pretty sure Taylor couldn't get a room of stoners, ravers, jocks, skateboarders, punks, preppy cocaine girls etc to all to absolutely lose themselves in a big drunk singalong like I've seen Hey Jude and Like A Prayer do
She doesn’t have those kinds of universal smackers
it’s her appeal, if she had Britney’s who could be played by any demographic at peak then maybe
if Taylor was “cool” it would damage her appeal anyways
she’s more relatable than someone like Amy Winehouse who had natural drip that most yt girls do not possess tbh
she has been trying to be lana “cool” yk indie all Americana
Taylor Swift is not even close to MJ and the Beatles and you teeny boppers ain't gonna push this narrative. She's like Justin Bieber or Nsync or Backstreet boys level artistically and culturally
She doesn’t have those kinds of universal smackers
also that, when we compare her hits to someone like Rihanna or even Katy Perry.. eh
Its scary to think about Taylor Swift being MJ level. I'll say shes MJ level in the US, she's definitely not international level. She's American as Apple Pie, and thats what kill her worldwide appeal some.(of course you have some fans that love her internationally but shes not MJ or Beatles level)
Taylor lacks a certain universal appeal like other popstars (Love Story and Shake It Off are her most universal hits), but her massive success comes from the fact that she appeals to WOMEN (no, not just white girls). Her lyrics, music videos, photoshoots, even internet posts… And I don’t even think that’s manufactured. That’s just her.
In theory, she shouldn’t be relatable. She’s from a wealthy family, has been in the music industry since very young, today she’s rich and famous asf… but she makes her music and her visuals and performances in a way that it’s relatable to girls.
Just like we have a bunch of men that see themselves on Drake
Taylor lacks a certain universal appeal like other popstars (Love Story and Shake It Off are her most universal hits), but her massive success comes from the fact that she appeals to WOMEN (no, not just white girls). Her lyrics, music videos, photoshoots, even internet posts… And I don’t even think that’s manufactured. That’s just her.
In theory, she shouldn’t be relatable. She’s from a wealthy family, has been in the music industry since very young, today she’s rich and famous asf… but she makes her music and her visuals and performances in a way that it’s relatable to girls.
Just like we have a bunch of men that see themselves on Drake
Thing about that though is that only strongly appealing to women is the #1 reason she will never be The Beatles/MJ big. They had both genders absolutely freaking out over them and they had hits on hits that everyone will know for the rest of our lives. Taylor will probably go down in the top 10 biggest of all time, but she will never be top 2 with them.
Taylor Swift is like Pepsi while MJ and Beatles are like Coca Cola. While both brands are massive, which person in a remote villiage will they recognize easily?
Post someone a white woman you think looks cool, then
few have done it like her
“I want to hold your hand” isn’t a phrase like “Haters gonna hate” though, that’s the singer of the song telling a girl they want to
Still intentional use of idiomatic language for universal appeal like Haters gonna hate, especially since it’s the hook phrase
Honestly though, Taylor barely even an entertainer like MJ, nowhere as good of an like any of The Beatles.
pretty sure Taylor couldn't get a room of stoners, ravers, jocks, skateboarders, punks, preppy cocaine girls etc to all to absolutely lose themselves in a big drunk singalong like I've seen Hey Jude and Like A Prayer do
Make music that'd impress the masses opposed to teens with low self-esteem.
folklore and evermore
she has been trying to be lana “cool” yk indie all Americana
maybe 1989 and folklore but otherwise nah