I wasn't sure if an anime like this could be adapted in live action but they managed to a good job with One Piece. I'm curious to see how this could turn out
This has the potential to be like a huge franchise. Get unknown kid actors to play these roles and watch them grow up over the years and multiple movies. Kind of like a ninja version of Harry Potter. I probably sound insane but let me cook lol.
shoulda casted white americans instead s*** woulda been funny af
This has the potential to be like a huge franchise. Get unknown kid actors to play these roles and watch them grow up over the years and multiple movies. Kind of like a ninja version of Harry Potter. I probably sound insane but let me cook lol.
Harry Potter was only 7 books over 8 movies. Naruto is too big. 1 movie a year for 10 years couldn't do it justice. I think a movie could work but make it like Star Wars and have it be canon with the anime like Clone Wars and the prequels. I know it sounds crazy but trying to set up so many arcs and characters in 2 hours would be crazier
Harry Potter was only 7 books over 8 movies. Naruto is too big. 1 movie a year for 10 years couldn't do it justice. I think a movie could work but make it like Star Wars and have it be canon with the anime like Clone Wars and the prequels. I know it sounds crazy but trying to set up so many arcs and characters in 2 hours would be crazier
Wish this was a series instead so they could get more time.
Dude please just leave my childhood alone
shoulda casted white americans instead s*** woulda been funny af
The photo is just from a play in Japan I believe. The live action movie by Lionsgate is only in development right now
Harry Potter was only 7 books over 8 movies. Naruto is too big. 1 movie a year for 10 years couldn't do it justice. I think a movie could work but make it like Star Wars and have it be canon with the anime like Clone Wars and the prequels. I know it sounds crazy but trying to set up so many arcs and characters in 2 hours would be crazier
Just loosely adapt the original Naruto. Shippuden was hit or miss anyway
The photo is just from a play in Japan I believe. The live action movie by Lionsgate is only in development right now
the full tweet says they started casting in 2020
for 3 asian leads but had to postpone because of covid
Tom Holland as Naruto
Timothee Chalamet as Sasuke
Zendaya as Sakura
yup this the one
yup this the one
Who we thinking as Kakashi?
Leonardo Dicaprio or Brad Pitt?
No one asking for this s***
the full tweet says they started casting in 2020
for 3 asian leads but had to postpone because of covid
Huh. Strange choice cause Naruto is clearly a white boy
Who we thinking as Kakashi?
Leonardo Dicaprio or Brad Pitt?
Mads Mikkelsen
No one asking for this s***
A story about ninjas using ninjutsu, and taijutsu is within the realm of realistic things they can pull off since that’s the actual depiction of ninjas lol they just need to get the right actors, and execute the story well. I think Naruto has the best chance to be done right.