  • Oct 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Bruh I just finished this video and it resonated with me heavily, thank you for posting. I've went through those same revelations, but find myself in a cycle of self-doubt and re-enlightenment, over and over again. Hopefully one day I'll commit to confidence...

    Why do you feel like you need to hang it up?

    glad u found it helpful and tbh, i've always dabbled in art and drawing, but never took it seriously, so my skills aren't great.

    plus, i'm getting older so i feel like the opportunity to do anything art wise is getting even worse since i don't even have a decent skillset

  • Oct 29, 2023
    1 reply

  • Oct 29, 2023

    glad u found it helpful and tbh, i've always dabbled in art and drawing, but never took it seriously, so my skills aren't great.

    plus, i'm getting older so i feel like the opportunity to do anything art wise is getting even worse since i don't even have a decent skillset

    See you’re doing the same thing he said in the video and what I did, investing in self doubt. Just do it for fun and draw what you want the way you want. Are you trying to make art your career?

  • Oct 29, 2023
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Why did you post this…?

  • Oct 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Why did you post this…?

    i was tAke testing

    Was in a heated battle and couldnt afford to tAke and didnt have time to find a designated tAke thread so i went to the tab i had open

  • Oct 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Why do you say you're done with digital? The digital stuff you had previously posted was cool.

    Thank you man. There’s a lot of reasons, but simply put, I’ve never really been comfortable with the excess of tools at my disposal. I don’t have the mental chomps for digital, in a sense that I often find myself getting stuck in the mindless cycle of redoing and undoing insignificant strokes over and over until I feel like I have the ‘perfect’ one, and wasting too much time experimenting with different tools and effects, and trying to imitate different artist styles rather than exploring and refining my own, and doing what feels good.

    Inversely, traditional just feels better. I don’t feel as much of a sensory overload so to speak with the limited tools I have, the lead pencil, inking pen, and markers. There is a satisfying sense of finality with every stroke that I make, which alleviates the pressure to be as perfect with every stroke and artistic decision as I feel with digital. My mind operates on the logic of ‘you are working on a digital canvas with unlimited resources and ability to undo, so there is no excuse for any flaws” Which is a toxic way to approach art.

  • Oct 29, 2023
    mr get dough

    i was tAke testing

    Was in a heated battle and couldnt afford to tAke and didnt have time to find a designated tAke thread so i went to the tab i had open

    I buy it cause I’ve done the same s*** in the What’s on your mind thread

  • Oct 29, 2023

    Just realized I never posted my last batch of digital work before I hung it up. Here it is.

    Clouds like a dream...

    Lonely roader

    Scrapped idea, couldn't get comfortable with the execution and rendering

    Style testing.

    And lastly, cover idea for a point of my story in the future

    And yep, that was all she wrote.

  • Oct 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Thank you man. There’s a lot of reasons, but simply put, I’ve never really been comfortable with the excess of tools at my disposal. I don’t have the mental chomps for digital, in a sense that I often find myself getting stuck in the mindless cycle of redoing and undoing insignificant strokes over and over until I feel like I have the ‘perfect’ one, and wasting too much time experimenting with different tools and effects, and trying to imitate different artist styles rather than exploring and refining my own, and doing what feels good.

    Inversely, traditional just feels better. I don’t feel as much of a sensory overload so to speak with the limited tools I have, the lead pencil, inking pen, and markers. There is a satisfying sense of finality with every stroke that I make, which alleviates the pressure to be as perfect with every stroke and artistic decision as I feel with digital. My mind operates on the logic of ‘you are working on a digital canvas with unlimited resources and ability to undo, so there is no excuse for any flaws” Which is a toxic way to approach art.

    Believe it or not, I know exactly what you mean. I've had trouble getting into digital painting too simply because I get overwhelmed with the unlimited tools/options and ended up not doing anything, lol. To me it feels like when you open Netflix and don't know what to watch despite there definitely being a lot of things you could watch.

    With physical mediums there is that permanence you mention and it limits the overthinking I do - not to mention some of the stuff you can do is easier irl.

    I got a Intuos Wacom years ago, never really used it. Blamed it the lack of convenience and the small delay/lag. Got an iPad + Pencil last year, also haven't used it much despite it being more convenient. Most of the time I don't know what to draw or I spent days looking for the "best" brushes only to endlessly doodle different strokes and realize the brushes didn't magically make a difference like I thought they would.

    I think I just just need to force myself to make something and be constant with it so I get more and more "practice" until I feel more comfortable with it.

