punch blocked me on twitter because i told him his music is s*** and to relase his artists albums
punch blocked me on twitter because i told him his music is s*** and to relase his artists albums
you dont say
i know it’s a joke but
starboy rollout was so tight and cohesive
Yeah, but The Weeknd always comes back with hits. It makes it easier.
punch blocked me on twitter because i told him his music is s*** and to relase his artists albums
Sounds like a good reason to block someone
Those AWGE volumes that usually dropped before the Cozy Tapes were pretty dope, combo of snippets/freestyles/random vids from the time
punch blocked me on twitter because i told him his music is s*** and to relase his artists albums
Damn wonder why he blocked u
IMO Uzi had it right through to LIR2, drop loosies on SC, snippets on Twitter and IG. Do lives every month or so and build the hype steadily. Some of those snippet vids from LIR through LIR2 era are engrained in my brain forever