Every time a remotely good game has dropped this year the review or discourse has been game of the year lol hifi rush, hogwarts legacy, re4 remake. He going to have to get used to hearing hyperbole
I'm partial to this since it was my fav game of all time growing up. that eventually became persona 3, then last year it became elden ring. so personally, I'm eating, esp since P3 getting a remake in the next 5 years too
I’m 2 hours in and I’m so satisfied
The haptics on ps5 are great
People overreacted to the frame rate and graphic issues
The 3D audio is terrifying with some decent headphones
The changes to the game make it feel so fresh. I played the first half of RE4 again like 2 months ago so I can see the changes in real time
glad someone else pointed out the audio. like it alone is an innovative achievement idgaf what people talmbout
Sorry for spamming lol I’m just hype
I get constant 70fps on basically ultra settings with a RTX 3060. I’m noticing this complaint about games having frame rate issues have gotten out of hand with this generation of gamers. Is everyone still gaming on Xbox 360s and ps4s or something? I’ve yet to experience a game that people claim had bad frame rate problems in the way they described them. The only time I even drop frames is during the 4K cutscenes and those are locked to 30fps p sure lol
Sorry for spamming lol I’m just hype
I get constant 70fps on basically ultra settings with a RTX 3060. I’m noticing this complaint about games having frame rate issues have gotten out of hand with this generation of gamers. Is everyone still gaming on Xbox 360s and ps4s or something? I’ve yet to experience a game that people claim had bad frame rate problems in the way they described them. The only time I even drop frames is during the 4K cutscenes and those are locked to 30fps p sure lol
I feel like my RTX 3070 was taking a hit but could have been ram or just demo.
I feel like my RTX 3070 was taking a hit but could have been ram or just demo.
Well I couldn’t even launch the demo at all and apparently it was horribly optimized. I almost didn’t buy the game cause I wasn’t sure it would even launch lol. I’m only at like chapter 4 tho so maybe there’s areas that’ll be more graphically intense
man i was running around blasting fools for 5 minutes not realizing i just needed to find the key and open a door and run out of there. the enemies felt endless. i legit wiped out my whole inventory
man i was running around blasting fools for 5 minutes not realizing i just needed to find the key and open a door and run out of there. the enemies felt endless. i legit wiped out my whole inventory
lol infinite enemies in games used to be so huge. It would be hard to tell if moving forward would change it. The darkness had a moment like this
man i was running around blasting fools for 5 minutes not realizing i just needed to find the key and open a door and run out of there. the enemies felt endless. i legit wiped out my whole inventory
Classic RE4 rookie mistake
It’s happened to us all
Classic RE4 rookie mistake
It’s happened to us all
the combat is the rewarding part so sometimes you dont want to run and save ammo when you can kill then pick up their ammo
Are the shooting range charm rewards random? I just got one that makes my knife repairs 30% cheaper holy s*** clutch af to get this early.
Beat el gigante and already have a fully upgraded red9
Are the shooting range charm rewards random? I just got one that makes my knife repairs 30% cheaper holy s*** clutch af to get this early.
Beat el gigante and already have a fully upgraded red9
F*** I thought they were just cosmetic and I can’t get back to the lake now
F*** I thought they were just cosmetic and I can’t get back to the lake now
Idk if the remake is the same but there was a shooting range in the castle in the og too
Idk if the remake is the same but there was a shooting range in the castle in the og too
Oh thank god
Lol I’m taking a L cos I’m enjoying it now. Just fought the two chainsaw women. S*** was intense. I feel like Ashley adds a fresh dynamic to the gameplay loop
best game i’ve played since elden ring. re2 remake brought me back to gaming and re4 remake is keeping me here
Lol I’m taking a L cos I’m enjoying it now. Just fought the two chainsaw women. S*** was intense. I feel like Ashley adds a fresh dynamic to the gameplay loop
bro was still in the first area writing paragraph reviews
Glad you came around