A chance to give two underutilized starters a revamp why would they do this 😱 cmon night
when mega meganium is as bad as mega sceptile don't tell me i didn't see it coming
height and weight being such useless information always been hilariously lazy
when mega meganium is as bad as mega sceptile don't tell me i didn't see it coming
Will still be beloved by me
Will still be beloved by me
of course you love that thing
the more I like at the game the more I like it
Was put off by it using the S/V graphics engine but you can tell they’ve improved on it a lot. 9 more months of dev time and the switch 2 patch should iron out the kinks
Watch when this mega hits
I'll stay reserved in my judgements but I'd be happy if they gave it a fire/grass or water/grass typing (either regional or mega forms)
Other than that idk what would make it worth it without major stat/move buffing
That ZA footage looked incredible
That late 2025 release date was shocking (in a good way)
Was expecting an April / May release date tbh
Im happy about that tho. Game looks fire and I want them to make sure the game runs well. Take ya MF time
That ZA footage looked incredible
That late 2025 release date was shocking (in a good way)
Was expecting an April / May release date tbh
Im happy about that tho. Game looks fire and I want them to make sure the game runs well. Take ya MF time
I just got to see some too, based off of what people are saying online I expected it to look the same as SV with the dead mountains and grass but I actually think it looks really good?
Idk I know I'll enjoy the game
Nah y'all wyling. Chikorita, Totodile, and Tepig are most likely all getting Kalos regional evolutions AND mega evos. They all three need the upgrade as they're the weakest starters from a competitive standpoint. They're very niche. GF has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever.
Also with the inclusion of Chikorita and Totodile getting new forms. I think we're getting something Gen 2 related as apart of the 30th anniversary next year. Cyndaquil got it's new evolution in PLA.
Also Johto is the region that’s gone the longest time without a new game (2011). The fact we got 2 Johto starters for ZA is def hinting at a new game
Y’all think we getting new final Evo’s of the starters? Lowkey I’m thinking nah since it’s set in modern day and they’re all getting Mega’s
Don’t know how I set my expectations low and I’m still annoyed. These streams are basically just for them to give us yearly mobile game updates and updates on whatever November game is dropping.
Don’t know why I actually thought red and blue were coming to NSO today lmao
It’s been 8 years, mainline Pokemon games will never be on NSO lmao
They will sell them to us… eventually
Also Johto is the region that’s gone the longest time without a new game (2011). The fact we got 2 Johto starters for ZA is def hinting at a new game
I don't like that but I'm willing to wait and see what they do with the two regional forms and megas
Aside from hoping for mudkip (which obv wouldn't happen) idk what I expected though
Y’all think we getting new final Evo’s of the starters? Lowkey I’m thinking nah since it’s set in modern day and they’re all getting Mega’s
I mean yeah I fully assumed that
Especially with 2/3 being monos in gen 2
I mean yeah I fully assumed that
Especially with 2/3 being monos in gen 2
Just feels weird for them to get a new final evo forms when they’re also getting Mega’s. Their Mega’s would then hypothetically be tied to the new regional form which feels like an odd move by them.
legends ZA was the ONLY new serious title announced ?! wtf
They saving Gen 10 announcement for the 30th anniversary next year IMO
That also means an extra year of development. After SV, I’m glad they’re waiting
I guess I’m in the minority cus I love Chikorita and Totodile and Tepig is one of the most mid starters IMO
legends ZA was the ONLY new serious title announced ?! wtf
I think that's a good thing. I didn't even know that yet but all over this thread I've basically been saying they need to do that