Since when did Tim Blake Nelson get into directing rap videos?!
I assume his son was a fan first since they work as a duo, did all the videos for Maps too!
Trying to put your father on billy woods music, we’ve all been there…
The idea of hearing this album tomorrow has me way too f***in hype
A performance from woods in broad day is crazy enough, might be a bit too hot for the balaclava
Btw, if you go on ITunes to the presave, you can hear snippets of every track
I assume his son was a fan first since they work as a duo, did all the videos for Maps too!
Trying to put your father on billy woods music, we’ve all been there…
Deadass bro i been putting my dad on too lmfao
late notice bat signal: I somehow have 2 tickets for the AH show in Brooklyn today, doors open in an hour
If you’re in the area and wanna attend, lemme know and I’ll DM you the extra
DJ Haram, the "girl" who produced the track was a muslim guy before he bought b****
DJ Haram, the "girl" who produced the track was a muslim guy before he bought b****
late notice bat signal: I somehow have 2 tickets for the AH show in Brooklyn today, doors open in an hour
If you’re in the area and wanna attend, lemme know and I’ll DM you the extra
Have a good time. Let us know how it is
Have a good time. Let us know how it is
Track 7 is one of those Hall of Fame woods tracks, nearly made me shed a tear. Unreal
Elucid is rapping his f***ing ass off on this album too
Didn’t hear the full album but the August Fanon beats on here, from what they played, are absolute insanity
Got so many goddamn sigs on the poster I cut down I might try to get everybody who touched the record
Cavalier signed to Backwoodz btw, whatever new album he was performing today (and will be dropping in the near, undetermined future) was f***ing FIRE. woods referred to him as “the superstar” at the end of the show and truly, if anyone can achieve massive mainstream success for Backwoodz it’s him. The breath control was unreal. Reminded me of a young Nas, very straightforwardly great rap music. Their track on the AH album was stupid hard
Got so many goddamn sigs on the poster I cut down I might try to get everybody who touched the record
Cavalier signed to Backwoodz btw, whatever new album he was performing today (and will be dropping in the near, undetermined future) was f***ing FIRE. woods referred to him as “the superstar” at the end of the show and truly, if anyone can achieve massive mainstream success for Backwoodz it’s him. The breath control was unreal. Reminded me of a young Nas, very straightforwardly great rap music. Their track on the AH album was stupid hard
Dope stuff.
Pretty sure the Cavalier album that’s dropping soon is a collab project with Raz Fresco, I saw something about it on twitter the other day
Got so many goddamn sigs on the poster I cut down I might try to get everybody who touched the record
Cavalier signed to Backwoodz btw, whatever new album he was performing today (and will be dropping in the near, undetermined future) was f***ing FIRE. woods referred to him as “the superstar” at the end of the show and truly, if anyone can achieve massive mainstream success for Backwoodz it’s him. The breath control was unreal. Reminded me of a young Nas, very straightforwardly great rap music. Their track on the AH album was stupid hard
Cavalier signed to WHO?! When was this??
Cavalier signed to WHO?! When was this??
Not sure if they announced it in print somewhere earlier, but by crowd reaction yesterday most weren’t aware when he identified himself as the newest Backwoodz signee. F***in murdered his set, they picked a winner fr
Not sure if they announced it in print somewhere earlier, but by crowd reaction yesterday most weren’t aware when he identified himself as the newest Backwoodz signee. F***in murdered his set, they picked a winner fr
looking forward to hearing that album too now
Not sure if they announced it in print somewhere earlier, but by crowd reaction yesterday most weren’t aware when he identified himself as the newest Backwoodz signee. F***in murdered his set, they picked a winner fr
Backwoodz the new Roc-A-Fella
Got so many goddamn sigs on the poster I cut down I might try to get everybody who touched the record
Cavalier signed to Backwoodz btw, whatever new album he was performing today (and will be dropping in the near, undetermined future) was f***ing FIRE. woods referred to him as “the superstar” at the end of the show and truly, if anyone can achieve massive mainstream success for Backwoodz it’s him. The breath control was unreal. Reminded me of a young Nas, very straightforwardly great rap music. Their track on the AH album was stupid hard
Cav been out here putting in work, glad he's aligned with the best people for him
Cav been out here putting in work, glad he's aligned with the best people for him
This. Dude’s a tremendous spitter and Backwoodz is the best place to help make a name for himself in the underground scene, instead of just being referred to as “that one dope rapper that appears on every Quelle Chris album”
Dope stuff.
Pretty sure the Cavalier album that’s dropping soon is a collab project with Raz Fresco, I saw something about it on twitter the other day
i assumed cavalier was signed when he had a solo song on the high bias label comp from earlier this year, cool to see
Caltrops writeup of the We Buy Diabetic Test Strips pop-up preview
We’re in agreement that (Call Blocked) is going to be a high point of the record, if not THE high point. Nice to see he was similarly won over by Cavalier’s set. Dude just f***ing killed that s*** and looked good doing it
Overall he summed up my thoughts on the tracks they played (can’t believe they didn’t make it to youtube tbh) better than I could. I’m holding out hopes that we’ve yet to hear the noisiest elements of the album though
I meant to write him & show off some autographed copies of his work, but the motherfucker was there I would’ve rather had his signature on em