
    Body weight squat 200 clip

    Skrong as hell damn

  • thundagod

    Down 30 since november and abs showed up

  • Tubig

    Don’t do them then. There are many alternatives.

    My personal trainer made me the workout program and i trust his vision, and even then i already got 3 types of squats on it so it wouldnt change a lot i feel. No pain no gain as they say, i guess!

  • did chest today what a crazy pump

  • YoungFashioned

    seeing results after youve only been back in the gym for 2 weeks

    muscle memory is a thing

  • RareRarFiles

    muscle memory is a thing

    Yeah, but I basically hadn't gone to the gym regular for almost half a year so I didn't expect for it to come back as quickly

  • did arm day yesterday for first time in weeks and go figure all my problems have washed away!

  • ·
    4 replies

    I don't know if this the place for this

    but my stomach is constantly running and making noises

    Even when I don't have to s*** or have eaten anything, would more fiber help with this?

  • ·
    2 replies

    I don't know if this the place for this

    but my stomach is constantly running and making noises

    Even when I don't have to s*** or have eaten anything, would more fiber help with this?

    dont lift no weights! just do pushups pullups and dips only


    dont lift no weights! just do pushups pullups and dips only



    dont lift no weights! just do pushups pullups and dips only

  • ·
    1 reply

    No gym today did cardio instead. Down to 170

  • Lamar

    I don't know if this the place for this

    but my stomach is constantly running and making noises

    Even when I don't have to s*** or have eaten anything, would more fiber help with this?

    probiotics might help I guess

  • Lamar

    I don't know if this the place for this

    but my stomach is constantly running and making noises

    Even when I don't have to s*** or have eaten anything, would more fiber help with this?

    how many meals do u eat a day? do u have any stomach pain

  • hoopsplayer21

    did arm day yesterday for first time in weeks and go figure all my problems have washed away!

    what was going on

  • Lamar

    I don't know if this the place for this

    but my stomach is constantly running and making noises

    Even when I don't have to s*** or have eaten anything, would more fiber help with this?

    do you feel sick or like throwing up if it continues go to your family dr or a walk in

  • ·
    1 reply

    No gym today did cardio instead. Down to 170

    what is your avrg height and weight

  • ·
    1 reply

    hit back to 4 plate dead lift today was motivated today too, got back on stair master too and doing more leg/feet stretches for my fasca dr said it takes up tp 3 mons to feel normal again

  • Trishtiza26

    what is your avrg height and weight

    5’10, was about 190-200 most of last year

  • ·
    1 reply

    hit back to 4 plate dead lift today was motivated today too, got back on stair master too and doing more leg/feet stretches for my fasca dr said it takes up tp 3 mons to feel normal again

    You can probably f*** anyone up

  • insider111

    You can probably f*** anyone up

    na i am 5'7 at 177 lol only thing i wanna f*** up is the weights and if i get a nice gym girl lol

  • Trishtiza26

    na i am 5'7 at 177 lol only thing i wanna f*** up is the weights and if i get a nice gym girl lol

    You can probably f*** MOST people up


    At the gym and I’m stoned
    Call that gemstone 😎



  • Tubig

    Anyone be using these hydration supplements?

    I always assumed it was a scam but heard from a good source that the fatigue from cutting was often times an issue with electrolytes. Might be worth checking into now 6 months into this cut. Been hard to get up some mornings…

    Yeah I mix electrolyte powder with my water when I start running/biking more. Got these packs you can put into 1l of water.

    Definitely go to the toilet less then when I’m drinking water. Also feel much better overall.

  • The grind never ends