  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply
    Color Theory

    One of the worst decisions they’ve made in all these 20 years but I’ve been reading for days that the curve isn’t bad at all.

    Fighting every single wild mon, catching sprees and the higher leveled underground mons will have you overleveled though.

    Basically if you play the game you’ll ruin the experience for yourself.

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Basically if you play the game you’ll ruin the experience for yourself.

    I never go on catching sprees or fight every single wild mon on casual runs/pre HOF but okay lol. After a certain point I know how strong my team is and I choose my battles anyway.

    It would be different if you had to skip trainers or not fight any wild pokemon. To me that would be blatantly hindering the experience.

    But at the end of the day it is subjective.

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Patiently waiting for the post to arrive to kick-start this weekend off

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Plus I hear there’s no way to turn off EXP share. You’re going to steamroll the game.

    I don’t understand the point of even making exp share an item if it’s mandatory. Just make it a hidden feature from the go instead of giving the impression that it may be able to be toggled on and off.

    I will never understand the decision to force it on the player.

    Straight up removing player choice is always such a head scratcher

    First they make it so that exp share applies to the entire party and not just one Pokémon

    Now we can’t even turn it off. Just makes no sense

  • Nov 19, 2021

    picked chimchar for diamond when i was a kid

    picked turtwig for platinum

    only feels right to pick piplup for brilliant diamond all these years later

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Gonna try and run through this with some Pokémon that I’ve never used before

  • Nov 19, 2021

    I'll never forget my OG Diamond team, dunno why, but I always thought it was cool as hell, even after all these years.

    Think Imma go with Piplup once I cop this tho and try to go with some pokemon I didn't really use before, as well.

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Tempted to reset to get the right nature for my Chimchar. Highkey want to go full EV train mode on this game cause I’ve never did it

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I hated this art style when it was first shown.

    God I was so wrong

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I need Primeape or Fearow in this game, i used them in my OG blue team back in the late 90s

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Timid chimchar first try

    Guess we going nasty plot special this time

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Gonna try and run through this with some Pokémon that I’ve never used before

    I always try to do this and then end up going back to old faithfuls smh

  • Nov 19, 2021

    I need Primeape or Fearow in this game, i used them in my OG blue team back in the late 90s

    those were both postgame pokémons in the original DP if i remember right

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    im gonna try not using starly-starraptor whenever i cop this since i don’t need fly

    gonna be weird not using him

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Say I have Pearl downloaded to a console and I want to play Diamond, do I have to download the whole game and have both downloaded?

  • Nov 19, 2021

    need to go the Eb games to pick it up but I lost my receipt for my pre order hopefully telling em my phone number is enough.

    My first run might be a Nuzelocke but I wanna start with Turtwig my first starter ever

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Say I have Pearl downloaded to a console and I want to play Diamond, do I have to download the whole game and have both downloaded?

    Yea you need both downloaded to play both versions

    I have sword and shield both installed on my switch

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Dont like the background to the battles in MT. Coronet. Niggas in a whole ass mountain and the background is all purple, weird

    Elite 4 and champion backgrounds are dope ass hell tho

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Dont like the background to the battles in MT. Coronet. Niggas in a whole ass mountain and the background is all purple, weird

    Elite 4 and champion backgrounds are dope ass hell tho

    we just started the game bruh how you already posting endgame spoilers lmao

    no way you’re even at this point yet you must’ve looked it up??

  • Nov 19, 2021

    I like that the poketch apps can be shuffled with your finger on the touch screen, it’s a small thing but it helpful

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    we just started the game bruh how you already posting endgame spoilers lmao

    no way you’re even at this point yet you must’ve looked it up??

    Nigga this game dropped in 2006 This aint no spoiler

    Dont even have a switch, just saw some videos

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Nigga this game dropped in 2006 This aint no spoiler

    Dont even have a switch, just saw some videos

    you didn’t even post anything about the 2006 game, you’re just talking about how it looks in the remake and you posted an image of it because the video shows a still of the ending of the game whatever man im out

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    you didn’t even post anything about the 2006 game, you’re just talking about how it looks in the remake and you posted an image of it because the video shows a still of the ending of the game whatever man im out

    imo how the background looks in the battle aint no spoiler b. And when talking bout remakes and s*** like that, if it aint new content then it aint a spoiler. For example with FF7, remake came out recently but Aeris dying aint a spoiler

    Would put it on the spoiler thing but ngl i dont know how to do it and i've been here since the day the forum was created lmao

  • Nov 19, 2021

    imo how the background looks in the battle aint no spoiler b. And when talking bout remakes and s*** like that, if it aint new content then it aint a spoiler. For example with FF7, remake came out recently but Aeris dying aint a spoiler

    Would put it on the spoiler thing but ngl i dont know how to do it and i've been here since the day the forum was created lmao

    not gonna lie you have me hype the still image of the legendary in that vid you posted looks crazy

    yeah I’m not tripping about story spoilers because the games been out for so long but I wasn’t expecting videos of the ending lmao, I paused immediately when I realized what it was tho I should’ve read first

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Will wait for Arceus
    these remakes look like 3ds games, i demand more