im not saying my service should be the only one around. you can check this thread to see how we get into the nitty gritty.
id love if artists were able to work on how exactly how the public streaming service would look like. this is how the government should work
i don't see how a public digital music library would be any different from a library with books.
the service is more so for the archival of art rather than consumption
hmmm. maybe if you could "check out" one album at a time for a few weeks that would be way better than the current streaming set up.
Movie distributors and book publishers do it
"tell my why i should lose money"
"because these other morons do it"
Mfers don't realize if they disband streaming I'm hitting the seven seas instantly lol
Mfers don't realize if they disband streaming I'm hitting the seven seas instantly lol
better for the artist than streaming is
I hope OP at least makes music with this joke ass angle
An artist could and should be able to say “no my music isnt free, Im not interested in your library and I’d like to be compensated while living”
on my public streaming service, you'd only be able to listen to the music for a certain amount of time.
if you want to listen to the music for longer then you'd use a private streaming service/pay the artists directly
lol if you are going to offer something for free why limit it
are authors broke because their books are in a library?
alot of the are
lol if you are going to offer something for free why limit it
Because it’s more so for archival purposes.
Also artists need to be compensated properly
alot of the are
That’s more so an issue with artists compensation and our society as a whole
I hope OP at least makes music with this joke ass angle
An artist could and should be able to say “no my music isnt free, Im not interested in your library and I’d like to be compensated while living”
Artists would still be compensated.
My service is more so for the archival of music on a grander scale with no private companies involved.
If they don’t wanna be apart of it so be it.
I just made a dj mix last week and it being extremely difficult to get it on YouTube/soundcloud inspired this somewhat
books still aren't free. you can checkout books, videos, and even music at a library but you have to later return it.
there are things like Project Gutenberg where some librarians are constantly consolidating older and/or special books to be publically available for free but there is also things like that for music as well like the free music archive. Only caveat is...the work is very old.
tldr: music, like books and all other mediums of art need to have value.
You should work for free, while also spending your own money to create a free product.
books still aren't free. you can checkout books, videos, and even music at a library but you have to later return it.
there are things like Project Gutenberg where some librarians are constantly consolidating older and/or special books to be publically available for free but there is also things like that for music as well like the free music archive. Only caveat is...the work is very old.
tldr: music, like books and all other mediums of art need to have value.
Books still have value whether they’re in a library or not.
IMO they have even more value being in a library such that anyone is able to check it out & they’re being archived properly.
Music would still have value if they were in a digital public music library and the artists were compensated property (pay them directly/private streaming services)
what about people that make income off the music, what do they now, and i dont mean the greedy corporate guys
So people whose job it is to make music… should do it for free?
No. I don’t think you read my original post
Artists would still be compensated directly or with private streaming services
They should also archive their music such that people are able to access it for some time for free
what about people that make income off the music, what do they now, and i dont mean the greedy corporate guys
In my ideal world, labels and the government would work together to make sure everyone is paid with no exploits
In my ideal world, labels and the government would work together to make sure everyone is paid with no exploits
hows fifth grade brother?
hows fifth grade brother?
I’m a grown ass man that still has his imagination
No. I don’t think you read my original post
Artists would still be compensated directly or with private streaming services
They should also archive their music such that people are able to access it for some time for free
But who’s paying the artists if the music is free? The streaming services barely pay artists as it is