie cool but they don't quite capture the feeling or even the humor

  • Dec 30, 2021

    I haven’t seen this movie in years so I technically shouldn’t comment on this but from what I remember I loved him as Scott lol but Evan Peters might have been the best pick honestly

  • Dec 30, 2021
    Mac Foley

    I only watch the movie for one reason anyway

    yeah she's bad AF

  • Dec 30, 2021

    the casting is perfect aside from him, so I've never cared in the past when this topic arose. The same eyes that saw him saw Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Evans, the other Caulkin, etc etc

    And I also wish, with us now being almost 12 years into comic movies becoming their own serious medium, that folks stopped looking at the derivative material as needing to be by the book retellings.

  • Dec 30, 2021

    I didnt watch the CB live action yet but people going stark raving mad bc its not a 1:1 rendition

    there's no way to re-create someone else's vision perfectly! you just hope you do the best version of it, and Edgar did that

  • Dec 30, 2021

    I thought this movie was terrible

    Caught it on a random day never read the comic or anything so

  • dontworry

    Idk but Kieran killed it

    He's killing succession too

  • Dec 30, 2021
    1 reply

    @op This kind of makes sense, but his casting is even better since most people who look or act like him are the core people who think Scott was a good guy for the comics or the movie. I think the points of Scott being kind of wimpy looking sells the point home of what he does in the movie.

  • Dec 30, 2021
    1 reply

    @op This kind of makes sense, but his casting is even better since most people who look or act like him are the core people who think Scott was a good guy for the comics or the movie. I think the points of Scott being kind of wimpy looking sells the point home of what he does in the movie.

    ngl this is sone pretty confusing reasoning

  • Dec 30, 2021
    1 reply

    So @Killa_K u think young Neil would've been a better Scott?

  • Dec 30, 2021

    So @Killa_K u think young Neil would've been a better Scott?


    ya lol

  • fashion killa

    ngl this is sone pretty confusing reasoning

    I mean the movie was also made during the "dork gets hot girl" era of movies.

    I think if he was a regular douche looking guy people would have hated the movie lol