The hate in this thread is f***ing stupid y’all are losers.
Hyped for this.
Santa Monica studio is hiring for new combat designer
The hate in this thread is f***ing stupid y’all are losers.
Hyped for this.
Dead ass
S*** so corny that’s why we can’t have nothing as a culture. All people do is complain complain about various forms of entertainment “dying” (gaming music it’s all the same) and when something special comes around it never gets the appreciation it deserves because people would rather be cynics and contrarian bozos
Will never be the cloth I’m cut from
Any chance this is for a dlc??
No as GOWR is done and they're moving on to something else... But I could see it getting a PS5 Pro patch and that would be it before the next game from them.
I want gow 1 & 2 remakes so bad bro
Man 2 and 3 on next gen, or "current gen" technology would be amazing
Man 2 and 3 on next gen, or "current gen" technology would be amazing
Fr bro, 2 was insanely epic
I’d love to experience the final Ares battle from GOW 1 modern day as well
Walking up the stairs of Olympus would be heavenly
Man 2 and 3 on next gen, or "current gen" technology would be amazing
3 still looks fine wtf are you on
3 still looks fine wtf are you on
Nigga I ain't say it didn't. It's still a ps3 game that would be improved if it was made on today's technology
Get back in your cage
This might be a reach, but the fact that he put GOD in all caps makes me think they might be cooking up the next GOW
Not to mention he used a Freya gif
This might be a reach, but the fact that he put GOD in all caps makes me think they might be cooking up the next GOW
Not to mention he used a Freya gif he's not working on GOW. He didn't direct GOW 2 because he was busy with his own game that evidently is still working on.
Nah he's not working on GOW. He didn't direct GOW 2 because he was busy with his own game that evidently is still working on.
O yea I forgot about that new IP they are making . Well he definitely posted a misleading tweet lol
This might be a reach, but the fact that he put GOD in all caps makes me think they might be cooking up the next GOW
Not to mention he used a Freya gif IP coming this year hes probably watching back the finished cutscenes
To be fair, we’ve only seen Atreus as a kid-teenager. There’s plenty of room to grow and develop as a character. He’s already developed quite a bit in these two games. Yeah he isn’t the brute strength fighter like his Dad, but a new entry could be a new opportunity to reinvent God of War again
I just can’t fathom the idea of Kratos taking center stage again, we’ve seen him do just about everything.
love the turn on this mid
Excited for the puzzles. You think we’ll see some variation of this in the game?
Excited for the puzzles. You think we’ll see some variation of this in the game?
If Barlog done with it why continue to milk vs use the infinite franchises they have tucked
I get its money but you dont have to drop high budget movie project after movie project. Especially with show coming for God of war man