The determinant is if women like your music
Kendrick and Drake said it best eleven years ago:
"We talk casually about the industry
And how the women be the tastemakers for the s*** we makin'"
Many others have said the same thing: in the rap game, you can't be successful if women aren't f***ing with your s***
Even Kendrick, who famously has a more male skew than most top-tier rappers, appeals to women more than the average blog era backpacker did, and his biggest hits are relatively female-friendly
Men, as evidenced on this forum, have a greater tendency to over-intellectualize their enjoyment of music
They have to turn it into an ego-validating experience of being the most hip and cool and esoteric music fan, or else a sales competition (even the stan twitter gays have sufficient testosterone to do this, although I admit there are women on there too)
Women are much more loyal music fans because they are much simpler with it,
As Vic Mensa said on "Family"
"My sister said she likes my raps 'cause it sounds good"
It's true that men are more "serious" music fans in the way that i delineated above, but in turn, women are much more likely to have genuine reactions to music because they have less of a need to try to puff out their chests to impress people with their music taste.
So, if you want to know why a given album "came and went" its probably cuz women aren't streaming it
The bigger world does not care what you & your bum ass friends are or arent personally listening too
can’t spell women without men chew on that for a minute
paying $7500 to get my new pluggnb song added to spotify's "Adam's Rib" playlist
Yall never get tired of this s***?
Blame DJ khaled. He made this type of debate on ktt much worse
Go jerk off or something.
You sound like you need it.
i stg yall never wanna actually talk about music
“ if you want to know why a given album "came and went" its probably cuz women aren't streaming it”
Megan Thee Stallion Would beg to differ
Just listen to we cry together on repeat
In other words Drake manipulates women to stream his trash music
journalosers: "DRAKE IS A MISOGYNIST!"
women: nah we good on that, we gonna keep streaming
“ if you want to know why a given album "came and went" its probably cuz women aren't streaming it”
Megan Thee Stallion Would beg to differ
I also have a corollary theory that if there was really a demand by female hip-hop listeners for more female rappers, the free market would reflect that