my whole stance is how does an artist make money. accessibility to music is great and important but how do we encourage a person to monetarily support artists instead of just take take taking?
Sure but then then what you're proposing would require a radically different society which would also mean very different art being made so its hard to imagine
I don't necessarily disagree
im proposing that somewhat. c word type beat
my whole stance is how does an artist make money. accessibility to music is great and important but how do we encourage a person to monetarily support artists instead of just take take taking?
much like a library, if they really like the book then they would find the means to buy it or even pirate it.
you wouldn't be able to own the music for life on the public streaming service. only borrow
music has value, art has value and as much as I support people being able to access art, artists deserve to get paid for the work that they do.
music has value, art has value and as much as I support people being able to access art, artists deserve to get paid for the work that they do.
my public streaming service wouldn't be the only one around.
you would still be able to buy the art directly or use private streaming services to own the music for life
No it shouldn’t
my public streaming service wouldn't be the only one around.
you would still be able to buy the art directly or use private streaming services to own the music for life
So who’s getting paid with this service, you?
So who’s getting paid with this service, you?
it would be a goverment service so the people regulating/archiving/moderating the music. ideally, they all care about this
it would be a goverment service so the people regulating/archiving/moderating the music. ideally, they all care about this
Ok and how are the artists who put their music on your platform going to be compensated for their work?
my public streaming service wouldn't be the only one around.
you would still be able to buy the art directly or use private streaming services to own the music for life
of course, i get that and i understand the idea is that if you love it enough, you'll pay for it but that isn't even the case today. what's stopping a person from just continuously renting the same album over and over?
the point im trying to make is that the reality that something is free and accessible doesn't necessarily encourage people to go out to own it. I don't think people today care much about owning things in the first place today, at least not like they used.
Ok and how are the artists who put their music on your platform going to be compensated for their work?
they aren't. its more so for archival purposes much like a library.
they would still get paid by other means (directly/private streaming service)
All music deserves to be on a free public streaming service that would form as a library of archiving human art. Artists should be incentivised to put their music on there.
Of course you would still have other platforms to pay artists/own the music for life (itunes/bandcamp/spotify/apple music).
It would be governmentally regulated/moderated by people that care. You'd have a "library card" that allows you to own the music for a certain time.
The archival of art is extremely important to me but thats a topic for another day.
this free service ur talking about is just the internet man. People are gonna find the music they want regardless of a paywall.
Just dm'd Bono from U2, I got a great idea
they was fried at apple when they did that
if anyone that would have the infrastructure/power to create a digital music public library its the government. especially if its ran by people who care
The government's got way bigger fish to fry like committing war crimes
of course, i get that and i understand the idea is that if you love it enough, you'll pay for it but that isn't even the case today. what's stopping a person from just continuously renting the same album over and over?
the point im trying to make is that the reality that something is free and accessible doesn't necessarily encourage people to go out to own it. I don't think people today care much about owning things in the first place today, at least not like they used.
now we're getting into the nitty gritty on how exactly it would work.
maybe someone can only renew listening to an album a couple times then they gotta give it up?
this would take time to figure out how this works of course and more people. even actual artists.
The government's got way bigger fish to fry like committing war crimes
an unfortunate world we live in.
all art should be archived though. like I do believe some books should be archived, free and easily accessible to all human beings but idk working artists of today should be able to make a living doing what they love.
all art should be archived though. like I do believe some books should be archived, free and easily accessible to all human beings but idk working artists of today should be able to make a living doing what they love.
artists having a ubi is a thread for another time
Music costs a lot to make. Financially and mentally it takes a toll on every artist at some point. Music basically is free now. I think we should go back to paying 12-20 dollars per album. I think we’ll value music more on average and not be quick to discard was isn’t resonating with us in that exact moment. People don’t allow music to grow on them the same way anymore. I love art and I value it too and music especially has a magical element that touches your soul and affects your emotions, but I think that’s a reason why we need to pay more for it instead of looking at it as a right to humanity. Imo art is the most important contribution man has offered and your idea is neat and I agree that it should all be archived, but not for everybody to take advantage of and under appreciate