
    Z-A looks fun

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Damn ZA only looks slightly better than sca/vio, and its dropping late 2025 too why its talking them this much, its clearly not showing!
    Champions looks gas but it can only thrive with me if they put all the old games on nso or something cause as it stands i'd have no pokemon to transfer😭😭

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Totodile my man im happy for him

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Damn ZA only looks slightly better than sca/vio, and its dropping late 2025 too why its talking them this much, its clearly not showing!
    Champions looks gas but it can only thrive with me if they put all the old games on nso or something cause as it stands i'd have no pokemon to transfer😭😭

    the work behind pokemon games doesnt only fall on graphics. thats only a tiny part of the main work behind these games. They arent ubisoft games.

    also, its releasing on 9 year old hardware that was outdated 9 years ago.

  • Feb 27
    2 replies

    chikorita and f***ing tepig bruh

    who asked for them to be invited

    f*** chikorita, but tepig genuinely slaps?

  • Stardust

    Totodile my man im happy for him

  • Feb 27
    so much pain

    playing scarlet and violet in big 2025 is crazy

    amazing raids are still constant. I havent played this year only because im doing a gen 5 run on pokemmo and a gen 7 run. also gen 9 is where comp is plus the only good non-combat multiplayer rn

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    How can Pokémon games look so bad.

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    How can Pokémon games look so bad.

    old hardware + requiring 100s to 1000s of unique characters with individualized moves/animations, etc

    series got too big for itself game wise. TPC should slow down and just beef up graphics since thats all g*mers care about

    and to be clear I have PLENTY to criticize modern pokemon over.

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    I‘m wondering why they put 2 Johto starters in there

    I hope chikorita gets a buffed last stage evolution cause Meganium was never good enough

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Totodile is an S tier starter so tbh i’m not even mad at Chikorita or Tepig cause i already know i’m not playing them anyways

  • Feb 27

    I‘m wondering why they put 2 Johto starters in there

    I hope chikorita gets a buffed last stage evolution cause Meganium was never good enough

    Im annoyed as f*** by that. Chikorita needs a buff but gen 2 has my least favorite starters by far. now all 3 have a regional variant. It makes sense we got 1 gen 5 starter, but it would make more sense than this choice to have snivy over totadile

  • Feb 27
    so much pain

    Totodile is an S tier starter so tbh i’m not even mad at Chikorita or Tepig cause i already know i’m not playing them anyways

    design I agree is S and ill admit he will be so much better with buffs but in use feraligatr currently sucks so much

    give this one soak and im all in

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 27
    1 reply

    f*** chikorita, but tepig genuinely slaps?

    he's no chimchar

  • Feb 27

    he's no chimchar

    thats fair. my main issue with those starters is all the fire fighting ones we got, but the new typing will be interesting to see at least

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 27
    1 reply

    old hardware + requiring 100s to 1000s of unique characters with individualized moves/animations, etc

    series got too big for itself game wise. TPC should slow down and just beef up graphics since thats all g*mers care about

    and to be clear I have PLENTY to criticize modern pokemon over.

    the money that this IP generates and only a fraction goes into making these games by comparison

    it could be so much better but its basically forever stuck in this half assed state

  • Nayuta

    the money that this IP generates and only a fraction goes into making these games by comparison

    it could be so much better but its basically forever stuck in this half assed state

    exactly, they got too big. profits are taken and whats left over goes to the 15 games being made + tv show + movies + brand deals + cards + plushies + 100 other things

    With the games Id rather complain about poor online service and lack of them being playable on release. I didnt buy a switch to play pretty games like baulders gate, my most played game ever is stardew or half life 1 lol. The new games really do not need entire 100s of new pokemon or these additions like terrestrialization either

    but theyre burning their brand by not caving in for graphics. theyre in a spot where the games demand so much more to be made, but people will never let go of them not being pretty so they do need to focus on it. it was their dumbass idea to go all 3-d with gen 6 and theyre still paying for it.

    theyre trying to do way too much and everyone would be happier with a return to roots without all the extra new s*** every game so prettier graphics can be attainable. We basically saw this with legends 1, now we have to see if theyre actually listening with what gen 10 turns out to be even if I was pretty dissapointed with legends 1 (it was a lot of fun still)

    I wouldnt call gen 9 half assed, its the opposite where they went way too hard on the wrong things. theres an overwhelming amount of content though they marketed the free roam thing terribly. theyre half assing where they should be focusing, and gen 8 was the most half assed pokemon game I ever played though. but that shows progress

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    the work behind pokemon games doesnt only fall on graphics. thats only a tiny part of the main work behind these games. They arent ubisoft games.

    also, its releasing on 9 year old hardware that was outdated 9 years ago.

    Tears of the Kingdom out now!
    Breath of the wild out now!
    Monster hunter rise out now!
    Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2, 3 out now and x soon!
    Im probably forgetting some other titles!

  • Im also happy for my man AZ too, hope his story is expanded here cause he by far was the most compelling part of that gen and still wasnt enough

  • If monolith soft sent even only 10 people to gamefreak we'd see generational advances in visual presentation, Nintendo might have to make that call

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Tears of the Kingdom out now!
    Breath of the wild out now!
    Monster hunter rise out now!
    Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2, 3 out now and x soon!
    Im probably forgetting some other titles!

    Yeah as I already said pokemon has waaaaaaay more in them than any of those. There's over 1000 models in gen 9, I don't know why people forget this.

    They should just stop releasing new pokemon for a gen or two and strip back what's in the games.

    Cut the games down in scope and focus on qol + looks

  • Feb 27
    1 reply
  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    f*** chikorita, but tepig genuinely slaps?


  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    chikorita and f***ing tepig bruh

    who asked for them to be invited

    A chance to give two underutilized starters a revamp why would they do this 😱 cmon night

  • Totodile line ✅️
    Chikorita line ✅️
    Tepig line as long as they fix emboars awful design ✅️