  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Why aint it letting me play it wtf

    It usually takes a minute, keep trying

    Whenever it’s supposed to drop at midnight it’s usually more like 12:03 lol

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    It usually takes a minute, keep trying

    Whenever it’s supposed to drop at midnight it’s usually more like 12:03 lol

    WE LIT

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Cot damn it we can't play this until midnight in Cali?

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Forgot the only fire types in the sinnoh dex are Rapidash and Infernape

    Guess it's Chimchar for the 10th time after all

    There are more fire types underground this time

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Still not working for me

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Why the character walk like that

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Still not working for me

    Just got in

  • Nov 19, 2021

    WE LIT

  • mishima 😈
    Nov 19, 2021

    Why they playing like this

  • Nov 19, 2021

    picking my preorder up in 9 hours. someone beat the game early and trade me a horsea

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Forgot the only fire types in the sinnoh dex are Rapidash and Infernape

    Guess it's Chimchar for the 10th time after all

    Houndoom, Arcanine (BD), Ninetales (SP) are all options now

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    This pokemart b**** gave me 10 potions

    Pokemon really be hand holding these days

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Brave Turtwig without a single reset

    He done miracles on me

  • Nov 19, 2021
    2 replies

    This mofuckers walk slow as s***!

  • Nov 19, 2021
    Soo Diff

    This mofuckers walk slow as s***!

    you get running shoes almost immediately

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Maybe I just didn’t pay enough attention to all the prelease media but the artstyle and graphics are actually charming as f***? I’m completely sold

    this gen was easily my most played and I fell off Pokémon right after so it feels so incredible to be running this right now

  • Nov 19, 2021
    Soo Diff

    This mofuckers walk slow as s***!

    A***ogue stick to run or use B+control pad

  • Nov 19, 2021
    martian master

    Houndoom, Arcanine (BD), Ninetales (SP) are all options now

  • Nov 19, 2021

    national dex or nah?

  • Nov 19, 2021

    don't you have to use the other bike for this

  • Nov 19, 2021

    I got the modest pilplup

  • Nov 19, 2021

    gonna pick this up tomorrow morning before i get my haircut

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Liking this more than I expected. Comfy lil game

    The chibis lowkey awkwardly cute

    A small cosmetic feature I missed was the retro style battle intros. With the back of the trainer sliding into view and all that.

  • Nov 19, 2021
    2 replies

    This pokemart b**** gave me 10 potions

    Pokemon really be hand holding these days

    Plus I hear there’s no way to turn off EXP share. You’re going to steamroll the game.

    I don’t understand the point of even making exp share an item if it’s mandatory. Just make it a hidden feature from the go instead of giving the impression that it may be able to be toggled on and off.

    I will never understand the decision to force it on the player.

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Plus I hear there’s no way to turn off EXP share. You’re going to steamroll the game.

    I don’t understand the point of even making exp share an item if it’s mandatory. Just make it a hidden feature from the go instead of giving the impression that it may be able to be toggled on and off.

    I will never understand the decision to force it on the player.

    One of the worst decisions they’ve made in all these 20 years but I’ve been reading for days that the curve isn’t bad at all.

    Fighting every single wild mon, catching sprees and the higher leveled underground mons will have you overleveled though.