They god they rebooted the Ultimate Universe
After the s***storm that was Ultimatum, it was needed
They god they rebooted the Ultimate Universe
After the s***storm that was Ultimatum, it was needed
Ult Spider-man has honestly surprised me with how good it's been. I gotta get caught up with ultimates but I hear it's been dope too. I have floppies for BP and X-Men but haven't started those.
1 issue into ultimate Spider-Man and this is special man. Hickman has probably solidified his place as one of the Goats
1 issue into ultimate Spider-Man and this is special man. Hickman has probably solidified his place as one of the Goats
Just binged the entire run so far and bruh.... it's amazing. Hickman really is my goat, bro
Currently trying to get into marvel comics starting with the silver age ill discuss everything i read cuz i got nowhere else to talk about it.
Amazing Spider-man - Easily the best out of all of the early stan lee comics How likeable and relatable he made peter is honestly pretty crazy. im 40 issues into it and i don't think there's been a single issue i haven't liked. The only issue if i had to point one out is probably the villain of the month formula. One of the best issues has peter not fighting anyone and dealing with life which was probably insanely experimental for the time it came out. You can easily see how spidey became so influential
Fantastic Four - only 12 issues in has some pretty interesting ideas. i like the issue where the F4 go broke because Reed spent all the money on Stocks genuinely never saw that in a super hero story. Suffers however from early sue storm being completely trash and reed being kinda boring. I heard its pretty rough until like 30 issues but i think ima power through it it seems worth it.
Claremount X-men run - The first issues of X-men were genuinely terrible so going into this i was so suprised by how good this s***. Storm is such a good character it blows my mind so many of the best issues revolve around her and her being a leader and it was always great to read. Def has its lows with mine being the issue where all the x-men gang up on colossus for not wanting to be a pedo to kitty pryde. But its highs are so amazing currently on issue 215 easily my fav marvel comic so far.
The New Mutants - Probably the biggest surprise of all the comics i read so far insanely good and way deeper then i would've thought it was. Not very far im in the middle of the demon bear saga but Magik and Sunspot are slowly becoming some of my fav super heroes. Great backstories for everyone and is way more then Teen x-men.