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  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    was kinda questioning the estate's order of rolling out these remaster/collections but i'm guessing they probably wanted the landmark projects out first. and yes we need those 85-87 period works so i can complete my unreleased album configurations among other enjoyments lmao

    absolutely that's what I assumed they were doing with these boxsets. Do you see them reissuing a purple rain boxset that's similar to the 1999/SOTT set? Seen some people asking for a proper PR boxset

  • Jan 26, 2021

    had no idea the gawd had a thread

  • Jan 26, 2021

    i still think we need a whole sxn tho

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    absolutely that's what I assumed they were doing with these boxsets. Do you see them reissuing a purple rain boxset that's similar to the 1999/SOTT set? Seen some people asking for a proper PR boxset

    i'd love it if they redid the purple rain set. that remaster was lousy af. plus the transfers for some of the b-sides on the 2nd disc were faulty(namely the 12" version of Erotic City which still hasn't been fixed)

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Far from one of my fav prince releases but one of his strongest intros fr

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    i'd love it if they redid the purple rain set. that remaster was lousy af. plus the transfers for some of the b-sides on the 2nd disc were faulty(namely the 12" version of Erotic City which still hasn't been fixed)

    preaching the gospel, those remasters were just useless u can hardly even call them a remaster plus i feel they fumbled the bag to an extent with what they chose for the vault tracks, how didn't they include the 1982 demos of baby i'm a star or raspberry beret? screams of passion?

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Far from one of my fav prince releases but one of his strongest intros fr

    not even an exaggeration but this is honestly top 1 underrated prince tracks, s*** is f***ing CHAOS in the best way

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    preaching the gospel, those remasters were just useless u can hardly even call them a remaster plus i feel they fumbled the bag to an extent with what they chose for the vault tracks, how didn't they include the 1982 demos of baby i'm a star or raspberry beret? screams of passion?

    do you think we'll ever get a proper reissue of the SOTT era tracks that were featured on the Crystal Ball comp

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    not even an exaggeration but this is honestly top 1 underrated prince tracks, s*** is f***ing CHAOS in the best way

    it’s so agressive with how it opens with an acapella track if the chorus. It demands your attention immediatly and then any expectation you had is satisfied the second the drums and sitar kick in. it’s a total earworm and one if my top 5 prince chunes

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    do you think we'll ever get a proper reissue of the SOTT era tracks that were featured on the Crystal Ball comp

    i doubt it tbh if we do it won't be for years, they weren't willing to reissue any camille or dream factory sets which fans had/have been begging for for what seems like 15-20 years, i was hoping we got a code for people who bought the boxset that directed us to download a crystal ball comp that was arranged but i take the L on that one

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    it’s so agressive with how it opens with an acapella track if the chorus. It demands your attention immediatly and then any expectation you had is satisfied the second the drums and sitar kick in. it’s a total earworm and one if my top 5 prince chunes

    what's in your top 5 man?

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    i doubt it tbh if we do it won't be for years, they weren't willing to reissue any camille or dream factory sets which fans had/have been begging for for what seems like 15-20 years, i was hoping we got a code for people who bought the boxset that directed us to download a crystal ball comp that was arranged but i take the L on that one

    it'd just be nice to have all the tracks together in one place yk I CAN ONLY DREAM

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    it'd just be nice to have all the tracks together in one place yk I CAN ONLY DREAM

    having to assemble and pull tracks from the SOTT boxset and the crystal ball unreleased comp just to make Dream Factory they couldn't even give us a seperate disc

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    what's in your top 5 man?

    it’s a tough call honestly but off the top of my head my favorites rn would be

    erotic city
    Right back here in my arms
    Glam Slam
    Alphabet St


  • Jan 26, 2021

    ^list changes everyday

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    having to assemble and pull tracks from the SOTT boxset and the crystal ball unreleased comp just to make Dream Factory they couldn't even give us a seperate disc

    i would actually scream if Prince Estate decides to issue Camille as an RSD release or something

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    it’s a tough call honestly but off the top of my head my favorites rn would be

    erotic city
    Right back here in my arms
    Glam Slam
    Alphabet St



  • Jan 26, 2021
    Camille Golightly


    you already know

    Lovesexy is fire all together

  • Jan 26, 2021
    Sir Swagalot

    i would actually scream if Prince Estate decides to issue Camille as an RSD release or something

    im still holding out hope that we get a debut boxset or even a pre-debut collection but idk how likely that is considering alot of the masters and tapes aren't in the greatest condition for release

  • Jan 27, 2021

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww p**** control

  • Jan 27, 2021

    Gold Experience really restoring the feeling rn

  • Feb 5, 2021

    what is your P top 5?

    1) Pink Cashmere
    2) I Would Die 4 U
    3) Adore
    4) 17 Days
    5) It's Gonna Be Lonely

  • Feb 8, 2021

    Eye Hate U

  • Feb 8, 2021

    top 5 right now no order

    Erotic City
    Anna Stesia
    Sometimes It Snows In April
    Private Joy

  • Feb 8, 2021

    the short ass dirty guitar solo at the end of eye hate u is brilliant.

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