  • Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Tom King writing Archie loved the Mark Waid run, hopefully it's similar quality

  • Nov 6, 2024
    1 reply

    Tom King writing Archie loved the Mark Waid run, hopefully it's similar quality

    lol what

  • Nov 6, 2024
    1 reply
  • Nov 6, 2024

    It's just a one shot actually

    yeah, it was pretty funny too

  • Nov 7, 2024

    hickmans aliens vs avengers is easily best alien comic marvel released so far

  • Nov 8, 2024
    2 replies

    Don't know if y'all keeping up with the Ultimates, but new issue is pretty nuts. Didn't think it'd happen so soon but a main member of the Ultimates team gets clapped. And who it is now has me wondering where does the team go next? The events of issue 6 shows just how far ahead Maker's Council can be, even if you think the Ultimates have a handling of the world around them.

    Hulk f\*\*\*in CRUSHED Iron Lad to death, and he's been integral to their whole resistance strategy. Reed DOOM is still present and I'm sure him and Captain America can hold it down. But when it comes to finding and recruiting new heroes, developing tech, and keeping tabs on Stark-Roxxon tech that's still out in the wild that's a major blow to the team

  • And now that Absolute Superman is out, we now have the Big Three for the new Absolute universe established. Out of the three Superman was the one I was least excited for, and I gotta be honest...this first issue didn't really change that. The premise is pretty cool, it seems like they're really playing up the Superman is the sole protector of earth role. But let's be that really all that different from the other Superman stories we've gotten in the past? Funnily enough, it feels somewhat similar to what Zach Synder's Man of Steel was going for with Superman. I did enjoy that movie a bit, but unfortunately that whole universe felt rushed. Most I'll say is that there is potential with this universe's Superman. But just going off that first issue...I don't think we'll be seeing the Clark Kent side of Superman.

    As for Absolute Batman and Absolute Wonder Woman? F***in great stuff, amazing first issues, and I'm not afraid to jump out the window and call em instant classics. Can't wait for the rest.

  • Nov 8, 2024
    1 reply

    Absolute titles are flames man. I’ve kinda fallen off when my CH reading but I’m slowly getting back into it and I feel like DC is killing it right now, can’t wait for Absolute Flash / Martian Manhunter

  • Nov 9, 2024
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Don't know if y'all keeping up with the Ultimates, but new issue is pretty nuts. Didn't think it'd happen so soon but a main member of the Ultimates team gets clapped. And who it is now has me wondering where does the team go next? The events of issue 6 shows just how far ahead Maker's Council can be, even if you think the Ultimates have a handling of the world around them.

    Hulk f\*\*\*in CRUSHED Iron Lad to death, and he's been integral to their whole resistance strategy. Reed DOOM is still present and I'm sure him and Captain America can hold it down. But when it comes to finding and recruiting new heroes, developing tech, and keeping tabs on Stark-Roxxon tech that's still out in the wild that's a major blow to the team

    Probably gonna use their time machine to go back in time

  • Nov 10, 2024

    Probably gonna use their time machine to go back in time

    But...the implications!

  • Nov 12, 2024
    2 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    Don't know if y'all keeping up with the Ultimates, but new issue is pretty nuts. Didn't think it'd happen so soon but a main member of the Ultimates team gets clapped. And who it is now has me wondering where does the team go next? The events of issue 6 shows just how far ahead Maker's Council can be, even if you think the Ultimates have a handling of the world around them.

    Hulk f\*\*\*in CRUSHED Iron Lad to death, and he's been integral to their whole resistance strategy. Reed DOOM is still present and I'm sure him and Captain America can hold it down. But when it comes to finding and recruiting new heroes, developing tech, and keeping tabs on Stark-Roxxon tech that's still out in the wild that's a major blow to the team

    Yeah that issue was great. I really like ultimate spidey too,Black Panther been ok to me, havent read X-Me, maybe i should.

    Oh i went thru waids archie run and it was dope af. Reading some archie horror comics now

  • Nov 12, 2024
    gordon bombay

    Yeah that issue was great. I really like ultimate spidey too,Black Panther been ok to me, havent read X-Me, maybe i should.

    Oh i went thru waids archie run and it was dope af. Reading some archie horror comics now

    Ultimate X-Men is good but it's a slow burn forreal. It picks up around the sixth issue when semblance of a team starts to form. I'm waiting for the first trade to drop because I missed the eighth issue and I have previous issues to a girl I ain't talking to anymore.

    Ultimate Black Panther is another one that is a slow burn too and they always have the most exciting part at the very end. Just enough to pull you back in but man

    UBP is definitely gonna have a lot of connection with the Ultimates so that's a reason to keep going with it, but it's gonna need to pick it up cause it really be dragging at points.

  • Nov 12, 2024
    gordon bombay

    Yeah that issue was great. I really like ultimate spidey too,Black Panther been ok to me, havent read X-Me, maybe i should.

    Oh i went thru waids archie run and it was dope af. Reading some archie horror comics now

    Afterlife with Archie and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina are some of my favorites, shame that they will never be finished
    Life with Archie and the 2015 Jughead series are cool too

    Tbh my issue with Ultimate Black Panther (and the other recent BP series) is I feel T'challa lacks personality nowadays. I liked when he was written like a hybrid Doctor Doom / Batman.

  • Nov 13, 2024
    2 replies

    Anyone got a rundown on whats going on with DC rn? Been out of the game for maybe 2 years or so (tried to catch up a couple times) but whats this all with the DC All In thing and Absolute stuff?

    Also seeing that Barry's Flash is stripped of powers now? Is this a good jumping back in point and has the quality recently been solid?

  • Nov 13, 2024
    Sgt Leaf

    Absolute titles are flames man. I’ve kinda fallen off when my CH reading but I’m slowly getting back into it and I feel like DC is killing it right now, can’t wait for Absolute Flash / Martian Manhunter

    Omg this is great to hear

  • Nov 13, 2024

    Anyone got a rundown on whats going on with DC rn? Been out of the game for maybe 2 years or so (tried to catch up a couple times) but whats this all with the DC All In thing and Absolute stuff?

    Also seeing that Barry's Flash is stripped of powers now? Is this a good jumping back in point and has the quality recently been solid?

    its pretty easy catch up since after absolute power, fresh new star and all

    basically waller tried to stop metahumans with his amazo robot army, but failed, justice league was formed again after few year hiatus, darkseid bonded with spectre and became this absolute universe or some s***

    but i think all in special should be good starting point for this new era

  • Nov 13, 2024

    g.i.joe started today and new transformers issue was good, i really love this energonverse stuff

  • Jan 7
    1 reply

    this hard af

  • Neil Gaiman is f***in cooked.


    Anyone got a rundown on whats going on with DC rn? Been out of the game for maybe 2 years or so (tried to catch up a couple times) but whats this all with the DC All In thing and Absolute stuff?

    Also seeing that Barry's Flash is stripped of powers now? Is this a good jumping back in point and has the quality recently been solid?

    Absolute Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman are all f***in heat forreal

  • Jan 13
    2 replies

    might check out Absolute Batman

  • Jan 14

    might check out Absolute Batman

    that first issue aint bad, might read the rest

  • knees

    might check out Absolute Batman

    Honestly all of the absolute titles have been hitting. Lots of hate on the latest issue of batman bc of the artist switch up (walta) but it was just for one issue and a flashback story so

  • Absolute supes is hella fun too


    this hard af

    The maker as a character is overall so f***ing dope