  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    count your calories. get the myfitnesspal app and be strict with your calorie tracking and goals. + combine your diet with an exercise routine. lost 24 pounds in less than 2 months just following this + no soda + no fast food + no alcohol

  • Oct 19, 2020

    def lots of good food alternatives. try staying low sodium / low sugar as well

  • Oct 19, 2020

    Watch this

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    everyone keeps recommending this Ig it’s time

    Idek kno where to start

    What’s your routine i guess?

    Also would this make me buff because i absolutely don’t want to be buff!

    If you have a skinny body type you’ll prolly never look “buff” just like.. defined.

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    count your calories. get the myfitnesspal app and be strict with your calorie tracking and goals. + combine your diet with an exercise routine. lost 24 pounds in less than 2 months just following this + no soda + no fast food + no alcohol

    what was yr daily calorie intake

  • Oct 19, 2020
    frank 2022

    If you have a skinny body type you’ll prolly never look “buff” just like.. defined.

    Ok ok perfect

    Ye im pretty lean just hv fat left without clothes on

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    bro just workout

  • Oct 19, 2020
    2 replies

    bro just workout

    bro regardless even if i do decide to build a lil muscle i wnt start until ive cut to atleast 170

    So I still need to motivation to get rid of these remaining 20 pounds

    Ain't no one losing 20 pounds from cardio unless u go to like bootcamp

  • Oct 19, 2020

    bro regardless even if i do decide to build a lil muscle i wnt start until ive cut to atleast 170

    So I still need to motivation to get rid of these remaining 20 pounds

    Ain't no one losing 20 pounds from cardio unless u go to like bootcamp

    fast and workout or do coke or meth

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    bro regardless even if i do decide to build a lil muscle i wnt start until ive cut to atleast 170

    So I still need to motivation to get rid of these remaining 20 pounds

    Ain't no one losing 20 pounds from cardio unless u go to like bootcamp

    You don't need no motivation you need discipline motherfucker get to the grind!

  • Oct 19, 2020

    Good luck

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    You don't need no motivation you need discipline motherfucker get to the grind!

    Wht do u guys think about making this thread a weekly or bi weekly weigh check in

    So i hv something im accountable to

  • Oct 19, 2020

    Wht do u guys think about making this thread a weekly or bi weekly weigh check in

    So i hv something im accountable to

    Let's get it

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Im 190 and 5’11, so skinny fat, most people would just say im skinny but I really wanna be skinnier, like 170 max for fashion and even tho im a good looking guy already I feel that’s the weight that really accentuates my looks the most.

    Im down from 210 from july 2019 to now but man these last 20-30 pounds are killing me. At my skinniest in December i was 183 but lockdown is killing my motivation plus a deep depression

    Anyone with a weight lose experience got any tips

    Im so close to wearing the clothes I wanna wear and hving more confidence in talking to girls

    a combination of weightlifting and cardio is by far the best way to lose weight. You will progress much quicker doing this.

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply
  • Oct 19, 2020

    salmon with the skin all crispy is tasty health food

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    170 at 5’11?

    I’m 165 at 6’1 and still tryna lose weight

    People telling me I have dysmorphia idk tho

  • Oct 19, 2020

    Op is just like me

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m 165 at 6’1 and still tryna lose weight

    People telling me I have dysmorphia idk tho

    I definitely have dysmorphia

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply
    Very Based

    a combination of weightlifting and cardio is by far the best way to lose weight. You will progress much quicker doing this.

    Explain weight lifting

    Like wdym lol

    I have 0 knowledge on it whatsoever

  • Oct 19, 2020

    Underrated comedian tbh

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Explain weight lifting

    Like wdym lol

    I have 0 knowledge on it whatsoever

    Pick the weight up

    Then put it back down

    Then pick it back up

    Repeat those steps about 10x in 3 sets

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Pick the weight up

    Then put it back down

    Then pick it back up

    Repeat those steps about 10x in 3 sets

    So 30 times is enough?

    How many days a week

    And will make me skinnier faster

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    i rly feel u on like not wanting to work out

    but maybe try doing boxing or something where theres other ppl around to kinda motivate u and theres a goal in mind thats not just getting toned while u are still getting toned??? i hate working out but my bf started dragging me 2 boxing and its kinda fun... ive actually noticed a lil arm definition in my arm and a lil more ab whatever and we haven't been going that long

    but i defs agree w others in this thread--i fl like if u just lose weight ur gonna look kinda funky, esp bc ur might start losing some of whatever muscle u have along w the rest of ur fat

    so ud end up kinda weird and... basement dweller-y

  • Oct 19, 2020
    1 reply

    So 30 times is enough?

    How many days a week

    And will make me skinnier faster

    Just know my nigga the more you work out the hungrier you'll be. Keep that s*** in check my nigga. You either eating less insulinogenic/calorically-dense or you're eating more but it's healthy s***.