i did it today how much weight did you do and how many reps sets ??
1 warm up set
2 working sets of 8 reps
40 lbs
slow and controlled the entire time, really focus on the squeeze up top
1 warm up set
2 working sets of 8 reps
40 lbs
slow and controlled the entire time, really focus on the squeeze up top
do you super set them afterword's
nope, i just jump into a bicep exercise
do a super set when doing skull crushers you will feel incredible adter
Okay boys
I'm back doing home workouts. Remind me what's good
Push ups
Dead bugs
Door frame hangs/pull ups
Anything else?
Okay boys
I'm back doing home workouts. Remind me what's good
Push ups
Dead bugs
Door frame hangs/pull ups
Anything else?
Dead bugs
You could prop your back leg up on your couch and do Bulgarian split squats. Gonna destroy ur quads
Been having shoulder pain that began after a workout in over 2 years now.
Also back pains from old age
Okay boys
I'm back doing home workouts. Remind me what's good
Push ups
Dead bugs
Door frame hangs/pull ups
Anything else?
why dont you hit a gym
did a good shoulder workout its beginning to be kinda easy lol do you guys do seated lateral flies with the machine?
shoulder impingement on my left shoulder from seated overhead pressing but today I need to train shoulders and I can't stop won't stop. Including some shoulder rehab exercises in my dynamic stretches and swapping out some exercises that will aggravate the injury so I can still train while recovering
did a good shoulder workout its beginning to be kinda easy lol do you guys do seated lateral flies with the machine?
my gym doesn't have a seated lateral raise so I stick to cables
Bulking. I’m starting to get love handles now
Plus stuffing my face sucks I never feel the need to eat like this.
shoulder impingement on my left shoulder from seated overhead pressing but today I need to train shoulders and I can't stop won't stop. Including some shoulder rehab exercises in my dynamic stretches and swapping out some exercises that will aggravate the injury so I can still train while recovering
Workout was longer than normal but amazing. Swapped overhead press with kneeling landmine press, front cable raise with incline y raises, and did the lateral raise leaning away (still hurt a lil bit). Kept shrugs, face pulls, and pec deck rear delt flys
did a good shoulder workout its beginning to be kinda easy lol do you guys do seated lateral flies with the machine?
I feel them more when I’m standing with dumb bells
i was doing hip thrusts today and the gym staff had just got done mopping the rubber tiles, so my shoes were a little wet and when i went to rack the weight my feet slipped off the platform and i was damn near folded in half barely caught myself by bracing on the handles and replanting my feet but that s*** was close
Almost threw up in the gym this morning
i was doing hip thrusts today and the gym staff had just got done mopping the rubber tiles, so my shoes were a little wet and when i went to rack the weight my feet slipped off the platform and i was damn near folded in half barely caught myself by bracing on the handles and replanting my feet but that s*** was close
Does y’all’s gym have the hip thrust machine? lol I feel like the smith machine is the safest way to do those
Bulking. I’m starting to get love handles now
Plus stuffing my face sucks I never feel the need to eat like this.
cleans bulks r difficult af
cleans bulks r difficult af
A friend definitely told me to eat s*** like Big Macs and whoppers to make easy. Huge pass
Does y’all’s gym have the hip thrust machine? lol I feel like the smith machine is the safest way to do those
yeah we got the nataulis plate loaded machine in my gym. i think it’s a safe machine, i could’ve just unclipped the belt if i truly felt stuck. i just wasn’t thinking about my shoes being wet lmao
A friend definitely told me to eat s*** like Big Macs and whoppers to make easy. Huge pass
Dirty bulk is super fun
Cutting after a dirty bulk is not super fun