  • Sep 14, 2021
    math fifty

    Dumbbells Sitting

    Barbell standing

    Switch it up

    ya did it last week sitting did 70s and i do it standing to not as much as that

  • Sep 14, 2021
    1 reply

    been taking creatin for a while now since late july i am almost done it, when i am finished with it should i continue to take it or take a break from it? i was told if you take a break from it should be a month only also is it ok to take it all the time?

  • Sep 15, 2021
    2 replies

    Trying to lose 10-15 pounds in the next 3 months.

    Any tips or food suggestions. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week when I’m consistent

  • Sep 15, 2021
    2 replies

    Trying to lose 10-15 pounds in the next 3 months.

    Any tips or food suggestions. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week when I’m consistent

    -dont be shy from carbs, without them you will feel hungrier more often
    -eat a s*** ton of veggies, throw them in every meal to make you more full
    -low calorie ice cream is great
    -eat enough protein (0.8-1 gram protein per lb of body weight)
    -more cardio will be worse for you, low impact like walking on incline is best
    -greg doucette's recipe for french toast is also a game changer and will leave you full for a long ass time

  • Sep 15, 2021
    1 reply

    been taking creatin for a while now since late july i am almost done it, when i am finished with it should i continue to take it or take a break from it? i was told if you take a break from it should be a month only also is it ok to take it all the time?

    Continue to take it unless you’re taking a break from lifting.
    If you’re only gonna cut it out for a short period I believe that’s fine bc it won’t significantly drop your stores of creatine.
    No reason to ever stop taking it unless it’s causing you discomfort. It’s taken by non athletes too on a regular basis

  • Sep 15, 2021

    -dont be shy from carbs, without them you will feel hungrier more often
    -eat a s*** ton of veggies, throw them in every meal to make you more full
    -low calorie ice cream is great
    -eat enough protein (0.8-1 gram protein per lb of body weight)
    -more cardio will be worse for you, low impact like walking on incline is best
    -greg doucette's recipe for french toast is also a game changer and will leave you full for a long ass time

    Ooh I’ve actually implemented some of these!

    Def need to try the French toast one 😄

    Thanks dude!

  • Sep 15, 2021

    Eat food work out then go to sleep

  • NakedBalenciaga

    Eat food work out then go to sleep

  • Sep 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Trying to lose 10-15 pounds in the next 3 months.

    Any tips or food suggestions. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week when I’m consistent

    If you have time watch until the 15 min mark. This is strictly for burning fat.

    Combine this with intermittent fasting and some HIIT training/weights and you’ll be a fat burning machine. Sleep is also important as well. Good luck!

  • Sep 15, 2021

    Finally back in my uni gym since last week once the semester started. Still incredibly sore after each session, only going to lift 3 times and run the other 2 until my body acclimates to this kind of work again.

    Felt so good to finally hit deadlifts in over a year.

  • Sep 15, 2021
    1 reply

    naah i be walking all day at work. Im just impatient wit the growth

    Im hitting my 3000 cals easy now and i jus wanna be jacked already

    How’s an average day of eating look like for you? I needa eat 3000 calories too but idk wtf to eat and what times

  • Sep 15, 2021
    1 reply

    slowly but surely losing body fat.. vein in one of my arms popping up now without a pump/flex

    good motivation to continue.

    Also anyone here do yoga for mobility/being super tight? I get really bad tightness in my back/neck and am starting to try and incorporate as a cool down and its hard af. I work a sedentary job and dont have a stand-up desk at home, at the office I usually use one which helps a lot

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 15, 2021
    OK OK

    slowly but surely losing body fat.. vein in one of my arms popping up now without a pump/flex

    good motivation to continue.

    Also anyone here do yoga for mobility/being super tight? I get really bad tightness in my back/neck and am starting to try and incorporate as a cool down and its hard af. I work a sedentary job and dont have a stand-up desk at home, at the office I usually use one which helps a lot

    I do like 10min yoga everyday at the minimum, and a class every monday. It's blessed for helping you build a more supple foundation for your strength to grow on. Westerners locked up in their own bodies, gotta do sumn about that.

  • Sep 15, 2021
    1 reply

    How’s an average day of eating look like for you? I needa eat 3000 calories too but idk wtf to eat and what times

    I eat whatever cause im so skinny. Basically chik fil a, or chipotle mainly but again anything i want pretty much.

    i eat every 2 hours, snacks and meals, pbjs and a can of mixed nuts mainly. finna start boiling eggs for that protein too.

    Also i drink alot of whole milk cause i love it and im not lactose intolerant. Mix it up 20 ounces with the protien mix. Thats 600 cals easy without even prepping

  • Fam these bodyfat% pics to use as a guide are so unhelpful lmao. I can’t go get scanned atm so it’s the best I got smh

  • Sep 15, 2021

    Push day yesterday was a great sign. time to up the weight

  • Hitting a few consecutive days after having a fall off>>>>

  • Sep 15, 2021

    altered my conventional deadlifts to sumo and back squats to goblet cuz i pulled a muscle last session. i got thru 4 sets slowly but surely

  • Sep 15, 2021

    what's the best exercises for bigger arms?

  • Sep 15, 2021
    1 reply

    I eat whatever cause im so skinny. Basically chik fil a, or chipotle mainly but again anything i want pretty much.

    i eat every 2 hours, snacks and meals, pbjs and a can of mixed nuts mainly. finna start boiling eggs for that protein too.

    Also i drink alot of whole milk cause i love it and im not lactose intolerant. Mix it up 20 ounces with the protien mix. Thats 600 cals easy without even prepping

    Yeah I’m skinny af too I’ve been eating peanut butter banana sandwiches and 3 eggs everyday but thanks imma try eating every protein is 650 calories with water so that helps a lot

    I’ve been waking up late so that f***s up my meals and workouts and I end up only eating full meals twice a day I gotta fix that ASAP

  • Sep 15, 2021

    Need to start bulking up fr, I still have a small frame and I hate it

  • Sep 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah I’m skinny af too I’ve been eating peanut butter banana sandwiches and 3 eggs everyday but thanks imma try eating every protein is 650 calories with water so that helps a lot

    I’ve been waking up late so that f***s up my meals and workouts and I end up only eating full meals twice a day I gotta fix that ASAP

    Yuupp u gotta get them meals/snacks up. Thats like the main thing to focus on beyond routines.

    i start to eat around 5:30 am and start the timer there. by the end of day, even if i literally snack all day and eat 1 meal for dinner and a shake, i still reeach my goal.

  • Sep 15, 2021

    copped a kettle bell today. i got some creative exercises in mind ill do on my next workout like this

  • Sep 15, 2021
    2 replies

    Yuupp u gotta get them meals/snacks up. Thats like the main thing to focus on beyond routines.

    i start to eat around 5:30 am and start the timer there. by the end of day, even if i literally snack all day and eat 1 meal for dinner and a shake, i still reeach my goal.

    pork rinds got like 60 grams protein per 100 grams. i just snacked on a bunch and skipped dinner

  • Sep 15, 2021
    1 reply
    Hi Roller

    pork rinds got like 60 grams protein per 100 grams. i just snacked on a bunch and skipped dinner

    Pork rinds i forgot about those fr