  • Oct 30, 2023
    1 reply
    shin thread jpeg

    nixed the helmet and tweaked the vest + leg placement a little. might move on to linework + color now


  • Oct 30, 2023
    1 reply


    thanks fam. here's where i left it last night

  • Nov 1, 2023
    shin thread jpeg

    thanks fam. here's where i left it last night

    Top tier filters/texture on this one

  • Nov 1, 2023


  • Nov 1, 2023
    1 reply

    I helped create artwork for Killer Mike's Netflix series from 2019, "Trigger Warning"

    Worked as a designer at a film/creative studio in Atlanta. Bunch of rap artists passing through that studio

    There was one episode of Mike's series where they asked me to make artwork for a fake dollar bill of his fake concept country "New Africa." This is the design I made which they printed and used,

    according to his own request of using his wife Shay as the presidential icon, and making the bill valued at "1 million Shays":

  • feelin the urge to draw one of my vandals

  • Nov 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Believe it or not, I know exactly what you mean. I've had trouble getting into digital painting too simply because I get overwhelmed with the unlimited tools/options and ended up not doing anything, lol. To me it feels like when you open Netflix and don't know what to watch despite there definitely being a lot of things you could watch.

    With physical mediums there is that permanence you mention and it limits the overthinking I do - not to mention some of the stuff you can do is easier irl.

    I got a Intuos Wacom years ago, never really used it. Blamed it the lack of convenience and the small delay/lag. Got an iPad + Pencil last year, also haven't used it much despite it being more convenient. Most of the time I don't know what to draw or I spent days looking for the "best" brushes only to endlessly doodle different strokes and realize the brushes didn't magically make a difference like I thought they would.

    I think I just just need to force myself to make something and be constant with it so I get more and more "practice" until I feel more comfortable with it.

    Perfect way to describe it man. It’s very easy to get stuck in the mindset of “this must be the ‘secret’ to getting that exact effect I saw somewhere else or just making it look good” only for the effect to not be nearly as pronounced as you hoped it would be. The digital medium is one that demands so much more confidence to be competent in than traditional because of the excess of freedom, so you need to know how to set your own confines within the software to a particular set of tools, and acquiring proficiency with them.

    Additionally you have to be willing to accept that digital art will always be identifiably digital. You spend so much time trying to imitate the look and feel of traditional when in truth nothing will come close to it. The stroke, jittery lines, and natural filters you get with hand to paper is something that can’t be reproduced on a digital screen and the sooner you accept that and embrace the confines of digital work, the better off you’ll be.

  • Nov 1, 2023

    I helped create artwork for Killer Mike's Netflix series from 2019, "Trigger Warning"

    Worked as a designer at a film/creative studio in Atlanta. Bunch of rap artists passing through that studio

    There was one episode of Mike's series where they asked me to make artwork for a fake dollar bill of his fake concept country "New Africa." This is the design I made which they printed and used,

    according to his own request of using his wife Shay as the presidential icon, and making the bill valued at "1 million Shays":

    Never seen it but the inflation of a country to even have the necessity of a damn 100000 bill gotta be insane

  • Nov 2, 2023
    · edited

    Perfect way to describe it man. It’s very easy to get stuck in the mindset of “this must be the ‘secret’ to getting that exact effect I saw somewhere else or just making it look good” only for the effect to not be nearly as pronounced as you hoped it would be. The digital medium is one that demands so much more confidence to be competent in than traditional because of the excess of freedom, so you need to know how to set your own confines within the software to a particular set of tools, and acquiring proficiency with them.

    Additionally you have to be willing to accept that digital art will always be identifiably digital. You spend so much time trying to imitate the look and feel of traditional when in truth nothing will come close to it. The stroke, jittery lines, and natural filters you get with hand to paper is something that can’t be reproduced on a digital screen and the sooner you accept that and embrace the confines of digital work, the better off you’ll be.

    "excess of freedom" is such a good way to put it, I'm going to have to steal that bc that's one of my biggest ops.

    This might sound like a dumb revelation, but reading your second paragraph, maybe it's best to see digital art as its own medium instead of trying to emulate traditional art? It at least removes a layer of expectation (I know I've tried to emulate water colors with poor results lmao).

    But going back to the initial topic, I don't think you should give up on it. Maybe you could take a break or even incorporate both traditional and digital together since your traditional stuff is really good too.

    tbh, I miss KTT1 where we had an actual creative section and there were a ton more people posting - it was inspiring/motivating, lol.

  • Nov 15, 2023
  • Nov 17, 2023

    i found a pretty popular and growing youtube channel that might need some animations. might be a great opportunity for anyone who likes to draw, idk if theyll pay but either way its a chance to display your skills

  • Nov 20, 2023

    Just something fun.

  • Nov 21, 2023

    I was careless and got the paper all wet and wrinky so I basically have no choice but to scrap this lol. Also, I finally got a scanner so hooray.

  • Nov 22, 2023
    2 replies

    finally picked this poster of my vandal BOMBR back up a few days ago. i can see issues with it but it's alright ig so ill press on anyway

    edit: just about finished the sketch
    edit2: ok NOW its done

  • Nov 22, 2023
    4 replies

    My friend is working on a tv show

  • Luciano Schwartz

    My friend is working on a tv show


    damn thats some cool s***
