  • Aug 24, 2023

    Absolutely no shame in that man that’s where all good journeys start. Copying/tracing is the biggest learning hack. in Fact Ive been practicing tracing some work and will post it in a few

    yeah, i don't have the originality now, but just trying to draw more these days.

    appreciate it

  • Aug 24, 2023

    Fist thing is, I finished page 4. This is far from a traditional page layout, but I wanted to experiment with using a video game style dialogue paneling. I actually don't hate how this turned out.

    As much as I'd like to celebrate, I've been getting a lot of negative feedback about my artstyle. Part of me wants to say f*** them, and I'm still just starting off and finding my style, which is true, but thats not a healthy attitude to foster all the time. So I'm taking the next month off to grind my artstyle, and become more confident and competent in what I'm actually doing. Bottom line... I need to get better.

    So the next 30 days is going to look like a whole lot of tracing, and this is the first product of that. Making the outline was easy, but figuring out how to convey the volume and form within the body was the challenge, but I eventually started to get a good feel from it and learned a lot.

    Also, something I was doing for fun.

    this is too nuts man. insane design

  • Sep 9, 2023

    Y'all mind if I dump some s***

    Been practicing drawing clouds.

  • Sep 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Something else

  • Sep 9, 2023

    Ideas for soldiers.

    1 and 6 I'm definitely keeping, I'd like to improve 4 and 5, and 2 has some promise to it I just have to finish. 3 I'm indifferent towards...

  • Sep 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Something else

    H A R D

  • Sep 9, 2023
    shin thread jpeg

    H A R D

    Thank you yo

  • Oct 17, 2023

    posted it in another thread, so might as well put it here

  • Oct 21, 2023
    1 reply

    ok im drawin again. wip of a character from an one shot i wanna do

  • Oct 21, 2023

    I’ll post some new stuff in a couple weeks

  • Oct 21, 2023

    Fist thing is, I finished page 4. This is far from a traditional page layout, but I wanted to experiment with using a video game style dialogue paneling. I actually don't hate how this turned out.

    As much as I'd like to celebrate, I've been getting a lot of negative feedback about my artstyle. Part of me wants to say f*** them, and I'm still just starting off and finding my style, which is true, but thats not a healthy attitude to foster all the time. So I'm taking the next month off to grind my artstyle, and become more confident and competent in what I'm actually doing. Bottom line... I need to get better.

    So the next 30 days is going to look like a whole lot of tracing, and this is the first product of that. Making the outline was easy, but figuring out how to convey the volume and form within the body was the challenge, but I eventually started to get a good feel from it and learned a lot.

    Also, something I was doing for fun.

    why tracing instead of you know learning how to actually draw the human body

  • Oct 21, 2023

    Amazing thread

  • Oct 22, 2023
    1 reply
    shin thread jpeg

    ok im drawin again. wip of a character from an one shot i wanna do

    still missing her helmet, wooden war club, a set of jack chain armor and im still a lil unsure on the legs' perspective but

  • Oct 27, 2023
    1 reply
    shin thread jpeg

    still missing her helmet, wooden war club, a set of jack chain armor and im still a lil unsure on the legs' perspective but

    nixed the helmet and tweaked the vest + leg placement a little. might move on to linework + color now

  • Oct 29, 2023
    2 replies

    I need to start making a habit of regularly posting my work so I'm going to start working on that this month, even if its just WIPs to get in the habit of consistency.

    Anyway I'm going back to traditional mediums, I'm so done with digital art, it just isn't for me. This was done with black acrylic on canvas.

  • Oct 29, 2023

  • Oct 29, 2023

    Sky samples

    WIP I ruined with terribad coloring

  • Oct 29, 2023

    Concept art. Not going with this but I like how it turned out.

    And uh yep thats it @Skiofficial Thanks for making me post this s*** its been sitting on my desk for weeks.

  • Oct 29, 2023
    2 replies

    @OS9 @Thread_Critic_PhD incredible work from you two! have you tried entering in the animation or drawing field at all?

  • Oct 29, 2023
    1 reply

    @OS9 @Thread_Critic_PhD incredible work from you two! have you tried entering in the animation or drawing field at all?

    Thank you dude. But I am NOWHERE near industry level yet. You could argue there's no such thing as real "industry level", but I mean there other artists who've been drawing all their lives I'll probably never be as good as, since I hadn't picked my pen up until my mid 20s.

    Shin thread might be though

  • Oct 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Thank you dude. But I am NOWHERE near industry level yet. You could argue there's no such thing as real "industry level", but I mean there other artists who've been drawing all their lives I'll probably never be as good as, since I hadn't picked my pen up until my mid 20s.

    Shin thread might be though

    i get that, but i def think you have a chance man.
    was watching parts of this recently

    though the guy has been making art for awhile, he's giving it his all now. i believe in you bro.

    but guess it's time for me to hang up my dreams lol

  • training

    @OS9 @Thread_Critic_PhD incredible work from you two! have you tried entering in the animation or drawing field at all?

    just like GATLA said, i'm not at a level where i'd feel comfortable applying for those kinds of jobs. i'd be further along if i had drawn a lot more consistently after college i've had to draw a little at my job but they were only internal projects lol right now, id really like to finish an one-shot

  • Oct 29, 2023
    1 reply

    i get that, but i def think you have a chance man.
    was watching parts of this recently


    though the guy has been making art for awhile, he's giving it his all now. i believe in you bro.

    but guess it's time for me to hang up my dreams lol

    Bruh I just finished this video and it resonated with me heavily, thank you for posting. I've went through those same revelations, but find myself in a cycle of self-doubt and re-enlightenment, over and over again. Hopefully one day I'll commit to confidence...

    Why do you feel like you need to hang it up?

  • Oct 29, 2023
    1 reply

    I need to start making a habit of regularly posting my work so I'm going to start working on that this month, even if its just WIPs to get in the habit of consistency.

    Anyway I'm going back to traditional mediums, I'm so done with digital art, it just isn't for me. This was done with black acrylic on canvas.

    Why do you say you're done with digital? The digital stuff you had previously posted was cool.

  • Oct 29, 2023

    I need to start making a habit of regularly posting my work so I'm going to start working on that this month, even if its just WIPs to get in the habit of consistency.

    Anyway I'm going back to traditional mediums, I'm so done with digital art, it just isn't for me. This was done with black acrylic on canvas.

    This is great!
