Easily one of my favorite Armand Hammer joints.
I prolly don’t need to tell you this, but ride clean
If she asks you straight up, say what you mean
It’s never as bad as it looks or as good as it seems
Easily for me too. Really been digging Furtive Movements lately. The one-two punch of this and Soft Places is really something special. Some of the best stuff they've made imo.
Easily for me too. Really been digging Furtive Movements lately. The one-two punch of this and Soft Places is really something special. Some of the best stuff they've made imo.
Same. Also seems like one of their most accessible projects
Btw, if anyone ain't heard it, Elucid has a project fully produced by AM Breakups under the moniker Cult Favorite called For Madmen Only. Its really good, very dark production.
That track features billy woods, and Blockhead did a dope remix of it too
billy woods on the new Preservation record Eastern Medicine, Western Illness dropping tomorrow
"If they laugh at the wrong time I'm going to South Africa"
Lol is that a shot at Chappelle?
"If they laugh at the wrong time I'm going to South Africa"
Lol is that a shot at Chappelle?
Just one week to go, beyond excited. Surprisingly happy it doesn't seem like we're getting a single. Looking forward to just running this front to back, not knowing what to expect.
Just one week to go, beyond excited. Surprisingly happy it doesn't seem like we're getting a single. Looking forward to just running this front to back, not knowing what to expect.
Best way to listen to albums
Best way to listen to albums
Yeah usually lack the resolve to hold out if a single drops lol. But for this I'm excited to just go in clean.
Especially given that Rome and Paraffin were basically made in tandem and tread similar ground sonically and conceptually.
Intrigued by what they've cooked up for us this time around, especially given the credits.
'Europe Is Not My Centre; Europe Is On The Outskirts': A Visual Essay
We put together visuals to display during Armand Hammer’s (@backwoodzstudioz + @cobratoof) performance, for their 2019 UK/EU tour. This is the entirety of that work.
This is a new cut and, as the video was intended for Armand Hammer, all music is by Elucid, billy woods or Armand Hammer (@backwoodzstudioz)
The visuals consist of footage from narrative and non-fiction films, historical footage and ‘found’ footage either made by Black filmmakers or that is centred around Black protagonists.
The video exists as a sort of response to the fact that Black cinematic art is not included within the canon of arthouse cinema, mostly for reasons of financing, lack of exposure and distribution and even censorship. The main reason, however, is that Black cinematic art, particularly that by African artists, is simply not considered as serious nor as ‘artistic’ an endeavour as what might broadly be referred to as works of ‘European cinema’. The title is ‘Europe Is Not My Centre; Europe Is On The Outskirts’, which references a quote by Ousmane Sembène. Sembène was a Senegalese filmmaker, who was asked if his films were understood in Europe; he replied, “Let’s be very clear, Europe is not my centre. Europe is on the outskirts”. This work was meant to be kept exclusive to the tour, but it only feels right to discuss it and share our thoughts.
The images/clips in this piece being divorced from their context echoes the way that social media divorces philosophies, narratives, modes of thought and discourse from any meaningful and intellectual context and turns them into incoherent, confusing, distressing and misleading messages that lead to far more questions than answers. There is, however, also truth to be found in this distortion and corruption. It is the distortion and corruption of our history, which we can taste in our sugar, our tomatoes, our tea, our spices and so many other things…these staples did not originate where they are most consumed and profited from, but the lack of concern for/interest in this is deafening. Economy is the great equaliser and as long as something is for sale, then its origin is of a lesser concern than its price.
This piece is also a response to being raised in an American society that is openly segregated in multifarious ways: from education, to finance, to representation, to everything related to what we might term as ‘normal life’. Not everyone feels or experiences this segregation in the same way, but to deny its existence is the most effective way to ensure its survival.
There is so much to be said, at this time, but social media is intentionally limiting and rewards brevity, so the only thing left to say is that the Black experience must be heard, understood, empathised with, accepted and celebrated by everyone or we will all suffer for it.
24 hours till the return of the greatest current hip hop duo
I listened to Paraffin and Rome today in preparation
I listened to Paraffin and Rome today in preparation
Same g been spinning them all week
For me, although both are masterpieces, i'm fonder of Paraffin. Curious where others stand on this.
Also always felt that Elucid edged it and was the stronger of the two on Rome. While Woods won on Paraffin. Again, not sure if this is the general consensus.
Same g been spinning them all week
For me, although both are masterpieces, i'm fonder of Paraffin. Curious where others stand on this.
Also always felt that Elucid edged it and was the stronger of the two on Rome. While Woods won on Paraffin. Again, not sure if this is the general consensus.
To me, Paraffin is denser and harder to listen to, so to speak. Like, the first time I checked it, I couldn’t get through it. And though I don’t think I’ve listened to them enough to have a preference yet, I find myself going back to Rome more for its consistency of production.
And I don’t think of it as woods vs. Elucid—it’s funny, today I was thinking about who’s the better rapper, and they’re both such masters of the stream-of-consciousness writing, and they both have SO many quotables. They both just kick so much ass. So on that front I have no winner.
Same g been spinning them all week
For me, although both are masterpieces, i'm fonder of Paraffin. Curious where others stand on this.
Also always felt that Elucid edged it and was the stronger of the two on Rome. While Woods won on Paraffin. Again, not sure if this is the general consensus.
Rome to me is their best work, loved the concept. I listen to it at least once a month
To me, Paraffin is denser and harder to listen to, so to speak. Like, the first time I checked it, I couldn’t get through it. And though I don’t think I’ve listened to them enough to have a preference yet, I find myself going back to Rome more for its consistency of production.
And I don’t think of it as woods vs. Elucid—it’s funny, today I was thinking about who’s the better rapper, and they’re both such masters of the stream-of-consciousness writing, and they both have SO many quotables. They both just kick so much ass. So on that front I have no winner.
Yeah thats fair. I expect that would be the majority take on it. Paraffin is definitely a tougher listen like you said.
Although, weirdly now after hearing it so much I find it oddly soothing ang legit have used it to fall asleep a fair few times lol. Peace in the chaos i guess.
Rome's a heavyweight of an album though don't get me wrong. Just find myself really fw the highs on Paraffin, probably cause of the alien production. Things like the climax of Fuhrman Tapes, the beat switches in Alternate Side Parking and Ecomog.
And yeah in terms of Elucid vs Woods they're both absolute beasts, no question. Not like I've ever thought one is lagging behind the other. Know how to get the best out of each other and they compliment perfectly.
Yeah thats fair. I expect that would be the majority take on it. Paraffin is definitely a tougher listen like you said.
Although, weirdly now after hearing it so much I find it oddly soothing ang legit have used it to fall asleep a fair few times lol. Peace in the chaos i guess.
Rome's a heavyweight of an album though don't get me wrong. Just find myself really fw the highs on Paraffin, probably cause of the alien production. Things like the climax of Fuhrman Tapes, the beat switches in Alternate Side Parking and Ecomog.
And yeah in terms of Elucid vs Woods they're both absolute beasts, no question. Not like I've ever thought one is lagging behind the other. Know how to get the best out of each other and they compliment perfectly.
At what point did Elucid recover after woods' verse on Pakistani Brain?